
The Story of Atlas

In the world of Arladan only the strong survive. When a boy gets introduced to the world of cultivation, he decides to not let fate push him around anymore. Without any knowledge about his parents, this boy tries to become stronger and stronger, while during the process searching for his heritage. Watch how Atlas walks on his path to greatness.

Catalan · Fantasi
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5 Chs


During a night in the middle of a forest. A man with a black cape dissappears and reappears every 100 meters. The man carries a little baby with him. The baby is unlike others. Instead of crying or laughing, the baby is quietly watching the man. The man looks at the baby's grey eyes. The man shows a smile. Suddenly a spear of flames surpass the man and explodes in front of him turning forest in front of him in a sea of fire. ''You won't be able to run away with the boy, Cade.'' Suddenly two vague shadows are rapidly approaching the man. ''Who said anything about running with him, Michael ?'' Cade says. ''Give the child back you traitor.'' one of the shadows roars. ''This is the will of his mother.'' Cade says. Suddenly Cade stops moving. A white light starts to seep out of him. ''Don't do it Cade!!!'' one of the shadows roar. The light gets brighter and brighter. The shadows fly with even faster speed towards Cade and the baby. ''Space-Time World Gate!'' utters Cade. The whole seems to start shaking. The white light envelops the baby and shoots up to the sky. Suddenly the sky seems to crack apart. ''NO!!!'' the shadows both roar. They look at the sky with anger and disbelief. BOOM! A loud explosion is heard. The white light is blinding before it slowly disappears. All that is left is Cade. Without the baby. Cade himself is burnt with parts of his skin still smoking. His cape is reduced to ash. Cade himself doesn't pay attention to his body. Instead he looks to the sky and mutters something: ''I will wait for the day you arrive here.''.