
The Strongest One Attribute

Oda Kazuya is the Strongest Young Prodigy of his previous life. He achieves first place in every Martial Art like Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Kung Fu, Karate, etc. Despite being the strongest. he did not enjoy his life because all he did is practice, practice, and practice to meet his Family's expectations. Kazuya died in a Helicopter accident when he is on his way to the Final stadium of the "Karate World Championship" and got reincarnated to the world of Sword and Magic. --- I am not the owner of the photo, I failed to contact the illustrator. If the owner saw it, please contact me, I will remove it if requested *DISCLAIMER! This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Take note that this is for only 18 years old in above.

xRevels · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Qi Energy

Gramps finished informing me about this world. This world is like those fantasy novels I've read. I was so excited to use this chance, granted to me by the higher being, to explore this world. I can't wait to begin my training and become stronger to meet… lots of beautiful girls.

"Gramps, what are you gonna teach me? Let's start our training."

"Alright, but before that…'' Gramps suddenly stopped and thunder resounded inside the house.

*Stomach Rumbling*

I put my hands in my stomach "Uhh… This stomach of mine. it was about getting to the good part…"

"Well, don't rush things, let's go and make something to eat first"


We went outside the house and cooked our breakfast. After we finished cooking we prepared the foods on the table and began our feast.

As we ate I asked, "Gramps, what magic are you gonna teach me?"

"Who told you I will teach you about magic?"

As soon as I heard it, I dropped my wooden spoon in disbelief "T-then, what are you going to teach me? Isn't this a magical world?"

"Don't ask, because it was a long story…

"The one that I will teach you is called Qi."

"Qi? What is that?"

"It was the inner energy inside your body. Qi is Internal energy that is akin to a life force. People call it differently, inner energy, life energy, inner qi, etc."

"People who used this kind of energy is called Knights, and those people used mana is called Mages"

"Oh, Cool! Knights and Mages" As I voice that out, a thought suddenly entered my mind.

"Then Gramps, What if a person wields both mana and qi? Are they becoming Knight Mage?'"

When Gramps heard it, he looked at me for a good moment before he burst into laughter "Hahaha! It isn't possible, or at least no one ever achieves that. You see, the more you use your qi the harder it is to use mana. The more you use mana, the weaker your Qi becomes. If there was someone who can use them both without restriction at the same time, they would call him a "Monster"

Gramps laughs at it as he even bent his head up while holding his stomach. I only look at him dumbfounded without saying a word. Was my question so funny?

After Gramps enjoyed himself "Haa… that was a good laugh. Well forget it, finish your meal, and then we begin our training."



After we finished eating, I am now outside the house, sitting on the grass with crossed legs. Gramps was also sitting in front of me, as he guided me to feel the Qi inside my body.

"Get into a meditative state and try to feel the energy I will flow inside your body"

I nodded and started to meditate.

"The qi energy is inside the body of every person, it's just it takes a lot of time to feel it on your own. That is why people find it hard to awaken. Luckily for you, kid, you have a teacher, me, and I will help you until you can do it yourself.

As he spoke, Gramps slowly flowed something inside my body as I heard his guidance. "Feel this kind of energy inside your body"

After a few minutes, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling, it was the same surge of power that helped me with the magical beast. It felt as if my energy was overflowing.

I opened my eyes and said, "So this surge of energy was Qi. What a surprise.

"Amount of Qi is directly tied to how much you trained your body. The stronger your body is, the more Qi you can use.

"Awesome!" That was all I could mutter, I can't believe that a human has this kind of power, sleeping inside.

"Let's go to the lake, I will show you something interesting."

We walked through the woods and reached the lake. Gramps then resumed.

"When you master Qi energy, you can do amazing things like this."

Gramps coated his arm with qi, before lifting the huge rock with one hand.

"And you could also do something like this"

Gramps picked up a branch stick and coated it with Qi, and slashed the lake in half. As I saw all of these, I was only looking at Gramps with open eyes and mouth like saucers

"And when you reach a pinnacle, even this will be possible"

My eyes almost pop out of sockets. Gramps just stood in front of me. You can ask me "What is so surprising about someone just standing?" Well nothing, except the fact that he just stood on the air.

I can't believe it was all happening in front of me. As someone who lives on the earth, this phenomenon was too much for my heart, the excitement is too much and might explode.

"Awesome, Are you a God by some chance, Gramps?"

Gramps suddenly fell silent for a good while. I waited for his answer expectantly, however, he just shrugged it off and continue.

"Let's get back to your training. All Qi users have their weapon of choice. For me, it's a sword, so I will teach you how to use it as well. if you have enough talent of course."

"Sword Qi," I blurted

"I will also teach you how to properly meditate. It will sharpen your mind and will help you control your Qi better. With a calm mind and calm heart, there is nothing in this world that you won't be able to cut. That is my principle. You can even cut the void if you want. Of course, it depends on how much talent you have and how much effort you are ready to put in ."

"Amazing" that is all I could say

I was too astonished that no words were coming out of my mouth, I suddenly felt something was off "By the way Gramps"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I felt the air here was strange, I couldn't detect it last time but now…"

"Hoh, So you've finally noticed? The natural energy in this place is really good. You can consider yourself lucky, kid, not only training in this place will give you twice as many results, but it will also increase your recovery."

"So Kid? Are you up to the challenge?

"Do you still need to ask that Gramps? Of course, I do!" I replied with full determination.

'This is how my hellish training started'