
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

" He Didn't Object ?! "

Some days have passed since the incident of Daisy hospital . After every tragedy , the town people become more anxious as well as more careful than before . As a result , some particular areas of the town temporarily lose their momentum . The streets become deserted , people stop going out of their houses , the stores and other institutions also remain closed for some time . The area around D street was one such place . The place has already been infamous because of the dark souls activities , occuring there , after the attack on the Daisy hospital it has become more terrifying . That's why , even in the weekend there was not a single person on the street . No , there was one ..... lone figure trying to detect any suspicious movement in the seemingly abandoned space . Kind of disappointing it was to watch over a street where there is actually nothing to watch .

But her disappointment didn't last long as something extremely shocking sight caught her eyes .... two children , following a person . The sight would've been very common if the person wasn't dressed in a black hoodie which was completely covering his face .


The black dressed person was walking swiftly with the two children following him in a daze . But he had to stop soon as a female voice spoke up from behind them , " Has stealing children become a hobby for you guys ? "

Enilese had no other option but to confront the person , in order to save the children . She was a bit nervous as she doesn't have much experience with the dark souls except for the brief yet remarkable encounter with one of them in the S forest . She was waiting for the person to turn around but the person showed no sign of turning back rather he simply hold the hands of the children and took a step forward .

Enilese gritted her teeth and shouted in rage , " Aren't you guys tired of killing innocent children ? Don't you have any conscience ? " , She came in front of him and blocked his way . She continued , " Don't you feel slightest shame for using these children for your nasty purposes ? "

Somehow she assumed that this person was the one , she met in the S forest . The idea that there are other dark soul members and this man can be just any other dark soul didn't come to her mind .

She knew that last time his powers didn't work on her and probably that's why she was hoping this person to be him . Because only that way she still had the chance of saving those kids .

After some time , the person lifts his head a little and his pursed lips came to sight . Enilese sighed a little , it was the same dark soul .

Since the dark soul was not saying anything , Enilese said again , " I won't let you take them . You have harmed a lot of innocent souls already . Not anymore . Even if I have to die here I'll try to stop you . "

The man's pursed lips formed a very slight smirk at her words . And that didn't escape Enilese's eyes . She became very angry , she cursed him in her mind and turned to the kids . Those kids were of same age and there was great similarity in their appearances . Enilese came to the conclusion that they were most probably twins .

Their clothes were dirty , there were some minor injuries on their bodies and the worst of all things was their eyes , they were completely blank . It was very clear that they were extremely shocked as well as scared by something .

She gently touched one of the kid's face but the kid didn't look at her . He kept on staring at nowhere . She spoke up softly , " Hey , what is your name ? "

The kid didn't respond . " Are you in pain ? Are you scared ? " , she asked again but still got no reply . She then tried to talk to the other kid but it didn't work either .

Enilese's eyes got a bit teary looking at the kids in such manner and once again her heart got filled with immense hatred for the dark souls . She couldn't bring herself to think what the dark souls might have done to these kids for them to behave in that way .

Enilese looked at the person who was standing nonchalantly . She was so angry that she shouted holding his collars , " What have you done to them ? Why the h*ll they are not saying anything ? Did you beat them up ? ....." , she was going to say more but the hooded man grabbed both of her hands from his collars and pushed her away . That act only made Enilese angrier . She took both of the kids' hands from his grip and took them a bit away from him . She said to the kids , " Don't be afraid . He won't be able to take you anywhere . I'll take you to a good place . Everything will be fine . Okay ?? "

Still the kids had no reaction at all .

She sighed and looked at the hooded person once again , he was standing with his hand in his pocket . She frowned a little as she couldn't understand what he was thinking right now .

She said turning away from him , " I am taking them with me . "

After that , she didn't waste a single moment before taking long strides with those children . And those children too followed along with their unchanged expression .

Though she was acting very boldly only she herself knew how nervous she was . Her heart was beating very fast . She had a certain feeling that he would attack them from behind . She just held the children's hands tightly and continued walking .

After some moments , she looked back to check whether he was chasing behind them only to find that he had already turned back and was walking to the opposite direction .

She stopped and couldn't help but frown a little . She subconsciously muttered , " He didn't even object ?! "


The sun was setting down spreading the dull orange hue everywhere . The air was heavy with some unknown pain . Enilese was sitting under her favourite magnolia tree , in the Angel base garden . She didn't seem to be in a good mood . It seemed , she was very upset with something or probably someone .

Enilese didn't have any idea how long she had been sitting like that , her chain of thoughts suddenly broke when she heard a very familiar and soothing voice calling her name . She looked up and unconsciously a small smile appeared on her face .

She softly said , " Master . "