
The Son Of The Devil Prison

The son of a rape victim, raised in a prison for the hardest kriminel. What will happen when he finally gets his freedom? A story about a kid who knows how to fight and kill but is still a toddler when it comes to interaction with the real world. Read and follow him as he explores the world and meets new friends and enemies.

Skitzo666 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

2. Village

1. Village

I regret coming out to this side of the world. I should have stayed in the prison. How am I supposed to survive when facing this black beast? I look at the beast that I can't feel anything from. No mana fluctuations or anything. I never thought I would face a beast that can hide it's fluctuations from me. I pull out my sword slowly, getting ready to fight to death if I have to. The beast looks at me while showing its teeth. I feel my back getting drenched with sweat. "Woof!" it growls at me. This tiny beast that I know can kill with a single strike, is just staring at me. "What are you doing?" I hear a feminine voice come from behind me. "stay... back..." I whisper and continue "it's a deadly beast". The woman walks up to me and looks at me with a weird look. She goes up to this deadly beast and picks it up. "It's just a dog" she says as she hugs it. A dog? I feel my face getting red as i sheath my sword and look at the woman for a second. She has a big smile on her face and i feel my face getting even warmer. I turn around and run away as fast as I can. How was I supposed to know it was a dog!? I have never seen one before! Damn it. The first human I meet and I embarrass myself. I think back to the dog that I saw and the woman. So that's what a dog looks like... it was kind of cute now that I think about it. As I was thinking about the dog I started to feel the presence of other humans. A lot of them. I stop running and slowly walk towards them. I see a group of men and women with weapons going towards a little village a little distance away. A burly man turns around and looks at me. He says something and the others from the group also turn and look at me. I walk towards them slowly, with my hand ready to grab my sword if I need it. Sensei said that there are a lot of evil men out in the real world. Maybe this group is evil too. "Where are you headed?" asks the man in a rough voice as i near him. The man is pretty buffy and is wearing a iron armor with a few dents and some blood here and there. "To Shinir city" I answer back. One of the guys behind the burly guy points in the direction opposite of the city and says "it'll take you two days from here, but don't go now. It's dangerous at night. There is a bandit group somewhere around here that attacks at night". I turn and look towards the city. I guess I'll stay here for tonight. "Come. You can stay at my place for the night" says the burly man and starts walking towards the city. "My name is Noah" "My name is Darv"