
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 meeting the Red and Yellow.

Stync, the young man with black hair and clothes look around the airship to see two girl seem to be talking with each other, he shrug before putting his trusty mask on his face, hoping to go to sleep soon.

however the moment he close his he heard a sound,


[Template have been activate]

he look at it for a moment, confused on what this is, however, he just account it as him being tired and too dizzy on the airship... consider his past experience with vechicle... yep he think it might be because he is, both tired and dizzy on around vechicle.

he decide to go to sleep.


"hey sis don't you think that guys look nice~?" The blonde hair girl that talk with her sister, Yang Xiao Long, asked her sister of the boy who look their ways for a moment... there a lot of people, but the one that stand out the most is the one she is pointing.

the black hair girl with a shade of red, Ruby Rose, look his way for a moment, before notice the mask on his face, there was no eyehole on the mask, but it feel like he was still looking around him... which is confusing for her.

"yeah..." she spoke, unconsciously toward her sister question, making her sister chuckle and tease her.

"what do you think about going out with him~?" Yang asked Ruby in a teasing manner, knowing well that her sister not take well with a teasing of relationship.

"YANG!" Ruby shouted toward Yang who still have that teasing smile on her face, and take on Ruby playful hit while laughing.

"Hmhp!" Ruby stop hitting Yang and look away from her, pouting, but... if she be honest, she is curious on what the man is doing...

so she move closer to him to listen to what he might be mumbling... and....

nothing... just, snoring, a peaceful snoring as if nothing really matter toward him.... she admit she doesn't feel like bothering him at all, however, her sister... might do someth-

before Ruby can finish her own thought, The Blonde hair female suddenly shake the boy.

"wakey wakey! there two beauty in front of you!" Yang while shaking Stync said so smiling, and chuckling as if it was funny toward her.

the boy open his eyes a little before he took of the mask, his black eyes and healthy pale skin with his nose a bit sharp and his confused face... he look at Yang then, at Ruby.

"one look like she belong to a circus, while the other one would definitely land me in jail" is all he said before he put the mask back on and close sleep, to be fair, Yang was bothering his sleep time, and as it was said before, he have... problem with vechicle, especially motion sickness... thus make him a bit... moody... that not gonna stop Yang though.

Yang laugh before shaking him back up, his mask was hiding what his expression is... but it definitely something that along the line of annoyed and angry, she shake him for awhile before notice that he seem to be gesturing for her to stop with his hand, she did as he ask because he seem a bit... sick?

he was holding his mask before he suddenly holding his stomach, before he can holding it in...

"thank you for stopping... now, please do tell, what do you need from me?" Stync ask, though, unhappy, he decide that ignoring them won't work, so he asked them what they needed.

"nothing just my sis want to be friend with you~" Yang chuckle before pushing Ruby toward him, while Ruby glare at her sister before shyly greet Stync.

"Hello... my name is Ruby Rose..." she said, nervousness apparent in her voice and body language, she seem to be embarassed by her sister.

Stync sigh before looking at Yang and Ruby, he scrath his head before he put his hand out for a handshake.

"Deep breath and stabilize your breathing first, my name is Stync, though most people like to call me Sync instead, something about that extra t is unnecessary or something" he just greet her and add a bit of joke to lift the mood up.

"aw you won't greet me handsome~?" Yang being... Yang, told Stync while still smiling toward her sister who seem to be trying to take a deep breath and calm herself down, she notice that Stync told Ruby to calm down first instead of introducing himself, which, she is quite confused.

{AN: It not rude right?}

Ruby after calming herself down from the shocked that she got from being enroll early and meeting new people already, is grateful to Stync who offer her a word of advice.

she talk with Stync a bit while both of them ignore Yang the whole time, making the older sibling a bit... sad, not really she was glad that Ruby can talk to someone at the very least.

she smile while waiting for the ship to arrive at Beacon... while also chime on some conversation between the two of them, although she glad that Ruby got someone to talk to, she felt a bit lonely when the Riding Hood leave the house to deliver an apple just to met a wolf who actually kind to her... she look confused for a moment, but shrugged.

You see a song in front of you, it approaching coming closer by the seconds.

{AN: If you see a message that have nothing at all with the story, just think of it as a word I use for Timeskip transaction}

Stync notice a strange panel when they arrived at Beacon, he look at it to see... a word he been ignored.

[Welcome Host]

that is all it said, he seem to be trying to touch it, before it expand itself on his face.

[System Type: Template.

Owned Template:


Related Ability Template:

Patron Librarian of Keter Floor

Currency: 5]

he look at the panel in front of him, confused, but decide that it look too entertaining to be ignored now, so, he tab at the Owned Template.

once again a new panel appear explaining how to obtain a new template.

[To Obtain new Template, you need to either.

1. do a feat that would be consider Impossible, it can be anything small to something large{in the perspective of others, the risky the feat, the higher the chance to obtain new one}

2. randomly generate one through the spending of the currency]

he touch his chin, looking at it interested, before he was pull out of his thought by the sound of something explode near him.


AN:welcome to my realm, hello yello, bonjour, konichikiwii, so, this chapter is more of a prologue rather than a chapter, though it still in 1k word, this is just something I do because I have nothing to do so, next time I get idea is when the chapter are out, also, The Mc would get the Template next chapter, just, the first one is something I chose, the next one, I might throw it a random spin or something.

I wanna do something, but idk what I wanna do, also, I write when I want to, so the update schedule is basically a mess.


support me on my pat on or something idk.

Just_A_Creaturecreators' thoughts