218 The Keys

Anne's body shuddered. "You mean to say that it will take a week for you to come here?" she asked, trying her best to mask her disappointment. Helena was leaving the house today in a hurry so that Dawn could come and here Dawn said she would come in a week. Helena could have stayed longer. Fury rose in her chest. "B— but your Grandmother w— wants you here as soon as possible."

"Aww…" replied Dawn in a voice laced with love and tenderness. "I am feeling so guilty, but what can I do Aunt Anne? I have a lot of things to take care of." There was a long pause and she could almost feel Anne's dejection. Suddenly she exclaimed, "Oh! I have an idea."

"What?" asked Anne with renewed interest. 

"Both Cole and I can come to meet you, say… maybe… for an hour everyday? Would that be okay with you?" she suggested. 


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