
The Tartered Dragon - Aegon, Son of Baelon (OC-SI)

An man from our world is reborn in the world of ASOIAF and decides to make the best out of it through adventure yet it never is that easy, even for a third prince. OC-SI - Overlaps with HOTD.

Mosefboombox117 · Derivasi dari karya
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18 Chs

Chapter 11 Part 2


108 AC, Port Corinth

Gael Targaryen POV

Dinner was a raucous affair as they ate as a family with her boys throwing pieces of meat to Rex as always. Conversation flowed between herself, Aegon and their boys as they discussed this or that happening or interest like they always did most days.

Though, excited talks about riding their dragons grew more as time went on and it was conversation she disliked having. They were her little boys, and though she knew their dragons would not hurt their riders, she still feared for her boys.

The lessons she thought were a pain and excessive, boring and repeating lessons about checking saddles, whips and reins taught to her by her mother and Baelon and Aegon, were now all of a sudden grossly inadequate for her children and she made it a point to ensure her boys would know what to check and do to the point that she could be sure that it was as instinctive as breathing. 

She wasn't so concerned about dutiful and attentive Castorys, or Polaerys, who had a natural sense of cautiousness that made him seem older than his years, as she was about Valarr, whose curiosity about anything and everything made her concerned that he'd rush off one day without doing the proper checks.

But nevertheless, she was extremely happy with their boys who were all dutiful in the ways that mattered. And, much to her joy, they were as close as thieves, as close as her brothers Baelon and Aemon were said to have been as children. 

She would not say it to Aegon but she had feared for their sons, that they'd be distant from one another like how Aegon had been distant from his eldest brother and antagonistic with other elder brother.

She knew that there were circumstances that caused such distance, circumstances like the blame assigned by Daemon to Aegon for the death of Alyssa, or the magical memories Aegon bore since he was born of another life, mayhaps the future, that she knew had shaped Aegon as much as his estranged relations did with his father and brother, and she was relieved none such circumstances existed amongst her boys.

In any case, she thought to herself as she shook away the thoughts about Aegon's brothers who somehow still managed to be problematic despite their distance, to say that she was a happy mother would be understating it.

Well, as happy she could be, she thought to herself as the faint ache in her heart played up and her mind cast adrift to the child they'd lost.

'There should be eight of us' she thought to herself with a bitter note. 

She knew that to give safe birth to five children was a privilege that not many families were blessed with but that shard of sadness and pain wouldn't dislodge in her heart when she was around a table with all of her living children.

She finally agreed to Aegon's wishes to stop trying for another child then, something that she knew removed a heavy weight from his heart. 

Even when she'd been heavy with the twins, he'd been tense and afraid for her, so much so he'd sought out learned healers from Pentos to tend to her. A fear that never left him with every pregnancy.

She'd felt guilty, knowing that it was her desires to have a large family that inspired that fear in him but any time she thought the twins, or later Valarr would be enough, she'd see him play with the boys and that wish of her to have a large family kept haunting her and Aegon, as much as he could be single-minded and stubborn, could never deny her anything…not even if he hated it so.

But this time…she thought as her mind went back to her lost child…this time it was truly enough. There would be no more.

"Mama!" the childish voice of her youngest child broke her out of her reverie and she waved off the servant as she picked her not yet one nameday old son.

She set her son onto her lap which delighted the infant and dinner resumed.

After the children were sent to bed, she remained with Aegon in their apartment chamber as they waited until it was time for the council meeting.

"I read the letter." Aegon told her as he fished it out from his pocket and flicked it across the table. Her lips thinned as she stared at the letter as if it offended her.

Truthfully, it did offend her. 

She did not know how he could have the gall to write to Aegon. 

A Redwyne ship travelled to Lotus Port, Prince Jalla's seat, before making the journey towards Port Corinth. Prince Jalla's messenger arrived sooner than that ship and warned them about it. 

They'd had their people board the Redwyne ship before sending back on its way, refusing to even let them disembark from their ship. It mattered not to them that the messenger was a cousin of the Redwyne Lord. 

It wouldn't have even mattered if it was Viserys himself!

"And what does he want?" she asked curtly.

Aegon hummed as he began to tap against the hardwood table 

"He wants us to return."

Gael scoffed. "He wants us to return?!" she repeated with a higher note in her voice as her nostrils flared and her eyes blazing with fury.

She rose from her seat and began to pace angrily "After all that he did? Removing you from the line of succession" she turned to him and said snappishly "I know, it doesn't matter but he slighted you" before she paced again and almost growled out

"I can accept the excuse that he did it to protect Rhaenyra's inheritance but then he made it pointless when he chose marry that Hightower child, that of a second son no less, instead of remaining a widower like he ought to have been like Aemon and Baelon?!"

At this point she was vibrating with anger, hot burning anger and she stiffened when she felt his arms wrapped around her though moments later she slumped against him, her breathing still heavy.

She knew it was unfair, that neither Aemon or Baelon had been Kings then but she also truly believed that neither would have remarried, not even Aemon had he ascended to the throne.

Did Aemma matter less to Viserys than Alyssa or Jocelyn did to her brothers?

"Why does he want us to return?" she asked resigned and tired.

"He says wants his family close by and offered me the position of Master of Coin and the lands and lordship in the Crownlands I once refused." Aegon told her and she gently pushed against his heavy arms and he released her.

She turned around and looked at him. "Is that it? Does he think we are so easily bought?" she asked and shook her head. "And does he think he can play family after he killed Aemma?" she said harshly. Aegon's expression turned to a faint grimace.

Aemma didn't deserve the fate she got and she'd been absolutely heartbroken to hear Aemma died in childbirth, a fate that she knew Aemma feared and had resigned herself to. Aemma was as clever as she was kind and knew that Viserys desired a son above all else and Aemma would not deny Viserys whom she loved, a son.

Gael understood, of course she did. Dying on the birthing bed was a risk and a risk that was part of life, all women and men, high and common, knew this.

But Aemma's circumstances were different.

Her body was broken and the maesters knew this yet they and Viserys and to her shame, her father, never voiced out the truth of how dangerous it was for Aemma to keep trying and trying. And now, she was dead because of their lies and cruelty.

"And to offer Master of Coin." Gael scoffed. "If he really wanted mend the wound he'd offer at the very least the Hand of the King!"

"His wife's father is Hand of the King. Viserys isn't capable of that." Aegon pointed out calmly to her. She narrowed her eyes.

"As I said, if he wanted to mend the wound." Gael returned before pausing and eying her husband suspiciously "And why aren't you angry?"

"My love." Aegon said with raised eyebrows "You're angry enough for the pair of us as it is." Aegon raised his hands in surrender at her slitted violet eyes.

He sighed before he continued to speak "I expected something like this from Viserys." He looked her directly in the eyes as he spoke "With Daemon fighting in the Stepstones with the Velaryons and the financial backing of Braavos, I wouldn't be surprised if there are those at Kings Landing whispering poison in Viserys' ears." 

Gael shook her head "Daemon is many things but he wouldn't do anything to Viserys" she denied firmly. Daemon's redeeming quality was that when he loved those he loved, he loved them fiercely. And Viserys? 

Daemon would face Vhagar with Dark Sister in hand alone rather than harm Viserys.

Though…she privately mused to herself darkly, removing Daemon from the line of succession likely would have set her tempestuous nephew into a hot rage.

And men, when they were angered and slighted, could do anything. Even to brothers.

Daemon fighting in the Stepstones to carve out his own kingdom using the pretences of clearing out the islands of pirates was very much, at least, partly as a consequence of Viserys' actions. 

She hoped Daemon would be content with a Kingdom of his own.

"I agree." Aegon said with a grim smile before he sighed and closed his eyes with a pained expression on his face. "And I do not think Viserys would completely believe that Daemon would threaten his position as King. But Viserys is alone in Kings Landing, surrounded by those that would seek to instil chaos and doubt at the expense of our House." He finished moments before he reopened his mismatching eyes.

She was taken aback by the comment before she frowned with concern when she realised it was true. Viserys was the only the adult Targaryen in Westeros, a dragonless Targaryen at that. She realised for the first time that her family's hold on the Realm was truly weak even if it was stable, for now, especially with Daemon as mercurial as he is and Viserys far too stubborn to recognise his need for Daemon.

"So you think Viserys truly needs us home?"

Aegon said nothing for a few moments before he sighed and peered at her. 

She knew then that yes, Viserys did need them. But still…

"Tell me. Please."

"Yes. He needs us. But it won't matter because he won't change his mind." Aegon told her and there were rare tangs of bitterness in his voice.

"What do you mean?" 

"Viserys neglected to write it but he has a son by Alicent now. The sailors of the Redwyne ship proudly mentioned it to some of our people." Aegon said grimly to her and her eyes widened before she shook her head almost despondently.

"No…he's not keeping Rhaenyra as heir, is he?"

"The sailors confirmed that Rhaenyra is still heir and Aegon was born last year."

She sat back down. "Does he know what he is doing?" A son always came before a daughter, even a daughter from a first marriage. 

If her father had to call a Great Council to settle the debate on the matter of inheritance to stave off civil war because he knew his choice would not settle the issue, a great King that everyone respected and ruled for almost half a century by then, what was Viserys thinking in ignoring the laws and customs of Westeros?

Aegon sat across from her. "Mayhaps he thinks the oaths sworn by the nobles is enough." She looked up and saw his contemptuous face that settled into grimness.

"Mayhaps he doesn't want to anger Daemon any further by stripping his son from ascending to the throne as King Consort" That was right, Gael thought to herself as she remembered that betrothal and she groaned internally at the mess of their family. 

"Or mayhaps he is blinded by guilt not seeing that he was doing greater harm by keeping her heir the moment he chose to remarry and begotten a son." He finished.

She said nothing for a good while, her mind awhirl with so many different things. Her father had not been the best of fathers. He loved her but he had no time for her nor her wishes. 

He made mistakes, many of them, and she knew that their family had suffered greatly due to his choices and pride – even now, Saerra wouldn't respond to her letters, her hate of their family was that strong – but one thing she could honestly say was that his duty to the Realm was the most important thing to him.

Beyond even mother.

And Viserys was failing his duty and more importantly their House by not seeing the problems he was causing now and many years later. Especially since he married a daughter of the most powerful and wealthy family in the Reach, even if she was a daughter of a second son of that House, who would not stand idle and let another not of their blood inherit the throne.

In the years since their departure, she'd read a few of Aegon's books, books that spoke of the rise and falls of kingdoms, and discussed them a few times with her husband. A most dangerous time for a Kingdom, its ruling bloodline and the people themselves was when the succession was unclear.

What Viserys was doing was utterly and incomprehensibly dangerous.

She looked up and met his gaze and said nothing as she studied his expression.

It was expressionless, as it so often was when it came to difficult things, but she could see the faint traces of tension in his body, like he's wound and waiting to be sprung at a moment's notice. 

"You don't want to be involved, do you?" she asked quietly and knowingly, and a heaviness settled in her chest. Aegon's blank expression broke and he spoke.

"I don't." he admitted to her and she could hear the trace of guilt in his voice but there was also steel in there that made it clear that he wouldn't be moved into acting.

"Our children" she whispered as she looked at her clenched hands.

"Our children." Aegon confirmed with no guilt apparent in his voice.

She was not willing to involve their children in this mess. She could not imagine the awfulness Kings Landing must be now. Even at the best of times, it could be a terrible place for a child, especially a child that had the court's eyes on them.

Aegon had felt it plenty and even she had been party to it even if she had been shielded by her mother mostly. 'Dim Gael', 'Frightful little girl', 'Are we sure she's the Queen's daughter? Alyssa and Viserra were much more like the Queen'. 

She forcefully withdrew her mind from those hurtful memories.

Her heart ached for Rhaenyra. She must feel so alone. One and ten namedays old and she was without a mother and all of the scheming eyes of the realm were on her. 

And her baby brother, whom she should be cherishing and doting on, was from the moment of his birth a danger to her position, regardless if she ought to have been chosen as heir or not, all because of the folly of her father.

Gael shook her head even as the guilt gnawed at her heart. 

"I feel terrible…but I don't wish to involve us either" she whispered pained. 

She heard Aegon get up and crouched beside her and took hold of her hands.

"I'm sorry." Aegon told her sincerely and she gazed upon him. She saw the resignation etched on his face and it was devastating. 

She could only imagine how he must feel.

And yet, she knew that her parents, Baelon and Alyssa would despair a thousand times worse with the state of their House. 

She smiled weakly as she brought up their hands and gently kissed the top of his knuckles. "I know…I am too" she said with glazy eyes before she shook her head and sighed heavily "I could truly use some good news" she said heavily and looked at Aegon meaningfully. Like news from the West she thought to herself.

Aegon's expression lost its guilt and in its place rare uncertainty took hold.

"If only." Aegon reluctantly voiced out as he got up and gently lifted her up. "I don't think we can be sure either way for some time yet." Aegon told her.

Gael didn't like hearing that nor the doubt in Aegon's voice.

She didn't like hearing that they might have sent their people to death, people who almost worshipped them, people who they sold a dream to. 

Aegon had promised them many things, but most importantly new safe lands that would put Dragonstone to shame when he'd convinced their people to come.

And Aegon had been so sure that there were lands out in the West of the Summer Isles when he'd come back from the Summer Isles after he'd won Prince Jalla Walano.

Admittedly, she was very excited too, the ideas of being the first to find new lands and the opportunity to carve something out for them and their family was enticing.

She'd seen the copies of ancient and historical maps of the Summer Islanders of the western and some of the eastern coastline of Sothoryos, and it was the western coastline that taken Aegon's interest. 

Whilst the western coastline hadn't been followed all the way down, Aegon had seen enough, something, in those maps that made him believe with certainty that there were lands beyond the Known World in the West.

And thirteen moons ago, Aegon ordered the exploration of the West with captains trained on how to use Aegon's secretive inventions, compasses and far seeing Far-Eyes, each mission going further and further before returning with observations of the way the ocean moved – 'the ocean moves in certain ways, Gael, ways and we can find our new home by riding those movements' – all whilst using the Targaryen Islands as a base to replenish their supplies or to make repairs.

To get to the Targaryen Islands from Port Corinth took over two moons' travel whilst thus far, from the Targaryen Islands onwards, the sailors had explored straight or as near straight lines north-west, west and south-west.

With compasses ensuring that the sailors never lost their way, on board of ships built sturdier than even Ibbanese whaling ships, and each exploration mission carefully planned and distances measured, they'd approximately determined that there was nothing West for distance of two moons' journey.

The seas were more dangerous as well, instead of the calmer Narrow Sea or the Summer Sea, with the sailors admitting they felt like the waters of the Sunset Sea shook and heaved and pushed against their ships like no other sea though there were some signs of calmer waters if you sharply went south after one and a half moon's travel north-west position.

Despite the disappointing news, they'd still had hope that they'd find something, and so did Captain Bryce who'd suggested they go four moons' journey west and then south which Aegon agreed with and allowed. They'd hoped that the compasses and provisions would help and ensure to prevent ships being lost and lost at sea.

As the moons ticked over, that hope was dwindling. 

West was not the only option but it was the best option if they were going to settle anywhere unless they returned to Westeros. Moraq, a large island in the Jade Sea was the second best option whilst the valleys of the Painted Mountains and the northern tip of the former Kingdom of Sarnor were distant third and fourth options.

Each of the second, third and fourth option had their own challenges but only Moraq was an option she thought was good enough. It was lightly populated and the city of Faros did not boast more than fifty thousand people.

Essos however? 

Aegon believed the challenges they'd face there would never end, should they need to settle there, so much so they'd be forced to create an empire to ensure the safety of their family and their people. And with that came with their despise of slavery which she knew would make them instant enemies of the ruling classes should they do anything to combat the practice in the lands they ruled.

'And Empires of so many peoples never last long, least of an empire that would be considered an heir to what most Essosi consider to have been a blight of Planetos.'

She sighed. Mayhaps they could reach an agreement with Prince Jalla and the other Princes and Princesses to permanently settle in Corinth or elsewhere in the Isles.

"But I do not think they have died. The seas may have forced them on a longer route." Aegon said soothingly and that was the end of their conversation about it.

Hours Later…

Her eyes swept across the council table as she sat by Aegon's side. There were seven other men within the council chambers, each of them performing one aspect that helped run the home and the businesses they created for themselves.

Normally, nothing necessitated them meeting like this given that their lands were well run but there were a number of points of import that needed to be discussed, especially the one point that filled her with a burning anger she'd not felt since both sides of their family began to muster men only days after the death of her brother Baelon. 

Her hands clenched tightly under the table as her heart ached at her dark thoughts.

She knew what would need to happen, she'd discussed long enough with Aegon to know it has to happen lest their invite further attacks on their people but she hated that he'd have to go and she feared for him. Memories of her brothers dying unbefitting and sudden deaths played on her mind. Anything could happe-

She was pulled out of her dark thoughts as she felt warm calloused hands on top of her right fist and she turned to her right. Aegon was not looking at her but somehow had known of her inner turmoil. She eased herself. 

Thankfully her expression hadn't changed and she pushed those thoughts aside for now, instead refocusing on the meeting at hand.

She glanced at Banneth Stally, a Dragonstone native of Westerosi and Valyrian descent, was the Master of Ships and the man who oversaw the building and maintenance of ships whilst also working with Aegon and the other shipwrights to make improvements in the ship designs.

Opposite Stally was Illero Sorros, a man of Braavosi descent, and was the Chief Builder and Master of Masonry. All other builders directly reported into him and was responsible for the construction of homes and protecting the secrets of liquid stone production.

Next to Sorros was Bodrin, a farmer's son from the Crownlands that came to Dragonstone years before they left in search for better opportunities, having had served as a sailor before becoming the Master of Agriculture when they settled in Wallano. He oversaw their plantations like the most profitable ones like cinnamon, tobacco and pepper alongside their food crops that fed Corinth and the few neighbouring Summer Islander villages.

On the other side of the table and sitting nearest to Aegon was Edwyn formerly Rivers, now of House Hestatis, and was the Grand Scholar of Corinth.

Edwyn, a former acolyte of Elysar and whom Aegon had spent much time with when he'd been a boy, was a man whose duties were too many to list and was by and large the man who Aegon valued the most amongst their people. 

At times, she wondered if he pressed Edwyn to marry Clarissa, a dragonseed girl, just so that his friend's line wouldn't end.

Beside Edwyn was Tregyn Fororlan, a Volantene alchemist. He was the Master of the Mysteries, or as their people called him the Prince's Warlock.

It was not an undue name. Out of the four alchemists Aegon managed to coax out of Volantis on the return journey to Dragonstone after winning Prince Jalla's seat back, Fororlan was the most capable…and by far the most dangerous. 

She did not like the man and his piercing dark blue eyes that looked almost dark violet under certain lights, did not settle her.

Aegon knew of her dislike and suspicions of the man and though he never dismissed them, she knew that until the man gave reasons beyond ill feelings, that Aegon would not cast him out. Aegon valued the man too much and she grudgingly had to admit that the alchemist was undeniably valuable…at least to Aegon. 

Their progress in the arcane proven that much.

The other two seats were filled by Galaenys Qargaris and Maerro Calneareon, Aegon's commanders for the royal army that was five thousand strong. They also oversaw the training of the commonfolk who were required to learn how to fight by Aegon's decree. 

She herself was here not only as Lady of Corinth but also as the steward of her family and that of Corinth. It started back on Dragonstone where Aegon had encouraged her to be well versed and be as capable as any in the matters of budget, coin and accounts. 

There were many evenings on Dragonstone where she'd sat and listened and learned and was tested on accounts and numbers and balances, and had not felt such high demands on her since she'd been ten namedays old and even then, it had not compared to what Aegon had asked of her.

It paid off, of course. So few people who'd left with them from Westeros were trained in any form of stewardship since nearly none had noble bearings of import and not just anyone could be trusted in such matters of wealth and coin. 

"Baerros." Aegon began as they settled within the council chambers, his low rumbling voice naturally drew all attention towards him. His mismatching eyes bore down onto Baerros who bowed his head under her husband's gaze.

There were not many could hold her husband's gaze.

Her husband had only grown in the years they'd left, not only in physical stature but in presence as well. 

The piercing gaze honed, the bearded face made of marble stone that accompanied a tall strong frame that reminded her so much of Aemon who'd always seemed like a mountain to her growing up, created an air about Aegon that made people naturally defer to him. The whispers of the Conqueror reborn amongst the Dragonstone faithful were not made without support. 

If only those were the only whispers that were uttered amongst their people.

"My Prince." Sallan Baerros answered as he straightened out a little.

Sallan Baerros was a dark-haired clean-faced man with dull brown-green eyes. 

Baerros, a man in his mid-twenties and of short stature and of thin frame, was a forgettable looking olive-skinned man at first and even with a second glance. 

Yet it was neither his physique or his plain looks or his bloodline that made the man a valued member of the Council, no, it was his mind for the art of Trade and his knack for being able to deliver or provide what Aegon wanted without fail.

Baerros had joined them on Dragonstone in 102 AC by paying a due on one of the rare few caravan missions they'd sent to Norvos and Qohor after the then nine and ten years of age Baerros had run afoul of both his patriarch and one of the leading noble families which holds deep ties to the theocratic leadership of the Free City.

Norvos was a queer place, where priests ruled the Free City and held the citizenry accountable to their faith and anyone charged with breaching covenant with the faith, was either punished through whipping or put to death should the crime be deemed only payable by death.

And had Baerros stayed, he'd been whipped many times after his crimes that the man had confessed to her, and then later, Aegon. 

Baerros participated in a scheme to sell textiles with the branding that belonged to the most renowned textile producing families to the other cities, earning a fortune by the time he was nine and ten years of age. 

Unfortunately for him and his compatriots, the patriarch of his House was not at all pleased when he caught wind of it and outed Sallan to the patriarch of the Naeraan family, the family who Sallan had gravely slighted.

According to Sallan, he'd made the mistake of paying his dues to the patriarch of his House, as was custom, and it was what started the inquisition that led to the downfall of their dishonest scheme – and Sallan's exile of his homeland.

Sallan had been sentenced to thirty lashes and the confiscation of his ill earnings, a sentence that his compatriots earned too as killing them would have had political ramifications for they too were of noble bearings even if most of them were only of branch Houses, but Sallan had known that it was only a matter of time before he found himself dead, either at the hands of the former compatriots or at the hands of the Naeraan family they'd wronged.

And so he left with the trade caravan that was heading to Braavos before joining them on the seaward journey to Dragonstone after having conversed with Aegon's traders for many moons, having decided that he could find a place there.

Gael was quite certain now that it was more that he feared that they could reach him and kill him in Braavos whereas at Dragonstone they'd be more likely to refrain from sending cutthroats.

Sallan Baeros arrived during Aegon's journey to Walano and sought audience with her. She found him desperate but she'd given him a chance and it was a chance that he'd taken with both of his hands. 

He'd proven his worth to her with his knowledge of the trade webs that existed within the Free Cities and when Aegon returned, the man only continued to prove his worth by succeeding when most would fail. And now that man was the Master of Trade and had helped to grow their trade routes substantially.

Baerros continued with a pleased note to his voice "The goods and coins carried by the first fleet returning from the trade mission to the Far East has been tallied in full." Sallan Baerros paused for a moment before a satisfied smile grew on his face.

Interest peaked amongst some of the council members. 

The journeys to Yi Ti and Leng the fleets were returning from were the first in a series of planned trade missions planned. The return was slightly delayed – they had to send a ship to Old Ghis, one of the planned stops the fleet went to before coming directly to Port Corinth, and warn them – but nevertheless everyone was curious to see how well it has performed.

Most of their trading over the past two years were consigned to Volantis and its towns, Lys and reluctantly the Slaver's Bay cities, who had an appetite for spices, specifically the spices nutmeg and cinnamon. 

And surprisingly for tobacco, a kind of herb that grew on the Isle of Women that when dried and its smoke inhaled gave a mild pleasant effect which was becoming popular amongst the noble families in cities like Astopor and Yunkai. 

The textiles and porcelain they traded since 100 AC was still an important part of their trade, two trades that employed most of the Dragonstone women, but now spices and herbs made up a larger and larger portion of their trade.

With Port Corinth situated some five miles inland from the mouth of the river Walu, south east of Tall Trees Town and the surrounding lands, which was thinly populated compared to the more populated north, under their control by verdict of Prince Jalla, in payment of Aegon's services rendered in retaking Walano from his usurping uncle, they were able to grow much in the fertile lands, especially with the successful techniques Aegon, Bodrin and Edwyn had developed which needed only a sixth of the town to farm.

More would have been needed but with agreement with Prince Jalla and the villages nearby, Corinth would build homes and roads using the liquid stone and employ the local Summer Islanders along with sharing the greater yield producing farming techniques with the rest of Walano. Thus far it has been a fruitful partnership.

Wheat, grain, fruits and vegetables were all growing plentiful on the farms inland to Corinth but beside them were also the plantations that in majority grew cinnamon, nutmeg and tobacco and it was what they traded the most.

They made much profit from these routes though they hardly used the income of the trading beyond the purchase of necessities like the materials Corinth needed for building or iron for the crafting of armour and weapons. 

Three-fifths of the population were former slaves and four-fifths of them were under the age of twenty who'd known not any life but slavery. 

Their needs were not many and their needs were supported by herself and Aegon along with the people of Dragonstone who took in the youngest children into their homes whilst the older freed slaves were supported by the wider community, be it employment or rehabilitation, and it all helped to forge a close bond between the kin of Valyria.

And when it came time to purchase the freedoms of slaves from Lys, the income from the Braavosi glass industry – the Braavosi now sold glassware as far as Yi Ti despite the blockade – was more than enough to cover those needs. 

At least for now as the prices of slaves was increasing every trip to Lys, as a consequence of demand but also because of the war itself.

Yet, it was necessary to keep paying those prices.

Whether it would be West or East or even if they stayed, it was necessary that they had many people with them, in order to sustain the growth of their people.

They wanted at least two to five thousand people every year to sustain their growth – which would go up when it came time to settle their new permanent home. 

She also agreed with Aegon's insistence that they focus on purchasing the freedoms of young slaves of Valyrian descent who could be helped and as much as she hated to say it, could be the most useful for their growing people.

But it had consequences for it was getting harder to simply rely on the income of the glass industry which also carried a risk of becoming useless if Braavos and the Triarchy truly begin to war since it would mean that the Iron Bank would not be able to function as an intermediary as it was now.

The Lyseni already grumble about having to be paid via the Iron Bank now as it was. 

And if there was open war? 

It was why the success of the first trading fleets to the East was so important.

And thankfully…

It was.

"Twenty-three thousand gold coins and ninety-four thousand silver coins." Gael answered succinctly causing a few of the council members to murmur appreciatively. 

"And that is after the purchase of hundred and twenty pouches saffron and thirty bolts of silk and a dozen other spices, each well over four dozen bags each." Gael continued, this time shocking the men in the room, save for Aegon and Baerros.

She understood their reactions.

One pouch of Yi-Tish saffron, famed for its quality, could fetch 400 gold coins.

And the most pleasing part was that the two other trade flotillas had yet to arrive, with one flotilla carrying strange seeds and produce from the lands beyond Asshai.

"That is…unexpected, my Prince." Edwyn said reservedly but the surprise and curiosity was etched into his face as his eyes darted to her and Baerros.

She gestured Baerros to answer Edwyn's not-so-hidden question.

Baerros began to speak "We underestimated the demand for gemstones in Yi Ti, especially the light violet gemstones." Baerros shook his head.

"We sold a third of our stock of the gemstones before one of the more attentive traders realised the Yi-Tish were far more interested in the pale violet gemstones than the usually more desired rubies. By the time the stock was depleted, the last quarter of the stock were sold at eight times the value of the rubies."

The light violet gemstones were amongst the more common types of gemstones found around the river streams and mountains and caves of Walano. They were pink-ish in hue, a very light violet, and often ignored for the more radiant gemstones found in Walano and around the other large Summer Isles islands.

Typically, only the lesser well off natives of the Isles used it for jewellery.

"I have already given the order to purchase as much of the gemstones as we can from Tall Trees Town and the surrounding towns and villages." Aegon told the council before setting his gaze onto Stally "When will the fleet be ready to sail again?"

Stally considered it for a moment. "They can leave tomorrow if they needed to. Provisions can be replenished today and the ships are in good conditions."

The ships they sent to the Far East and beyond were of a larger variety built from the red oak trees that grew plentiful on the island of Koj, and were the fruits of experimentations the shipwrights and Aegon had done for years as they sought to build sturdier ships like the Ibbanese whaling ships.

"Speak with the crew and find out which ones would be willing to depart within half a moon's time. The trade ships from Omboru are set to return any day now. We can re-crew the ships with men from those ships should it be needed."

"As you command, my Prince." Stally said with a bowed head.

"My Prince." Tregyn Fororlan directed towards Aegon as he spoke with curious eyes. "If I may ask…what is urgency?"

Doubtlessly wondering why they were sending ships to Yi Ti given the pirate problem.

Aegon glanced at Baerros briefly before he answered. "The captains have heard stirrings that there may be a major war amongst the Yi-Tish in the near future."

Aegon's expression was stoic but it didn't fool her. She'd seen the unbridled interest in his eyes when the captains debriefed with Aegon and herself.

She hoped it was only interest. 

At times, she'd see him working away on something distractedly after meetings with the captains which happened often and she could almost reach into his mind and see the ruins and cities and peoples the captains described to her husband, and she'd often wondered if it was enough for him to hear stories from their people instead of being there, exploring those parts of the world and…

She'd often feared it wouldn't be. 

It was bad enough that he'd be gone for likely a year or more soon if she was lucky and she couldn't bear to see him gone to the other side of world to Yi Ti.

"A major war? It has been over two centuries since a major war broke out in Yi-Ti and it resulted in the rise of the Azure dynasty." Edwyn mused ponderously with a frown before looking up to Aegon.

"How reliable is the information? The Yi-Tish are known to have conflicts within themselves that others would name war but them it is nothing but the same kind of squabbles the Blackwoods and the Brackens are infamous for."

"Reliable." Gael interjected and all eyes fell on her. 

"It originated from Captain Jullen."

Edwyn's eyes widened mildly before he nodded in understanding. Captain Jullen was amongst the most reliable men they had. One of the first men Aegon had trained as a sailor over a decade ago, his loyalty to her family was absolute.

He'd not bring them wrong information even if his life depended on it.

Besides, Gael thought a little cynically to herself, the two trade flotillas that were returning any day now from Farther East, beyond Asshai, would be there to either corroborate or deny his affirmation. 

He'd be foolish to lie to them.

Aegon picked up from where she left and continued "The eleventh Azure Emperor's situation is precarious. His sole male heir is but a child of two and the Emperor's health is declining. From what the rumours are amongst the traders at Yin, it is only a matter of time before he is forced to act to secure his heir's right to the throne against his cousins."

"So we seek to extract as much wealth as we can while we can?" Fororlan questioned though it was more of a statement now that he knew the situation.

"Yes." Aegon answered simply as he levelled his gaze to Fororlan. 

"As wealthy as Yi Ti is, even for the likes of them, wealth and appetite can dry up in a civil war." The way Aegon said war was not unnoticed by the commanders nor Edwyn or the alchemist.

The conversation then turned away from the talk of distant war though the undercurrent of tension remained as they turned towards the material needs of the builders and the shipwrights as the port where most of their ships docked would need expansion in two years' time if they were to keep up with enough space for the ships planned to be built along with the materials for the ships themselves.

Aegon told them to create a list and dismissed all but Edwyn, Fororlan, Galaenys Qargaris and Maerro Calneareon.

"Ser Maerro." Aegon's voice was sharp and his expression as hard as steel as he spoke up not a moment after the doors were closed. 

"If I called up the men tomorrow, would they be ready?"

"Yes my Prince." Ser Maerro said confidently as he straightened up and shared a glance with Ser Galaenys. "The men are well trained and they are adept at fighting at sea as well as on land." Ser Maerro paused for a moment "The majority are very green however. Even the formerly hedge knights." 

Aegon nodded slightly as he stood up. "To be expected with the Long Peace and that of our own." He turned his back towards the council table for a long few moments as he faced towards the window that overlooked the town of Corinth.

"Increase the training intensity. We will depart in a fortnight." Aegon said finally before he turned around, his expression set in marble stone. Galaenys and Maerro hid it well but she could see their hunger for glory and battle. 

A hunger that she knew that many of the other knights that left with them also felt.

Wives and children did little to cool the blood of men, she thought exasperatedly. They may claim that they felt aggrieved by the actions of the pirates, but they fooled no one.

"My Prince. Will you need Wildfyre?" Fororlan questioned with intense interest.

She turned her gaze towards Aegon and though she hid it, she felt concern growing. Wildfyre was not to be taken lightly and its volatility was infamous. She knew her husband said that they were getting somewhere but she doubted it was enough.

But unfortunately, she knew that her husband and their men would need every advantage if they wanted to end the threat of this Pirate King.

Aegon veered his gaze towards Fororlan before turning his gaze towards Edwyn who nodded cautiously her husband's silent question and answered.

"We can mount sixteen of the modified Scorpions to the ships."

"How many Jar-Bolts?" Fororlan asked Edwyn.

"Some few hundreds in the holds. We can possibly make another hundred more in a fortnight." Edwyn said after a few moments of consideration.

"Make it so." Her husband ordered and Edwyn nodded. He then turned his gaze towards Fororlan "Prepare what you need. You and the acolytes be coming with us"

This surprised Fororlan "I'm not a fighter." He pointed out the obvious.

"No one is. Not until they have to be. "Aegon's face descended into a chilling look. "You and your men know Wildfyre. Who better to ensure our ships firing it don't burn down?" he intend firmly and soon afterwards, she was left alone with Aegon in the council chambers and once they were alone he moved closer to the glassless window.

She watched him silently as she stood next to him. Aegon had his hands on top of the bottom rim of the window, his eyes staring out towards the town.

She followed his gaze and looked out as well. 

The town was built of grey stone and grey liquid stone though the buildings and town were a summery rustic red. The Summer Islanders made the paint from the shell of some kind of snail that was plentiful on Walano and paint their homes with it. It felt only right to respect that tradition when it was explained to them.

The building they were in now was their stronghold and their home and was built on top of one of the larger hills in the area on the eastern side of the river. The dragonpit, if one could call the open roofed extension to the stronghold a dragonpit, was guarded by several dozen guardsmen and tended to by the dragonkeepers and their apprentices whilst leading to hers and her children's apartment rooms.

 Whilst the town below was nestled in between four other hills. One hill where the Fororlan and his alchemists and their apprentices studied the higher mysteries, another hill where the garrisons was positioned with another hill had the school for the children of Corinth and the neighbouring villages placed.

The last hill – and the smallest – was not used though depending on how long it would take for them to find a more permanent home, there were some ideas on what to build upon it. 

The main port open only to their ships, or that of Prince Jalla's, was situated on the banks of the river at its widest, a mile or so downstream and was the first line of defence for their town.

It wasn't completely defensible but they did not need it to be, at least not yet.

She sighed inaudibly as she gazed beyond the town.

The town had grown so much in only five years. Only five years ago this was naught but overgrown hilly grasslands far away from any large settlement. And now…

And now it was home to over forty five thousand people.

Home not only to the former people of Dragonstone or freed slaves but also to some thousand Summer Islanders and also to freedmen families that left Volantis and Lys in search of a better life with them.

The sounds of distant twin roars filled the skies and she turned her gaze towards the sight of two large silhouettes growing larger by the second.

"They're coming back from their hunts." Aegon said, capturing her attentions and she turned to him and saw his faint smile underneath that beard of his.

He gestured with his hand towards them "They've both captured hunting whales."

She blinked before she turned her gaze towards their dragons, her eyes squinting. She could see it now. In the claws of their hind legs. "Impressive" she murmured though not without a fond smile that stretched across her face.

She envied Aegon's ability to connect to Mīsaragorn in the way that he did, the ability for dragon and rider to send sight to one another like they did so often.

Still, she thought to herself, she was happy enough with her bond with Liāzmariña, a bond that let her feel the strongest wants of Liāzmariña in the same way Liāzmariña felt hers.

She felt his calloused hand on top of hers and she closed her eyes momentarily as she leaned into him. She felt his arms wrap around him and she sighed.

She knew it needed to be done. 

'To destroy them and everything in those damned isles in such a way none would dare strike against us or harm our people' he'd said to her when they learned of the plots against them and she agreed wholeheartedly. 

This was not a kind world. It could be cruel and harsh and she knew that at times one must be harsh and cruel in order to live in peace. She hated that it was needed.

"Come back to me" she whispered against him, her eyes remaining closed.

She felt him kiss the top of her head. 

"Nothing will be able to stop me." He promised her.


Sallesso Sanohrin POV

He sat against the back of the wall, the sound of distant water dripping and the faint voices of his captors the only break of the eerie silence that descended upon him.

He was starting to miss the screams of his men.

For the past fortnight, mayhaps longer, it's all he'd known. 

Their screams and pleads.

Now there was silence.

Unfortunately for him, he was likely the last of his men still alive which meant nothing good for him. He knew that they wanted him alive. Not tortured. 

He thanked the Gods for that.

He did not know why and that bothered him almost as much as knowing that his chances of escaping this hellhole was unlikely.

They'd tried a few times. When they were still strong and numerous. But the iron bars proved difficult to overcome and the guards too attentive to miss anything. Anyone caught with something, even as small as a nail was not seen again.

The death knell came when they'd learned that they were deep underground making any grinding out the walls pointless. They were stuck and nothing could change.

"Up" he heard bellowed out and clanged against the iron bars with the back of the dagger, waking him violently. He glared at the bastard guard who'd done it, Lerris he heard being named by the other bastard guards.

"Ah, Lerris, here to unload my shit? 'bout time, it was starting to stink up the place." Sallesso voiced out in a groan as he got stiffly and weakly from the uneven floor, unable to resist to irritate the bastard. 

It was the only thing he had left after all.

Lerris jutted his jaw and Sallesso could see that he wanted to hit him. But he won't. He's one of the more restrained bastard guards. Which was why he did it. 

"Move." The guard beside Lerris growled out and he sighed before he lazily extended out his arms that had red rings around his wrists. 

The walk was quiet, tense even and it did little to calm his nerves.

Finally, they arrived and the door swung up and he was pushed into the chamber but he came to a stop with one of their hands on his back, his noise picking up the familiar smell of death. 

He looked up and saw a naked man hung from the ceiling, his body brutalised with cuts and slashes that crisscrossed one another like a chaotic pattern of woven tapestries, bloody ret cuts and clotted black wounds.

The fires of fear grew mountain high. 

His eyes widened when he recognised the tattoo that marked the arm and he realised that it was Jaqos, the Captain of the Haunt. How long did they have him?

He turned his gaze towards the man who sat right in front of the breathing corpse of Jaqos, a muscular Valyrian man with a dagger on his lap, the kind of Valyrian that would fetch good coin in Lys yet the expression on the man's face stilled him from making a lewd comment.

The Dragon Prince's expression somehow managed to be cold, harsh, monstrous yet if his face was set in dead white stone, it was his queer eyes that blazed an inferno of fear within him as they bore down on him alive with fury and fire. 

His heart began to beat fast in his chest as fear began to creep inside of him as he realised that it might well be his fate soon.

He was pushed further and tied to the chair, the ropes bit into his wrists and ankles, and he observed with anxious silence how quiet and efficient the guards were and it wasn't long before he was left alone with the corpse and presumably the Dragon Prince of the Summer Isles.

A pained and weak moan escaped through the mouth of Jaqos, a moan that had rasping qualities to it and he thought he might have heard him try say something.

"You recognise him, don't you?" the Dragon Prince asked, his face barely moving as he broke the silence before beginning to sharpen the dagger with a whetstone, the sharp whistling sounds of steel against stone echoing against the stone walls.

"Yes" he answered, the candle fire of fear growing with each passing moment. 

He knew that lying about this wouldn't do him any favours and the fires of fear that was welling within him was preventing him to even think about it.

His eyes darted to Jaqos once more, the fires of fear growing in strength.

How long has the poor bastard been in this situation?

Must have been weeks.

Was that going to be his fate?

"I despise slavery" the Dragon Prince said after what seemed an age yet he did not look up as he continued to sharpen his dagger unnervingly.

"It is a practice that illuminates unfavourably the capricious nature of humankind, of what we are able to commit at our most savage and unflattering moments." the Dragon Prince said as he dragged the whetstone across the dagger sharply and strongly causing a loud and continuous whistling.

Yet, he wondered, as his eyes darted to the body that hung from hook and to the sharpening dagger. What would he call what he was doing to that man?

The Dragon Prince paused in his sharpening of his dagger and looked up and he struggled to keep calm under the cold mismatching eyes that seemed to bore down to his very soul, looking at him, studying him and he felt as if he was found wanting.

"But I know that to do beyond what I am doing is folly" the Dragon Prince said to him, his tone calm but he felt as if there were undertones of a brewing storm in there.

"I am not blind to the realities of things nor am I interested in bathing Essos with rivers of blood that I'd need to spill in order to pull out the roots of slavery once and for all" the Dragon Prince told him calmly.

The Dragon Prince learned forward and for a moment, he thought he could see a violet flame dancing in the Prince's eyes. 

"However…" the Dragon Prince's voice turned low, almost akin to a low sounding growl and it sent shivers down his spine. "I am interested in the fate of my people."

"A trade ship of ours never came back." The Dragon Prince said with an intensity in his mismatching eyes as he stared into him. "And then another never came back."

The Dragon Prince leaned back slightly, his fingers coldly and slowly tracing across the sharp edge of the blade all whilst staring at him.

"We wondered what might have happened…mayhaps they were caught up in a storm and were destroyed. We discovered otherwise." The Dragon Prince said in a conversational manner yet every part of his body tingled with danger heightened by fear.

"Instead, we learn that they were captured." the Dragon Prince gestured towards the hanged man before levelling a look once more at him, his expression hard and unforgiving. "A fortuitous event, I must say. Had we not become suspicious and decided to increase protections, we may not have been able to repel your friend's attack." A cold smile formed on his face. "Or yours."

"And we might not have learned who was responsible and what the fate of our people is…." The Dragon Prince stared at him with arctic coldness as he got up and stood beside Jaqos.

"my people." The Dragon Prince said with a thin smile that mirrored more like a smile a serpent may give. The Dragon Prince drew back and turned around and stuck the blade into Jaqos' side and slowly pushed in, causing the Jaqos to moan in pain.

The Dragon Prince then pressed his finger deeply into a gaping hole in the poor bastard's torso and elicited pained weak cries from him. 

"Jaqos Sorrah" the Dragon Prince said with a deathly calm, a tone of voice that poured ice down his spine as Jaqos cried out in agony.

"Life was good for Jaqos Sorrah. Very good. He had coin. He made a name for himself. He had slaves that did all of his bidding. And a ship of his own. Life was very good for Jaqos Sorrah." The Dragon Prince continued with a tone of voice that was still as the sea on a perfect day whilst he begun to dig in his hand into the growing gaping hole, the pain weak cries grew to greater strength.

"Until he decided to attack my ships and enslave my people. Like his fellows had already done to two of my ships."

"I don't know where they are" he said with urgency after he wetted his lips nervously, his eyes darted between the Dragon Prince and the dagger. He didn't. 


They could be anywhere now in Essos.

They were as good as dead.

"But I can tell you everything I do know" he offered instead.

"Your Friend was kind enough to offer everything he knows in the same way you are now." The Dragon Prince said as he levelled his cold look towards Sallesso. 

"He often lied."

The Dragon Prince smiled with a wicked cruelty.

"He was more truthful after a few weeks of persuasion."

Sallesso swallowed dryly. He knew then that nothing he could say would save him from a gruesome end. The Dragon Prince then stepped away from Jaqos and loudly dragged the chair and sat opposite him, his cold piercing gaze set upon Sallesso.

"You're going to die." The Dragon Prince told him calmly, as if one was discussing what to eat to break the morning fast.

He swallowed dryly.

The Dragon Prince continued, and radiated menace as he spoke. 

"The choice you have now…is how you die. You can die quickly, you will have my word on that, or you can die slowly every week until you're no more but a shell made of ripped dying flesh. But you won't die then. No."

"You see…I find myself still terribly wroth. Your friend was not enough to lighten the retribution that I feel burning within me." The Dragon Prince said with a cold smile and when he continued, he continued in a low deathly calm voice. 

"Once you are no more than a shell, your mind lost, I will begin to cut parts of your body and have you healed so that you do not die of blood loss. Your feet will be first. Then your hands. Then your arms and your legs until nothing but your head and your torso remains. Only then shall you be permitted to die out of starvation."

"You're mad." Sallesso choked out in horror.

The Dragon Prince gave a chilling smile.

"What is your choice?"

He wasn't sure how long he was talking but he knew it was a long time. He said everything he knew, about the pirate forts and dens he knew, the number of men he estimated Saathos Saan, the Pirate King, to have, everything.

The fear of being caught out on a lie, the fear of saying anything that might run false with what Jarqo had said was too high and by the time he was done speaking, his throat had hurt.

The Dragon Prince got up began to walk towards him and he stiffened until he relaxed slightly as he watched the Dragon Prince walk pas-

Aegon Targaryen POV

His hand was clenching tightly on the hilt of the dagger as he buried it just below the nape of the neck and in between two of the vertebrae. A quick death as promised.

Aegon pulled the dagger out, the blood that ran across the edge of the dagger splattered against the floor. Aegon spared Sallesso one last glance before he turned and walked towards the dying Jaqos.

He plunged the dagger into the pirate's heart with a dismissive care and the man wheezily breathed twice more before he was dead. The hole he'd dug in the man's torso wouldn't kill him fast enough. He'd served his purpose.

Aegon walked back towards the closed door and banged against it.

The door opened by his watchful guards and saw their gazes wonder to the corpses inside. "Are the rest of the prisoners dead?" he asked his guards.

"Yes, my Prince. None of the prisoners still live." One of the guards answered.

Aegon nodded. "Burn the corpses and have the ashes spread across the grazing fields." In death, they'll do something useful for once in their lives.

"My Prince." The guards acknowledged his order with a bow and soon enough he was out of the gloomy hole of a prison that stank of blood and rot.

There had been no need for him to be there. Trytas could have made him sing without having to torture him. And truthfully, it had been a worthless exercise. 

The pirate crew and Jaqos, most of whom they tortured and the others questioned with the threat of torture, had been enough for them to paint an accurate picture of what and who they were dealing with.

As much as it pleased him to kill one of the bastards who was working to destroy what he was building, it was not his motivation. 

No, his motivation were for his men to see them dead. 

Killed by his hands.

The pirates' attacks on their people was a slight and for some it was a personal slight. 

Everyone knew each other and their loss was personal to everyone.

He needed to show them his anger, his fury, that he was every bit as angry as they were – and he was – for it was likely some of their people were lost, likely forever. 

And he was not going to forgive that.

They were his people. They chose him.

They believed that he was a better option for them than the safety of Dragonstone.

They believed in his words, in his certainty that there is lands West, good and fertile lands were they could grow and prosper and live in peace.

He owed them safety and prosperity.

And now… 

Some of them would experience a fate he considered worse than death.

And it was because of him that they were in that situation.

It was because of them that they lost their freedoms.

To say he was angry would be understating it. He was apoplectic. 

How fucking dare they?!

His expression was cold, stone cold but within him raged a burning inferno that he wanted to fucking unleash. He knew why this was happening. It wasn't the pirates acting on their own initiatives, not when they hadn't touched his ships before. 

The pirates themselves confirmed that.

And he knew exactly the reason why.

It wasn't because of a few hundred fucking unrestful knights he sent to Daemon nor did the Triarchy believe that attacking his ships would affect Daemon and his cause.

No, this was fucking Myr acting out and who were monumentally pissed that Braavos was outcompeting them with the production of superior glass and they found out that it was he that was the reason why it was happening in the first place.

Aegon set his jaw, the blinding rage settling down into cold analytical fury.

He couldn't directly attack Myr, as much as he wanted to. Not yet.

He wouldn't be able to burn down more than a quarter of the city with Mīsaragorn nor could he sack the city without losing too many of his men.

No, he and his people were too weak right now, as much as he hated to admit it yet all of it could not remain unanswered lest it invite more attacks.

And he knew how to do send that message.

Aegon clenched his jaws in cold fury.

It would be a tedious and difficult game of Whac-A-Mole, but if he acted fast enough, and hard enough, he'd be able to get rid of the leadership and clear out most of the pirate towns before sitting back, and let the damn Basilisk Isles descend into chaos as they murder each other for the honour of being the next King of the pirates.

He unclenched his jaw as a frigid calm descended upon him.

And he'd do it the right way, the only fucking way these people would understand.

With fire and blood and fucking slaughter.


108 AC – ???

Bryce Arenter POV

The gentle swaying of the ship was soothing and his quill flew across the pages of his diary, something that had not happened for him for many, many days.

The seas had heaved and rocked sometimes days on end, powerful waves sent crashing against the hulls of their ships that caused Bryce searching the skies and praying to the Seven that they remain cloudless.

He honestly believed that should a storm hit, not even their thick hulled ships could survive against such powerful waves. 

Thank the Seven, for over four moons, his prayers to the Seven had paid off.

But they also had to change their routes. The waters in these parts were strange and dangerous. They pushed them backwards in ways he had not experienced before and in some instances they could days, even weeks, with still winds and still ocean.

Truly, if they had not the larger and the numerous smaller sails, he would have thought it likely that they may even have sailed backwards even if the winds had been favourable.

They had to find a different route than the straight line they'd been travelling on and they found it. They had to sail a few degrees off of north-north-west before turning south like the curve of a bow. The waters did not fight against them in this way and it seemed like the winds were more constant as they bowed south.

He was not sure how far they'd travelled, whether it was three or four moons sail, but he knew they were far from any known parts of the world.

And yet there was no land. 

Some of the sailors thought that mayhaps this was where the world was ending, that they were heading towards the cliff of the world and damning themselves to the Seven hells. He'd put a quick stop to that.

Damn fools.

He'd punished them, severely, and there was not a peep from them since.


Had it not been for their well stocked provisions and the giant turtles they'd taken with them to eat from the Targaryen Islands, he might not have been so sure they'd keep silence and incite mutiny. He grimaced as he paused in his writing.

They had three, maybe four moons' worth of provisions. 

The Lady Dawn was about the same too. Mayhaps they could extent the provisions seven moons if he began rationing now. But their dried lemon fruits were dwindling which according to the prince staved off scurvy. So far it seemed to be right. He only hoped they wouldn't need to ration. He begun to write again. 

It was not yet time to think of rationing, he reasoned to himself.

Not yet.

It was hours later that he heard quick steps grow louder.

The door slammed open and the four and ten boy Tobin was out of breath. 

"Cap'ain! Cap'ain! Lnd 'Hoy! Linda Hoy!" 

"BOY!" Bryce growled out in anger as he got up. 

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

The boy, took in a deep breath before saying the words that stopped him still.

"Land Ahoy!" Tobin said with a wide grin as he continued to heave in and out.

Faster than he thought his old bones could move, he walk-ran to the deck.

"Gimme the Far-Eye" he said to no one in particular as he squinted his eyes towards the distance but soon enough a Far-Eye fell into his hand and he looked.

And there it was, he thought with amazement. 

He couldn't see how large it was, only that it peaked out fairly tall, mayhaps it was mountainous, but he cared not. Because…

Finally, after so many moons, they found land West of the Summer Isles.