
The Special Path To Divinity (Unedited)

......This version was created to know more about the readers view on the book, if you notice I used different writing styles, so I would advice you to read the edited one “The Special Path To Divinity” Alex Jackson a guy who came of age and became a strengthened like his parents and decided to go through a lustful path to achieve his goal of being the strongest awakened

Charming_immortal · Lainnya
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70 Chs

Chapter 67: CDD, Cultivator Discovery Department

Mr James escorted Alex out of the office and he went back to his work when Alex said he wanted to still see Emily. When he got to their department office she was preparing to leave so he called her out.

" I will see you in one week time but if you need anything feel free to go to the mansion, Mr Lee will answer you " Alex said when they came out

" One week?, The school doesn't reopen the gate till one or two months time " Emily was confused on how he will come

" Don't worry, also I have to go to the company, there is something we are creating I believe it can stop the production of the portal for some time " Alex replied

" Just be careful also be fast with it, I doubt that Woman has that much time, especially since it is only her who is stopping the school from commencing " Emily replied knowing she can't change his mind again

" Make sure to eat before going out, I would have loved to stay but ..... " Alex was trying to stay and eat with her

" Don't worry I will be fine just go " Emily replied because she knew Alex was delaying because he had a dangerous plan if they did anything without him.

" Okay so try not to miss me too much " Alex said as he pecked her lips and started walking away not waiting for her reaction.


When Alex got into the car he told the driver to take him to the company instead, He stopped at the Mall to get a Business Suit before heading to the company.

Twenty Minutes later they got there and Alex walked into the company, a lot of eyes were on him.

' Wow, Who is that handsome man? '

' There is a rumour that the CEO is godly handsome '

' I wish he was my Boyfriend even if it is only for a day '

A lot of murmurs could be heard as Alex walked without minding anyone while he got to the elevator about five bodyguards came to him and was escorting him but he still kept on going.

' I think it is Mr Alex, the bodyguards and he is taking the VVIP elevator '

' Wow he is do handsome ' Another set of murmurs erupted once more.

When Alex got to his destination ' The Cultivator Discovery Department ' he opened the door and went in putting on the safety gears.

" Good morning sir, You look awesome today " A female in her late twenties greeted him

" Thank you so do you, so how is the production going? " Alex asked after replying her compliment

" We are almost done, we have discovered a particular gem to aid our experiments " The woman replied

" Okay I will like to see it " Alex said as he started striding forward

" Okay " The woman replied as she took Alex to the test room

" This is the gem, It can power up a house for 2 years, we found a way to break it into tiny particles and insert it in the runes " The woman explained, she was the Head Scientist here at Dracotulis ( Alex Company )

They were currently in the test room, The Department was trying to create a technology that will create a Dome to protect people or thing when activated, they have been on it for three months now but their progress could be considered fast since it was rare items that was being used so it will take time to find them but now that a Gem that can power it for a reasonable amount of time has been found it will reduce expenses.

" Good, I can only give you one month more, I need to test it on something and it's really important " Alex said after she explained their progress

" We will try our best " The Head Scientist replied but Alex didn't reply only raising an eyebrow before he turned back to leave.

When he got out of there he went to his office.

" Good Morning Mr Alex " His Secretary greeted him

" Good Morning Xuer, how was everything in my absence? " Alex said

" Not much, The only main problem is the Media, they are curious of what we are doing, the Power Cooperation managed to use the Questioning of the police to turn it to us, that if there is anyone who should be questioned, it is Dracotulis because of the recent Blackout caused by our Experiments " Xuer replied

" The Blackout issue has been eliminated, when I get back I will have a conference with the media, Any other information? " Alex said dealing with the media issue

" Also the Power Cooperation share has skyrocketed in the market, it has increased by fifteen percent " Xuer continued

" There is no emergency in that, with the current situation there share will drop while ours will rise, Tell Mr Lee to meet me at the door " Alex said before going out of the office since there was nothing that needed his urgent attention and he needed to go to the school


When he got to the Door, his Butler was waiting for him. He always monitored both The Company and the Mansion.

" Young Master, you are meant to be at the school now, I received another letter that the competition starts in one hour time " Mr Lee told him, since they had met this morning there was no need to greet he only bowed slightly,

" I want to tell you that anytime Emily comes to the mansion take care of her like she is me or even my Mom " Alex said

" There is no need for you to tell me that, she is known as the Young Miss " Mr Lee replied

' I guess I was worrying over nothing, I should better get going ' Alex thought

" Okay, I am gone " Alex said as he entered the car and they drove off.