

Beatrix looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was almost 11 o'clock but Damien wasn't still back.

It's been one week since they came here and to say she was bored was an understatement. Damien would prepare breakfast then leave for some business meeting.

At times he would come back for lunch or supper If he can't make it he would let his driver bring her food.

He would randomly check up on her during the day and at night she would always wait for him to come back home.

He had told her not to wait for him but for some reason she wanted to see him before she slept.

Beatrix opened the messenger app on her phone and sent him a message

From Beatrix.

Hi…are you coming home? I'm worried Damien…..are you okay?

Beatrix hit the send button and waited for his reply. Even though she was sure he wouldn't reply. This was after all the fifth message she was sending him.

Her phone screen lit up and her heart skipped in her chest.

From Damien.

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