
Choosing a Slave

Editor: Atlas Studios

He Xi went back to her good-looking youngster look and very quickly sold Zhang Dezhong for a good price at the butcher market.

She was wearing a white robe, her face looked like a crown jade, and her lips were red and teeth pearly white. Her entire body exuded a cold aura and clearly did not fit into the noisy and dirty butcher market.

However, He Xi did not care about the people's weird and greedy looks.

In the past, she had played all sorts of rules because of her missions and had attracted a lot of attention from quite a few of them. She had long ignored other people's gazes towards her; of course, firstly, they must not have ill intentions towards her.

He Xi sized up the entire butcher market and found that this place was a messy market compared to the lavish Tao Tie Pavilion.

Just that, the stall owners did not sell food but live humans and beasts.

A wide variety of slaves sat in rusty cages: there were men and women, cultivators and civilians. There were even orcs of weird shapes and sizes at the higher-end stalls.

They were all crouching in their tiny cages, with scars all over their bodies. Some of them had a numb gaze, some were whimpering softly, and others were beaten until they were hanging onto their last breath as they had protested too loudly.

One could even say that this was the most crowded place in Yan Jing City and was also the darkest place in the entire country that could be compared to a living hell.

He Xi's gaze swept past the pitiful slaves, but there were not many emotions in her heart.

The strong would always bully the weak. This was an undisputed fact in every society; no one could be an exception. If one was not capable enough to protect oneself, one's ending would be worse than the slaves.

However, now, because of some reason; she could not attain cultivation. However, she could still use external powers to protect herself.

It was a decent idea to raise a couple of powerful slaves!

All the slaves in the butcher market just started practicing their cultivation and did not even have a grade in the Training of Qi, but their advantage was being cheap.

He Xi quickly found ten multifarious, slightly hurt, cheap slaves. The money she spent was, just nice, the same amount she earned from selling Zhang Dezhong.

She did not let the seller take away the ten slaves' souls and punch it in the slavery mark, but she used her own special method to curate a medicine to control their minds.

Compared to the slavery mark, this type of control would not limit the growth of the slaves' strengths and would also not lower their intelligence because they lost their souls. Of course, it has its weakness.

Based on He Xi's current abilities, this type of control could only be used for cultivators below the Foundation Establishment.

Towards the ten people that kowtowed towards her, He Xi said lightly, "I will not pursue what experiences or vengeance you had in the past. However, from now onwards, you have to treat me as your master. If there's any betrayal, you would have to suffer the pain of thousands of arrows shooting through your heart. Do you hear me?"

Hurriedly, the few of them nodded their heads and looked at He Xi with respect and fear in their eyes.

The owner bought the ten of them; however, she did not take away their souls and allowed them to live like a normal person. This was a very big surprise to them, and it also caused them to not underestimate their young and child-like owner.

"Remember, outside, my last name is Xi; my name is Xi Yue. You're my slaves. From now on, you'll follow my last name. Your names will follow the ten heavenly stems—from left to right, your names will be Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui. Do you understand?"

Without any protests, the ten of them hurriedly kowtowed, "Thank you, Master, for the name."

He Xi gave them an address and said slowly, "Don't ask or try to find out anything about me. After going to the house, you will do everything that Wet Nurse Chen says. As for the wounds on your bodies, I'll try my best to heal them. As long as you do your best, I will enhance your abilities."