
Chapter 2

At the Sarutobi trainning grounds Raiden and his now Sensei where standing by a tree.

"Now Raiden where going to work on charka control and incresing your reserves for now with some kenjutsu training. Both of your mther and father were masters in the way of the sword, and I have some experience in sword so I'll teach you want I know." After listing to his sensei he wanted to learn one more thing since he was a Uzumaki, so he asked "Sensei can I learn fuinjutsu as well?" The Hokage looked surprised and thought 'Hmm. I already planned on teaching him the art of sealing anyway.' "Yes I'll teach you the Art of Sealing in the afternoon. Now let's begin"

Raiden listened to what his Sensei said about charka and started doing the tree climbing technquie and at first it was a bit difficult but Raiden got it down in a few minutes and got to the top on the tree in 45 minutes. After that his Sensei had him stick to the tree with the diffrent types of his body until he exhausted himself of charka. Sarutobi looked pleased with is new student "Now that you have exhausted your charka sit down and mediate on what you learned today while we wait for your charka to come back to full." Raiden was breathing hard and looked up at his sensei " A-alright Sensei"

Sitting down Raiden started to mediate, but as he was doing that he didn't noticed to grass around him was looking like they we're all pointing towards him. Not even his Sarutobi noticed, but he did notice was how much charka his student had. Even as a child Raiden hold the charka of a Academy Student 'Hmm it must be the Nine-Tails charka that's making his charka coycles bigger. Not to mentention the First Hokage's own charka in the boy's system. I wonder coupled with that and the fact he's a pure blooded Senju could he... Well we see I guess.' After an hour Raiden got up and went back to doing the same exercises.

When the afternoon came around Raiden finished his trainning for the day and he could walk on a tree for 20 minuties. After that he went inside and started on his calligraphy which his sensei told him that if he wanted to be a master sealer he would have to have perfect calligraphy. Along with his reading, math, writing, and shinobi tactics.

2 years later

After training with his sensei Raiden's charka is now at low-level Genin, charka control was pretty good but he would never become a medical-nin or genjutsu master, his at Fuinjutsu level 2 which means he can now seal inanimate objects in scrolls, he carries a katana everywhere he goes getting used to the weight, but he hasn't started to do any elemental ninjutsu yet on the account his sensei hasn't used any charka paper to determind his charka nature or natures yet. Sarutobi sensei said I have to wait until I enter the Academy, but he did teach Raiden the Second Hokage's [Shadow Clone Jutsu] on the account he has so much chakra that he won't be able to do regular clones, [Shadow Shuriken Jutsu], and Raiden took it a steep futher and made the [Shadow Kunai Jutsu]

After another day of training Raiden went into his room and decied to pull out the scrolls he put under his bed a couple years back. He took out his father's letter to look at the map again so he could memories it. Raiden planned to go and live there when he started the Academy since he was going to stop training him when he turned 10. Having cometing the map to memory he decied to burn the letter so it couldn't be stolen. Durning trainning he would sense charka signatures that didn't belong to his sensie's ANBU. He knew they belonged to ROOT and that Danzo was starting to watch him.

"Sensei told me to stay away from Danzo no matter what and never to trust that man. I can't have him knowing my real power level until I'm at least Chuunin level, and no one can know I actually have Wood nature. Not even sensei." Raiden wasn't stupid, actually far from it he knows what to keep to himself and what to trust to his sensei; Wood nature charka was something to keep to himself as the village would get wind of it, and after that the world then assassination attempts on his life from inside this village as well as outside would be something he can't handle at his level.

Sitting on his bed Raiden took out the white scrolls with a dark red dragon it and started to read it, and he was surprised when he say a kenjutsu style called the Dragon Style. It's style that focus on strength but also uses fluid steps and swords strokes to deceive opponents into thinking the sowrd strike will be soft, when it's as hard as a dragons attack. The best thing about this kenjutsu style is that it also incorporates strikes from the other limbs of the body while using the sword. Reading the style for a bit long he decied to go to bed while running over the basic steps of the Dragon Style in his mind.

4 years later

Today was the last day of his training with Sarutobi sensei and they we're going at it. Last year he reached seal level 3 and his sensei has finally decied to find out his charka nature and that was a surprise to both of them.

"Alright Raiden told day we're going to be finding out your charka nature or natures if you have more than one." Sarutobi sensei said. After that he took out a piece of paper, and handed to Raiden explaining what he wanted him to do. "Now Raiden what you have is called charka paper. It will tell us what your chakra nature is. Fire and the paper will burn. Water it will soak. Wind it'll split down the middle. Earth and it'll crumble. Lightning and the paper'll wrinkle. Alright now just run some charka threw the paper and will find out."

Raiden just noded his head and focused on the paper. Soon the paper soaked, then turned to earth, then half burned turning to ash, and the other half wrinkled. Raiden figured it would do the first two since he had wood style, but the other two was a surprise and he guessed he got them from his mother. Raiden looked at is master and had a small smile while saying "So sensei I guess this means I have 4 chakra nartures right?"

Sarutobi looked at his stuudent and laughed "Hahaha yes that's exactualy what it means. It seems you have a strong affinaty for water and earth not surprising who your father and uncle are; as for fire and lightning that's a surprised. Not so much as fire as your mother was known as the Fire Dragon Goddess, she was feared through out the shinobi world for he mastery of fire jutsu."

Raiden looked in awe when he heard how much of badass his mother was. His father sure since he was the Second Hokage and know for his water jutsu and being called the fastest shinobi alive when he was alive.

Sarutobi told Raiden the reasons behind the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] that it could be used for training to cut the time down for training, techniques, and spy missions. After tell Raiden to get some leafs to soaking,crumbling, buring, and wrinkling. Even using the clone technique it still took him about 4 months to get through the change in all his natures until it was second nature to him.

Saritobi looked at Raiden with a smile "Alright now that your training is coming to close in the next 6 months im going to teach you 2 jutsu for water and earth and one for the rest of your chakra natures. Now watch" As he made the hand signs he said [Water Style: Raging Waves] A huge amout of water came out of Sarutobi's mouth sweeping everything away. Next he showed [Water Style: Water Wall] as water was still around from his pervious water jutsu he created a wall of water covering not only him but Raiden as well. "Now then two since this was one is the other stronger nature pay attention [Earth Style: Earth Flow River]" a river of mud cames crashing sweeping up everything in it's way. The next one was [Earth Style: Mud Dragon Bullet] a giant mud dragon head came up out of the ground and shout out mub balls going at high speeds. The next was [Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet] Saritobi blowed out fire from his mouth and combined with his mud bullets for a more deadly attack. The last one was lightning and it took him awhile for him to think of another and when he finised he made the handed signed [Lightning Style: Spider Web] as he slamed his hand on the ground he released electricity around a 10m range in the shape of a spider web. "Alright now that I've shown you the jutsu's I want you to master them, and after you've done that we'll have a spar to finish your training with me as your sensei."

"Yes Sensei." Raiden said with a excited voice.

Now standing in the Sarutobi Clan training field there was an old man wearing black jumpsuit, mesh segments over the lower portions of his limbs, and a green gauntlet that covered much of his right arm. He also wore an armoured hood with a bandanna-like forehead protector over this, tied with two long straps. He was holding an black and yellow extendable staff that was as hard as a diamond as Hiruzen Sarutobi was standing in a defensive stance in front of Raiden with his red and siver hair flowing as a brezze picked up weilding a green and black katana in his Dragon stance wearing a blue long sleeved shirt with red shorts and blue sandals.

"Are you ready Raiden?" Sarutobi asked

"Hai Sensei." Raiden answerd as he was watching for any small movement from his sensei.

After a leaf touched down on the ground both rushed to each other; Raiden swinging his sword in a low ark, but Sarutobi block with his staff while using the other end to go for a head strike. Raiden saw this and jumped back looking a the creator the staff made. The staff extended ging for a gut strike. Raiden stabed his sword in the ground and used it as a spring borad jumping in the air, bringing out 5 shuriken while making hand signs [Shadow Shuriken Jutsu] 5 turned into 50 as they decended towards Sarutobi. Spining his staff Sarutobi balocked all the shuriken as Raiden landed by his katana dashing backwards getting some distance from his sensei.

"Why's he running Sarutobi?" His staff asked him as a eye appeared on it.

It was then he heard a sizzling sound and widen his eye's making 1 hand sign [Wind Style: Gale Palm] a gust of wind surrounded Sarutobi as a few paper bombs went off around him, blowing the explosion away from him.

"That was good. Using the shuriken to block my view of the paper bombs." Sarutobi said as he picked up his staff.

Raiden closed in on his sensei right as the smoke was cleared away with his katana in the sheath while applaying charka to his feet making him turn into a blur, and soon he was beside his sensei unsheathing the katana [Dragon Style: Dragon's Pass] Raiden's sword went through Sarutobi, but went Raiden re-sheathed his sword Sarutobi truned into mud.

'Damn a mud clone' Raiden thought focusing on feeling his sensei's charka.

Feeling him below him Raiden made a clone and both jumped as Sarutobi came up out of the ground where his was standing before. Sarutobi jumped after Raiden and his clone as the engaged in a battle of staff and katana until Sarutobi grabed the clone, and using his staff to hit Raiden in the gut. Throwing the clone away as it hit the ground it disspelled, Sarutobi landed as Raiden was picking himself up off the ground. Getting up and running while sending his katana away making a clone as they were infront of his sensie. Raiden and his clone started to make hand signs [Earth Style: Earth Flow River] [Water Style: Raging Waves]. The mud and water mixed to create a raging mudslide comeing towards Sarutobi.

"Very good Radien." Sarutobi said while he made a hand sing [Fire style: Dragon Flames Bombs] a blazing inferno came out his mouth drying the water mud coming towards him. Raiden dispelled his clone and jumped back bring his katana out.

"Alright Sensei let's finish this" Raiden said getting in a stance that shocked Sarutobi

"Sarutobi that stance!" Sarutobi's staff said

"Yes Emma. That stance is the Dragon's charge. Though it's still in the beginers stage" Sarutobi said

Raiden squating down, spread his feet, placing the dull end of his katana on his shoulder holding it with both hands. Raiden in his stance closed his eye's focusing his most of his charka on his feet, then opened his eye's as everything but his sensei became a blur. Charging he swung his katana across Sarutobi gut, but like he predicted the move Sarutobi slamed his staff in the ground as he used his other hand to chope Raidens neck as he went by him. The katana's blade broke as soon as it came into contact into Sarutobi staff, not moving at all.