
Author's POV

Rain splattering on the windshield of the Rolls Royce Phantom VIII was what her blue irises noticed on the pulsating streets of Brooklyn. Cars have always fascinated her but this one in particular got Emery Dekker reminiscing the past. It was as if in a flash she was taken 2 years back when life had taken a toll on her. The Dekker girl had been an extrovert before the incident, but now she had nothing to do with people, almost as if she was 'claustrophobic' and the main reason behind it had been the said Rolls Royce. The day had been nothing but a fog of her memory now but it was the cursed day on which Emery lost the 2 people that genuinely cared about her. Her parents. It was an accident they say, but no one was harmed apart from the 3. Emery stayed in the coma for 6 months and every day she saw the same lady. The lady had black orbs, and shiny pin straight hair. Her heart shaped lips always whispered one thing which haunted Emery up to date. The words were unclear but she got shivers up her spine every time she thought of it.

Emery Dekker had never been a scaredy cat. Doing the Bloody Mary and Red Book rituals was her hobby but none of them deprived her of sleep the way the lady in her dreams did. Amidst her train of thoughts, Emery did not see the trio and crashed into them. Wide eyed, the three of them stared at each other and then at her, like she had grown 2 heads. The elder one or so she thought was the elder one held her scrutinizing gaze and spoke monotonously, "Who are you? Is this Chanel's another trap to get us? Because you let her known to stay the hell away from us"

Now it was her turn to look at him as if he had grown 2 heads. Who was Chanel? Why would she set a trap for them-

"I see you have met my mundie friend" the venomous voice that cut her thoughts belonged to no other than the woman who had been haunting her dreams. This was Chanel Preston, the Siren Queen who got pleasure seeing humans at unease but this one in particular stroke her interest and she was more than willing to transfer a piece of her soul to the poor naïve girl and conquer the world and make it evil. The smirk on Chanel's face was enough to send Emery shivering and get cold all over. The worst part? It was just the beginning.

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