
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 The Fake one and The Broken One.

while Ozpin and Glynda is talking to each other and Ozpin warn Glynda of what Sync semblance is, Ruby and Him are kinda just decide to watch the tv, and with him finally decide to stand up after staying in bed for more than an hour.

with him walking out, there actually no one to stop them, not even the nurse, well, there no nurse, and his injury is very light! just an optional head trauma! (tis is a joke)

also his body just heal very fast anyway, and being hunter is face with like... all the day injury, sometimes you have dead, they kinda used to it.

"so, you already got better... why do you stay in bed though handsome~?" Yang ask when the two of them(Ruby and Sync) leave the room, causing Sync to raise an eyebrow due to notice that she was, eavesdropping...

that bother him of course, though there not any of importance information he gave to Ruby, but the prospect of someone eavesdropping does cause of him to become wary around them.

"it comfortable" Sync answer, nice plain and simple word, it... kinda comfortable, consider he either, sleep on a log, on a plane, or on ground... he don't really have that much money didn't he?

(AN: Unrelated note but, the hospital bed is more comfortable than mine bed, which isn't a surprise I slept on the floor most of the time)

well, he is glad that he does have money to at least, by a scroll, though it cost like his lung or something... wonder if that just the cheapest one.

he shiver when he remembers buying the scroll, all his life saving, gone. as if he been scammed by the seller... he didn't get scammed right? he really wondering about that.

"soooooo you decide to stay on a bed that design to hold someone who sick or injured... because it comfortable?" Yang ask him, who just nodded as if it just merely a matter of fact.

"... well... how had you been sleeping? in the wild?" Yang ask, again feeling confused with how he can just go to a hotel to sleep on their bed, but no, he decide that a nursing bed is better.

"well, duh, I sleep in the wild all the time, what?" he ask them back when he saw them looking at him weirdly, he is confused on why they look at him like that, really putting a lot to reading their expression... they're open book tho.

"uh, Sync, do you know that we have a dome?" Ruby ask Sync this time who seem to be looking at her with a questioning look... she added "you don't know we have a dome?"

"yeeesss?" he drag his voice out, it not that he didn't know they have a dome, it literally explain in the paper, problem is, The fuck a dome? although he does know a lot of things his grandma teach him... there things that is called... common sense, he didn't get taught about it that much.

"Alright! let go to yours then!" Yang, who decide that going to Sync dome is a good idea, why? probably wanting to find something in his room... though that train of thought not gonna work cause Sync never freaking setting his foot into one!

"alright theeeeen" Sync, who don't know what to do, and really need to know where he slept during his time in beacon, is very curious about what would be in his room... knowing the headmaster, probably a bookshelves and a piano.

--"she left her place to go to the 'moon'"--

after wandering around for like 5 hours, and Sync getting lost due to not knowing which one is his dome, they finally arrived in from of his, room.

so it just like a military camp? Sync thought, not really thinking much of anything here, and he probably already know what inside, a bed, a fridge, a car.... nah the last one probably too far fetch. he sigh and put his scroll on the uh, transmit? the opener? goddamnit, keyhole.

the door open revealing a monochrome room with a piano in the middle, and a spectator chair a bit behind the piano, a fridge on the right, a door to the bathroom, and a door to the bedroom, his room look.... suspiciously big, which, make the two other girl who come with him thinking he a illegimate child of the headmaster or something... their hair too different, conclude the both of them.

meawhile Ozpin who notice a piano suddenly appearing in the middle of the room just decide to gave up and stop monitoring Sync due to his screen becoming a mosaic everytimes Sync appear on the screen.

{{AN: he can't be in a group picture}}

"wow, you even got a private piano! when did you get it in here?" Ruby, being the overly energetic girl she is immediately, but when she look at Sync she notice him seemingly to be holding something back from coming back up, as if he see something traumatic.

"so you play piano handsome~?" Yang ask Sync, didn't really notice how Sync act with her looking around the room with her eyes, she look everywhere, except where Sync is.

[detected Anomaly beyond the Crown of Knowledge]

[finding solution.....]

[foind solution, Playing t#% pi*no]

"how about you play us some song handsome~?" Yang who finally look at Stync noticing him being a bit pale, but seeming itching to do some piano play, really wondering if he can play it as good as he was wanting to play it...

and Ruby who notice the emotion change in Stync, seem to notice that he change from, Scared, to desperate, however her curiousity of seeing him played got the better of her and she decide against stopping Stync from playing.

Stync walk into the middle and sat down on the piano chair, before he start to play the desperate tune he remember from that strange dream of his, at first it start slow, as if everything is fine, but there is a bit of a spike in the sound, as if to say that to be always aware, and then, it start going faster, faster and faster, as if there is no time now, no nothing, only desperation to survive the night of today.

however, the more he play, the more he felt calm...? that... weird, he start to notice this anomaly before he look at his 3 spectator... 3? he notice it now, she was sitting there, dressing like someone from a victorian era, a veil covering her face, her fancy clothes cover her entire body... she gave off the feeling of something far away in the sky... like something of this world that had been broken... like the moon...

he continue to play for a while longer, before he finish it, the piano seem to be giving off another sound without him playing it, and the woman come close to him and, as if teaching him something, she start to play with her hand cover his...

Yang and Ruby, now noticing someone else beside them inside this room, seem to want to told the woman to go out, however, they can't move, as if something, a semblance maybe, holding them in place, Yang frown, starting to feel angry over the woman.

{White -5}

while Ruby seem curious as if wanting to ask if the woman is Stync piano teacher or something, and when did she get a permit to enter an off limit place.

{white -5}

Stync now noticing that the woman want him to play a specific sound, follow and with the woman going back seated while holding her strange cane, he play the song she want and she nodded before leaving the room.... and disappear, becoming the moon.

after she leave, Stync breath roughly, she gave off the same feeling as them, those "Things" that enter his dream...

{Black -20}

he sigh, not matter... as long as it doesn't hurt him.... he should try to find a way to protect his mind from them... sure his Semblance might actually stopping them, at the same time he might uh, lost a lot of friend in the process, and there no gurantee they would stop appearing...

"is that your piano teacher?" Yang ask, her voice clearly holding an anger, but when she follow her outside, the woman disappear, as if she was never exist in the first place, which make her angrier.

"No, they're... something else..." he answer her, with the adrenaline of desperation finally leave through his body, he finally manage to calm himself down, he might gave himself a credit for holding an urge to scream and go apeshit...

"from the way you speak it as if you didn't register them as hu...man... you joking right?! SHE A GHOST!?" Ruby, who is smiling until awhile ago finally notice Stync face when she ask as if he didn't think the woman is a human.

[Name of the D-01-105 had been reveal, II Pianto della Luna]

[II Pianto della Luna had been added to Floor of Keter]

"yah... they very much real, I know a lot of them, an warrior, a soldier, and a simple woman... honestly, a lot of them is just some people who died when something terrible happen... of course they are not the same as the pianist woman who just leave.... that things shouldn't even be called a ghost.... something like..." he think of a word to put them in, something that as if living in their own small room of rules... as if everything would go the way they wanted....


"No, worse than that" he answer whoever said that word, and thinking more and more until he arrived at a conclusion... a being that is so human yet not, and dangerous if not pleased, yet also dangerous even if it pleased...

"an Abnormality...." he spoke up as if finding a perfect name for them when he notice another 6 person who waiting at the front of his door.

"... is my room a hub now? you guys need a key?"


{AN: pleh, half of this chapter is make in china, anyway, there was this one person who carry this story with his 3 PS per day... I'm scared.}

Omake RWBY Chibi, with Stync.

a small red riding hood is rolling around the room when she notice a black blob of something in front of her, her eyes sparkling when she touch it, it gave off a gooing feeling as if touching a slime, she start to make a shape out of it, at first she want to make it be like a weapon, however she notice an eyes on it and it start to creep her out so she run to get her big sister, her big sister chuckle and look at the strange gooing black blob with interest when she notice an eyes open and close...

she have a good idea! how about making it into a new friend of their! so she called Blake and Weiss, now they start to shape it into their desire, at first they want to make it a girl but since they already have blake, they decide to make it a guys. after a while, they finish making it, and the black blob now look like a human, the first thing it do after it look around...

is goin back to being a goo.

they would come to later know that it have a connection to the internet, and they would regret knowing what the internet is in the near future.

{it basically felt like the world is fucked and it rather killed itself}

The black blob is Stync.

Just_A_Creaturecreators' thoughts