
Death of the emperor

Three years later, on a hill

I became much stronger and managed to reach the level of the Kage physique at the age of 15 without using a single boost. When I see a servant coming from my right running: "Crown Prince, Crown Prince !!!!!! Something serious has happened at the palace his majester....! "

I cut him off and said: "Calm down and breathe!!...then explain to me what is going on that you are in such a hurry.? "

The servant-messenger exhales and inhales then says: "My prince, your father his majesty has been poisoned and is now on his deathbed and ... !!!! "

Even before he finishes his sentence, I already start running towards the palace. And I start to think about who could be the source of the poison. I was so obsessed with strengthening myself that I didn't pay attention to the politics of the emperor's court.

I ask the system to open my satut to see my inventory:

"System status"


Name : Tenji

Age : 12

Lineage : God of war (multiplies by 4 the statistics of strength and endurance and gives an instantaneous mastery in the weapons)

HP : 3000/3000 (12000/1200) (180 000/180 000)

Chakra(not available): xxxxxx

Strength: 400 (x 4 =1600)

Stamina : 600 (x 4 =2400 x 15=36000) ( 1 stamina= 5 HP)

Speed : 550


-Mihawk Sword Technique: MAX (Level: Master Swordsman)

-The six powers (and the secret technique):

Soru : MAX

Geppo :MAX

Index Gun : MAX

-Sword Summoning/Creation: (50/100) (lineage of the god of war)

-Dimensional Stokage: (80/100) (lineage of the god of war)


-Invisible Armour: Armour that increases stamina by 15

-Healing Potion x 5 (restores 500 HP) (does not heal from poison)]

I look at my inventory and see that I have no potion to save him so I sadly go to his deathbed. Although, I am a reincarnated person and I don't consider them as my parents, they took care of me very well and so I consider them as dear ones.

I see my parents' yard and rush past the guards into my father's room. I see my mother sitting next to him to look after him. I say as I enter to warn them of my presence:

"Father, you asked for me.

My mother turns around a little surprised at my presence and says:

"You are already here son, how is your training going?

I said, "Very good mother, but I don't think you called me at this time to ask me that. "

My father asks weakly: "Son,... come closer because your old father is tired".

I slowly approach him, keeping my ears open so as not to miss anything he wants to tell me.

He says, "I am going to leave soon son the poison is eating me up and the doctor can do nothing about it so I ask you to become an emperor and take good care of your mother for me my boy. "

I answer him firmly: "you can count on me father to take care of mother and to become an emperor who will make the world tremble".

He says, "Then everything will be fine.

I hear my father's heart stop beating, and water runs down my face.

I hear my father's heart stop beating, and water trickles down my face, tears rolling down my dried cheeks, tears that haven't fallen in years.

I rub my cheeks to wipe away the tears and walk over to my mother to hug her and say:

"Calm down mother, you don't have to worry about father.

My mother begins to silently weep over the death of her husband the emperor. I go out to call a servant and order him to take care of the empress.I then ask a servant to go and fetch me the minister who is my father's right hand man.He is an old trusted man who has been working with my father for years.I see the servant leave and head to father's room to wait for the minister to arrive.

10 minutes later

I hear a knock on the door and ask:

"Who is it? "

The minister's voice answers:

"It's me, my prince, you asked for me.

I answer him:

"Come in, this is a very urgent matter.

The minister comes and bows before me and asks:

"The minister comes and bows before me and asks: "What is it that the crown prince has asked me for?

I answer him in a low voice:

"Father died of poison, I want you to announce it to the people and let his funeral begin.

The reaction of the general surprised me a little, I saw a tear sliding down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away and said:

"Don't worry my prince, I'll give your father a funeral worthy of his rank.

Then he leaves.I look around to try to feel the presence of a person then orders the system: "show me the quests and the number of ticket I got from his three years. "

[This will be done host... processing in progress.... Completed processing displaying results:

Successful quests: 20 (mainly training or animal hunting quests)

Quest in progress:

"Become an emperor".

Time: Host is 18 years old

Reward: 1 Technique Ticket and 4 Equipment Tickets

Failure: Nothing

-Total reward won

Ticket won: 15 technique tickets and 40 equipment tickets]

I then say: "Well, open the equipment tickets".

[Opening tickets in 3..2..1...0... opening tickets]

"Pass me all and give me the results" [Reward: 20 swords

Reward: 20 normal swords, 2 legendary swords, 10 normal armors, 2 legendary armors and 6 boxes of Kunais]

I look at the rewards and ask him to put the normal swords and armor in my dimensional space and detail the two swords.

The two swords are :

-Kirui: sword belonging to a demon god hunter

-Atsumi: sword belonging to a goddess who fought against gods

The two armors are :

-Armor of the god of war: it multiplies the stamina statistic by 20 but if the host possesses the lineage of the god of war then it's all statics multiplied by 25.

-Armour of the god of water: It allows to move and breathe in water like a poison. It increases strength by 10 underwater].

It's so fucking awesome and OP his ass. Whether it's the Kage or the 10-tailed beast I'm going to destroy them all. I won't forget to protect the biju kids. I can't wait for the ninjas to appear, but let's not worry about that, I should be fighting men and killing without vomiting. I will have to kill for the first time because my distant cousins can challenge me for the throne.