
The story that became a reality

Joyboy325 · Derivasi dari game
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Once upon a Time

(AN: I don't own anything related to RWBY or Kingdom Hearts or any other franchise that shall be brought up in this story)

"Um mom who is that guy" Yang pointed towards Cloud standing in the living room feeling awkward now that all eyes were looking at him, but his savior was able to answer for him

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce my traveling companion and best friend in the whole universe!!!" saying in excitement and raising her hands in excitement

Somewhere in remnant in a bar a man with black hair and red eyes in his late 20s to early 30s was walking down the stairs while he was, he stopped & for some reason screamed "! Ahh My back!" while he missed his step and fell down the staircase the floor accompanied with a pained groan at the end

Back to the cabin

And Summer was showing Cloud as an amazing reveal to the winner from a game show while saying with a dramatic voice "The master swordsman Cloud Strife able to wield a bar of metal like a-"

and before she could finish her sentence Cloud just put his hand over summers mouth to stop from giving him an embarrassing introduction that she's been thinking of doing to introduce him and thought she was joking in the gummi, and he thought wrong so he decided to introduce himself instead of embarrassing himself in front of his best friend's family

'Need to make a good first impression and all that but not like this' with a sigh he then introduced himself

"Like Summer said my name is Cloud Strife Pleasure to meet you all"

With of course Summer was pouting and turning her head to the side while grumbling something the only thing the was caught was something about being a meanie while Cloud could only let out a tired sigh knowing well of his friend's habit of being childish at times, but it didn't bother him

With Tai chuckling on how Summer hasn't changed that much but feels a little bit of pity for what his blond brother had to deal with on the daily but chuckled at the thought but raised his hand in front of him for the other blond to shake and introduced himself

"My name is Taiyang Xiao Long nice to meet Ya and sorry on how I reacted to you earlier" he said as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck

With Cloud a small smile was on his face "It's ok if I were in your shoes, I would probably do the same thing, you can never be too careful can you" he grabbed and shook the man's hand in acceptance and then he turned to see the two girls as both of them were looking at the two girls while one that was called Ruby had a look of amazement and stary eyes and followed where she was looking at, to which landed at his sword and the other blond girl was basically checking him out

'Well, she is at that age but by the stars I really hope this is only a phase" he really hopes that's the case but shook the uncomfortable feelings off and introduced himself to the two young girls

"Hello, pleasure to meet-" before Cloud could finish his sentence Ruby squeals as a child her age when they get excited that they want something they want or something that's super cute

"Your sword is so cool it looks like a regular big sword, but if you look at it carefully it's multiple smaller swordstogether to make that big sword"

"but it looks like it doesn't have any Mecha shift components so how that works" while muttering on about it should be impossible on how the whole sword should be faulty and would brake easily during a fight and it looked too heavy to be used properly before she could continue her thought process

She was stopped from her thoughts from continuing when Cloud coughed to gain her attention and she was red in embarrassment for going in analysis mode for seeing new weapons that she's never seen before and when she turned around and saw her mother giving her a stern look like a parent would when their child did something wrong

Then the stern look turned into a sweet smile that she was going to get a talking to later and at this Ruby was shaking slightly because she didn't know what she did wrong

"Now Ruby it's not very nice to say things like that about people's weapon of choice and specifically Clouds" when said in a too sweet tone the two girls felt a shiver go up their spines

"Did...did I say something mean" with summer shaking her head in a yes motion Ruby started panicking


Before she could continue, she felt a hand rubbing her head and she looked up saw and saw green eyes look down on silver in a big brotherly manner with his eyes showing no anger, no annoyance, just acceptance

"It's ok you didn't know" in the same tone not changing

But understood that she was supposed to comfort her, and she was about to respond

then Ruby being pushed to the side by the third blond in the room

"Hey handsome the names Yang Xiao Long and don't forget it, are your single cause if so, I'll show you a yangtastic time?" said with a flirtatious tone

The question caught everyone that was in the room off guard with Summer just laughing her ass off holding on to her stomach trying to stop herself but failing miserably cause on how many occasions they lost count when times both men and women tried to get with Cloud on multiple occasions keyword 'Tried' and some didn't know the meaning of no or didn't have it in their dictionary so things could get a bit messy and 'a bit' is a stretch

With Clouds face still being emotionless but the feeling he's emitting and the emotion that Clouds eyes were showing were dread that being that the man was 21 years old and what looks like the girl at 15 which was of course the answer was one simple word


Is what cloud said in a monotone voice the response was quick which of course got yang to slump a bit in disappointment but sadly giving up wasn't in her vocabulary and picked herself back up

"you'll come around handsome", and summer was able to get her composure and got to talking to her family catching up on what happen after her 'death' after learning about the situation with 'her', and the white fang hearing of what happened to the once peaceful protesters, then turning to terrorism made feel saddened that they went down such a dark path cause she wasn't one to judge someone by appearance, she is more like actions speak louder than words kind person but besides that

Before she could resume her train of thought Tai said something

"Besides everything else what happened Summer where were you this whole time if you were alive" with a worried expression while leaning forward on his chair

"Oh...um...well... you see" 'how do explain to them that sent to the darkest place in the universe nearly avoiding death twice, TWICE and that you were trying to get back to your home world not knowing if it still existed or got taken from the darkness and helped bring back some worlds and the universe from the darkness taking all life in the universe, thinking about all of that just makes me sound insane' trying to contemplate on how to explain what happen to her without sounding crazy

But before she could respond, someone else did it for her

"She had amnesia"

Then everyone looked at the person that spoke and it was Cloud

Ruby confused "What does that mean?" being a young age she is still learning about the world and what some words mean

"Ruby that means that mom got hit so bad that she forgot almost everything about herself and that means us" Yang saying in a sad tone


before she could continue her worried screams a hand was on her shoulder which was her fathers and explains what amnesia is that it's a mental thing that doesn't let them remember some memories' and sadly everything about their former life unintentionally forgetting others but that there's a chance for them to get some of their memories and the way they get it would be getting a trigger that help regain some of their memories it takes time to regain all their memories

With Tai finished explaining how it sort of works Ruby looked at her mother and asked a question that Cloud hoped wouldn't come up

"What was able to get you to regain your memory?"

Summer was sad cause of the lie she must make a story on the spot and lie to her family and that was hurting her in her heart deeply but for now she needed to play along to keep the vow that she had made, until the time comes for when she is needed again but time for each world were vastly different and complex and she won't know when she will be needed once again, but enough of that she will be enjoying as much time she can have with her family even ... even if it meant lying to them they would forgive for what she did that.... right?

"Well first I was badly injured, and I was found washed up on a beach on an island far away from the four kingdoms and their multiple small islands of from another kingdom that is doing its own thing and not get involved with other kingdoms and stuff"

With Yang interested on what the island is called that her got to and asked

"What was the island's name if you don't mind us asking?"

Summer again thought on the spot and spoke

"Destiny Island" answered quickly without thinking

while in her mind The Chibi Summer was berating herself for giving that answer 'No, you weren't supposed to say that there was another name in mind dagnammit please gods help me... oh wait something can help me' and thought of an idea quickly and executed it swiftly

"And on the Island, there are multiple legends that I heard from there, mostly local legends so the kingdoms won't know them and there's a story once told amongst the towns people and it's one of my favorites and it has to do with a gift that I have for you girls, and for you too Tai"

Hearing this got them very interested and curious about the gift and the story that came with it, but Tai had a feeling that she was holding something back and he figured she did, but she'll confront her about it after she has her time with the girls, but he'd be lying if he wasn't interested momentarily avoiding Ruby's question

"Ok so first gifts"

Then Summer took out four colored plain glass stars each had patterns on each one-star was scarlet red with a silver outline and had some roses showing another star, yellow with half of the outline was purple and the other half was red and what looks like fire design on the edges of the star the third was also yellow but with a sky-blue outline and what seemed like dragon design going around the star and the last and fourth star was black with a red outline with a design of feathers on the star, each of them having their own unique look with three present look at the craftsman of the beautiful while being given there's respectively in awe of the beauty of such a thing and Yang asked

"So what are these things they look-"

"So beautiful" Ruby finished her sisters sentence with Tai and Yang nodding in agreement

With Summer chuckling at the looks on their faces but answered non the less

"These are called Wayfinder's on destiny Island" showing the one meant for the fourth person

"What are they are they like a Goodluck charm or something?" said Tai still eyeing the now named Wayfinder enamored for its beauty

"In a way they are, but they also have another meaning behind it, would you like to know what that other meaning is" all three nodded with ruby excited to learn about something that had a story it had to be something good and cool

"When people are miles, miles and miles away from each other they would think that the chances of meeting one another again would be slim but with a Wayfinder you are guaranteed to see each other one day be it for better or for worse it'll always find a way see each other but that's only when you believe that they will guide you and bring back together with the people you truly care about" she said while looking at that way finder with a look of nostalgia

With the rest hearing this they looked at the lucky charm with more appreciation and liked the meaning behind it than Ruby remembers that there's a story that comes with it and, looked at the charm and held it close to her heart then asked her mom

"So, mom what the story behind it I'm really excited to hear it please" begging to her mom while giving her the puppy eyes and it was super affective but still retorted weakly

"don't you have-" before she could finish her sentence Ruby answered her

"It's the weekend tomorrow we don't have school on the weekends" answered with an excited tone and jumping up and down in the spot

But Summer chuckled and smiled nun the less and then said

"Okay then has been, the story was once told to me by a good friend I was close to in my time on the Island and I got to tell you he loves the story that I remember it by heart" so she gets herself comfortable for a story telling

"So Once Upon a Time"