
Prologue - A Look Into the Past

In a world where magic existed; and humans were but one of many species to exist, there lived a young woman of a nomadic horse tribe. The tribe of Thunder, named after the sound of horses hooves running as one. This young woman was the daughter of the leader of her tribe, her name was Marin.

One day, Marin caught sight of a strange man wondering through the barren lands that the tribe has settled into for some time, to refresh the horses and supplies. The man appeared to be a bard of some sort. He was well rested, even though he must have been walking for quite some time. His clothes well cleaned, eyes shined brightly as if they were pools of liquid silver, and he was singing. His melody rang out softly, yet strong and hung into the air as if his words dripped with magic.

Marin approached the man, whose charming smile could have won over a rock, and greeted him. It didn't take much convincing on his part to get Marin to do anything for him. As much of a stranger as this man felt, she couldn't help but feel safe in his company. She wanted him and he appeared to want her. That night she invited him back to her tent.

In the middle of the night a commotion was heard. Marin awoke with a start, the man no longer next to her in bed. Going outside to see what was going on; the tribe of was in a panic. A dragon was seen flying overhead, it's scales glistened in silver and blue even in the low lights of the fire pits. It let out a cry, that sounded almost song like, with soft notes the slowly faded away as it flew off.

No one knew what the dragon was doing so close, or why it flew past. The man was also never seen again. He was a mystery that came and went as swiftly as the dragon's flight.

No one quite knew what Marin felt after that day; as she subconsciously ran a hand down her stomach. But this isn't a story about Marin... This is a story about her great, great, great granddaughter Sufana. A story about an adventure to discover her past, as she learns what to do with her future.

Will you join her on her adventures?

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