
Meeting Tenzin

"Korra, get away from that boy and get on my sky bison now," Tenzin said.

"Boy, I'm 32," I said and looked over to a shocked Korra.

"I thought you were 20," Korra said.

I shook my head and straightened up. "What if she doesn't want to go with you?" I asked just to be confrontational.

"Korra, you aren't supposed to be here; this place is dangerous, and that man hasn't been vetted. Are you holding hands? Get over here right now, or I'll call your mother." Tenzin said.

Korra paled. It seemed even the unflappable Avatar had someone she was afraid of.

"Why would you do that? She's all the way back in the south pole. Besides, I came here to learn from you, and I was on my way to Air Temple Island."

"Korra, you were going the wrong way," Tenzin said.

The Avatar looked at me with her beautiful crystal blue eyes begging me to help. "That's my fault, sir, I'm new here, and the Avatar agreed to help me find a safe place to stay. Unfortunately, the streets aren't very safe between the gangsters running protection rackets and the equalists demanding all non-benders join their ranks. A shop owner told us this street led to the air temple." I said.

"I see," The man coughed in his hand. "Yes, I agree; even with the police working hard, they can't protect anyone. Are you a bender?" I shook my head. "Then why are you scared of the equalists."

"Their tale is one as old as time itself. A powerful leader finds a group of people who feel neglected or betrayed by society and tells them exactly what they want to hear. It isn't your fault; it's the rich people, the benders, or that minority that seems to always get the best jobs. They are a means to an end and are always thrown away when that end is met." I said.

Korra was staring at me now, and Tenzin looked a little green around the gills. "Yes, a tale as old as time and history loves to rhyme," Tenzin said.

"But you are not a bender, and as much as it pains me to say, I don't trust a single man I don't know on in my home."

"That isn't fair; he helped me in the city."

"It's my family on the line, and I don't know him. I can direct him to an inn, and I volunteer my name as a reference on any of his job applications, but that's it." Tenzin said.

"Then I'm staying there as well."

"No, you're coming with me, Korra, and I'm taking you back to the south pole in the morning."

"These are my people, he is a part of my team, and I am the avatar you have to deal with it."

"Korra you should go with Tenzin."

"What?" Both Tenzin and Korra said.

"You would only slow me down. Those equalists really made me angry, and I've developed a game plan to eradicate them. Having the Avatar with me would draw too much attention."

"Ok, but I'm not leaving the city. Tenzin, I need to learn air bending; it's why I came here, but it's not why I'm staying. I want to help."

"Just like that, you don't want to know my plan; it's a good one," I said.

"Then surprise me."

"Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgment."

"No, if our roles were reversed, I would feel the same way. Still, I would love to visit your island and watch Korra train. The Avatar only learns air bending once in a lifetime." I said and smirked at Korra.

"I still don't like you, and if you do something illegal, I won't lift a finger to help you. But if you want to watch Korra train, I will allow it. if you can find a way to my island."

Faster than before, I worked through the Lust Touch spell again until it glowed to my preternatural sight without any cracks. Once it fully formed, it rotated into a small pink halo. I gripped her shoulder with a gentle hand and let the spell fall over her. The spell took effect, but it was significantly weaker than my first one. Hastily building a spell, even if it was functional, didn't make it good.

Still, it was important to train Korra to feel pleasure from my touch. That would go a long way in making her feel more comfortable in my presence.

"I'll see you in the morning," I said and let her go and vanished from sight just to mess with Tenzin.

I searched throughout the city until I ran into what I was looking for. Some equalists were driving somewhere, so I followed them. They took a cargo truck down to the docks to an unmarked warehouse. I waited for them to do their business and left.

I pulled out a pair of lockpicks from my inventory and tapped the pins until I heard a click. Inside I found fliers, tons of gloves, masks, and crates of shock batons. Numerous other gadgets were organized across the warehouse, and up above, there were two banners with Amon's mask on them. So, I started lifting crates and stuffing them into my inventory.

My plan wasn't really complicated. Any army could be defeated if they are starved of resources. It's hard to fight benders without electrical gloves, body armor, or masks to hide their identity. Killing them had its merits, and it was my first solution, but others wouldn't accept it, so I came up with something more palatable. Their foot soldiers' greatest weapon was anonymity by depriving them that the equalists would have fewer republic citizens willing to overtly commit crimes. Hopefully, this would slow them down and force them to adapt their plans. Amon might be less willing to act overtly with massive supply issues.

I made sure to lock the warehouse back just as I found it with the Amon banners up. Once my first warehouse was cleaned out, I searched the city for any more equalists heading in a direction with a purpose. Really the whole point of this exercise was to get more time with Korra before the annoying Amon nonsense happened.

Check out my other work on this site Challenge Series.


Check out my other work on this site Mega Ultra Divine Dragon Obliterating Sect


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