
The story of the daughter of the demon queen

You will follow Eloise's story which is full of pitfalls and love and you will see how she will succeed in either realising her dream of doing good or becoming a master of evil. the character on the cover does not belong to me. In rewriting

nini45000 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Eloise trudged her way back home, her steps burdened with the weight of the day's exhaustion. The door's click behind her signaled a welcomed end to her day's turmoil. She felt relief flooding over her, knowing she could finally unwind. Today had been a chaotic blend of tasks and emotions. Now, nestled in her cozy bathroom, Eloise found solace in the loving embrace of a refreshing shower. Water streamed over her, carrying away the day's grime and stress, leaving her rejuvenated.

Draped in a towel, she wandered to her bedroom, the soft carpet a comforting contrast to the bathroom's chill tiles. Her bed beckoned, promising a night of restful sleep with its soft pillows and welcoming sheets. Eloise slipped beneath the covers, her body sinking into the mattress as she surrendered to slumber's embrace.

Over the week, Eloise noticed a profound absence. The haunting voice that had occupied her thoughts seemed to have vanished. The eerie whispers that had once filled her mind now gave way to silence. Like lifting fog, this silence revealed a clear path ahead. Together with her friends Naoka and Mia, Eloise embarked on a bold endeavor – crafting their own restaurant. They invested their hearts and time, converting wooden boards into a haven where culinary dreams flourished. Amid the rhythmic percussion of hammers and the scent of fresh paint, they toiled ceaselessly, driven by shared passion.

Entrepreneurship's intricacies were navigated, as they secured ingredients and materials to breathe life into their vision. The undertaking was love's labor, a testament to their tenacity and devotion. Through this process, Eloise's chest swelled with pride. Beyond a mere establishment, the restaurant embodied unity, friendship, and aspirations.

Simultaneously, another chapter in Eloise's life began. As a new school day dawned, Alice sensed the routine's impending return. Yet, a glint of excitement lit her spirits – Eloise's return, a presence exuding warmth and comfort. Alice commenced her morning ritual, the familiar acts offering solace.

Descending the stairs, Alice was met by an unexpected sight – Maria, an enigma, stood at the door. A curious choice for a morning companion.

"Hey, Maria! What brings you here?" Alice's curiosity was unabashed.

Maria's playful response danced in the air, "I have the right to pick you up and walk together, right?"

Alice's nod concealed a gentle smile, "Yes, but give me a heads-up next time."

Maria's resolve resonated in her tone, "I'll pick you up every day from now on."

Their camaraderie established, they ventured to school side by side. Contact between their hands evoked a blush upon Alice's cheeks, an uncontrollable reaction. She stumbled over her words, attempting to address the situation.

"Um, Maria," Alice's voice quivered.

Maria's confident yet playful reply carried a hint of mischief, "Something wrong? Do you want me to let go?"

Alice's answer, both timid and sincere, was clear, "No."

Hand in hand, they proceeded, Alice's heartbeat echoing a subtle connection. Her gaze wandered to Maria's necklace, previously unnoticed. A genuine compliment passed her lips, conveying appreciation for the beauty before her.

At their destination, Maria's enigmatic aura remained intact. A lingering notion teased Alice's thoughts – "They say time flies when you're with someone you love." An enigma hung in the air, hinting at unspoken sentiments.

Simultaneously, Eloise's path unfolded. The school beckoned, an arena of learning and camaraderie. Her descent downstairs prompted greetings exchanged with Mia, grounding her amid her swirling thoughts. Her mother's tender kiss conveyed affection and reassurance, an unwavering connection.

Eloise's steps aligned with Amber's. Conversation flowed, centered on Jade – a figure wrapped in mystery. Amber's question, like a stone tossed in water, rippled through Eloise's thoughts.

"Jade, do you know her?" Amber's inquiry lingered.

Eloise's affirmation birthed curiosity, "Yes, I do. And you? How did you feel when she left?"

Amber's clarification followed swiftly, grounding them in shared reality, "Don't get me wrong, Eloise. We're in the same class. I wasn't swept off my feet. It's just that Jade left. How do you know?"

Eloise's response bore a touch of mischief, an unexpected twist, "My mum told me. Well, consider me a stranger now, and you where are you going without your books? Check your bag. Bye."

Amber's discovery stirred frustration and surprise, her exclamation testament to Eloise's unpredictability, "Why, Eloise? You can be so mean!"

As school drew nearer, Eloise quickened her pace, anticipation for the day ahead. Yet, an unexpected scene halted her – Alice and Maria, hands entwined, their gesture laden with unspoken meaning. Intrigued, Eloise approached, her quest for answers palpable.

A question, rich in implications, hung between them, "Something happened when I was away, and I need to know everything."

Alice's swift reassurance aimed to dispel assumptions, "It's not what you think, Eloise. Maria and I aren't together."

Yet doubt lingered in Eloise's gaze, her conviction firm, "I know you're just shy. You can tell me the truth; I'm your friend."

Maria interjected, her voice firm, their reality voiced, "Eloise, Alice and I are friends. Don't believe otherwise."

Eloise's nod bore a bittersweet remark, "Such a shame, but it's okay. I'm sure you two will date in the future."

Alice's attempt at diversion was redirected, a question hinting at Eloise's own experiences, "And how's your thing with Jade?"

Eloise's candid admission painted her reality, "I hate to disappoint, but there's nothing between Jade and me."

Alice's teasing dance continued, a reminder of witnessed moments, "Are you sure? Because last night, it wasn't you who hugged her."

Eloise's swift defense shielded her from Alice's playful accusations, "Just a friendly hug. Doesn't count."

The bell's chime quelled their exchange, paths diverging to their classrooms. Amidst bustling students, Amber stood conspicuously late. The teacher's inquiry hovered, met with Amber's response, her frustration hinting at future reprisal.

Amber's haven was the classroom, her seat both physically and emotionally comforting. The day unfolded, Eloise's actions leaving an indelible mark. Revenge simmered, a vow against frustration.

The days continue Yugo awaited her after class, what was he doing here Eloise was asking herself.

Alice's echoed curiosity came with a knowing smile, "What have you done this time, Eloise?"

Eloise's evasion was swift, secrets withheld, "Nothing, don't worry."

Journey led Eloise to the council room, a realm of authority and unity. Naoka's welcoming words wrapped the space in inclusivity, her presence acknowledged and valued.

"Welcome to the council, Eloise," Naoka's words carried warmth.

Eloise's admission was honest, a touch forgetful, "Oh, right, I forgot."

Maria's voice held responsibility's weight, a reminder of what lay ahead, "You're the 10th council member now. Behave and attend meetings."

Jade's voice added her own thread, a hint at upcoming endeavor, "You'll join Naoka's team for the inter-school tournament in two months."

Eloise's curiosity piqued, desire for understanding evident, "Tell me more about the tournament."

Jade's explanation painted a vivid picture, talents clashing on a stage, "It's in two months. We'll have three teams, four members each. You, Naoka, Yugo, and Naoto form the first team."

Maria's voice interwove, detailing the second team's composition, "The second team has Hiro, Yoru, Shun, and Ryu."

Naoka's final words paved the way for anticipation, a glimpse at what lay ahead, "The last team's Maria, Jade, and two others to be chosen in two weeks. The others can go back to your business. Eloise, stay. We need to talk."