
Chapter 212: Tiffany, Part 1

"Would you get away from me?" I bat at Geni's hands, but she bats right back. She's driving me crazy, wanting to rub all over my belly today. "It's fucking annoying when you do that."

"But I want to feel him move," she whines and moves in for the kill again. This time, I don't bother fighting her off. Whatever. If she wants to give me a belly massage, I'll let her. But if she even gets close enough when some pregnancy gas moves in, I'm not warning her in advance, nor am I holding it in. That'll teach her.

Besides, waiting for my opportunity to crop dust her gives me the distraction I need. I love coming to games, but at thirty-weeks pregnant, it's not as fun anymore, even in the box, which I hate. But it's a better choice than in the stands these days. The chairs are uncomfortable; the noise is unbearable; and I've already thrown up once.

We've only gotten through the first half so far. This is going to be a long game.