
The Shinigami of Power

Penulis: Drinnor
Anime & Komik
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  • NO.200+

A new player enters the game, Naruto Uzumaki, with the power to bring change in the soul society, to bring either peace or destruction.

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Chapter 1Enters Naruto

During his whole life, Ichigo knew his life wasn't exactly how one would say normal. Since he could remember anything, he had been able to see spirits of the dead, figures usually just standing around, not moving much; they weren't around that long, not usually.

Soon he had started interacting with them, especially this one time when some pricks had knocked over a bottle with flowers; Ichigo had been enraged before kicking their butts for making fun of her and forcing them to apologize to her.

The dead girl was young, her left side of the face covered in blood, most likely due to the wound that caused her death; Ichigo had noticed that whenever he saw a ghost, they would look how they were before their death once he had seen a man with three bullet holes on his forehead as he was walking around the street.

Now, that kind of event would be considered crazy or outright madness, but for Ichigo, it was just another Tuesday.

Arriving at home only to be greeted by his annoying father, who again threw a kick at him to 'test' his dodging abilities.

Now even that was completely normal to Ichigo, but what actually wasn't normal even for him was in the same night to get a visit from a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki.

According to her, it was her duty to send spirits into the Soul Society and to extinguish hollows. Now hearing that there were evil spirits called hollows that hunted good spirits and people was bad enough, but the worst part was her explaining with the most ridiculous drawing he had ever seen; seriously, who in their right mind would draw something so absurd.

Long story short, they were attacked by a Hollow, and Rukia was forced to give her powers to him, giving him the power to destroy the hollow and save his family.

But that wasn't the end; soon, he was forced to fight with another hollow who ended up being Orihime's brother; thankfully, he had been able to take back control long enough for Ichigo to strike him down and send him to heaven.

And if that wasn't enough, his friend Chad from school one day got a cute parakeet, who ended up being the trapped soul of a little boy who was stalked by a hollow named Shrieker.

And of course, it seemed fate wasn't done yet, from Rukia literally watching him every step of the way, as if he would suddenly vanish out of thin air, he got possessed by a Modsoul, forced to fight him in soul form, Ichigo decided to put that soul into a bear looking doll or whatever, he didn't care much.

Even that wasn't enough; on the anniversary of his mother's death, he was attacked by a hollow that killed his mother; Ichigo had been enraged, wanting to kill the hollow in any way possible; sadly, the hollow escaped before he could finish the job.

Now, he was resting his head against the desk in the classroom, using his arms as pillows, he knew the teacher would come eventually, but he hoped he wouldn't fall asleep. Again.

Rukia was sitting close to his desk, keeping a close eye on him but checking her phone as well, since it notified her whenever a hollow was nearby. The ginger boy was really hoping today would be a normal day, without hollows around; perhaps he could hang out with his friends or Rukia; she wasn't that bad to have around and have some fun; he just wanted one normal day; was that too much to ask??

Hearing the door opening, Ichigo yawned, his eyes half-open, escaping his thoughts; his attention turned to the door; inside came the teacher, but followed behind by someone he didn't recognize.

The teacher walked into the center of the class; the other guy was young and stood a bit away from the teacher, clearing his throat before addressing the whole class.

"Everyone, I'm happy to announce a new student; from now on, he will be a part of our class; please be respectful," the teacher said politely, gesturing towards the new guy, who took a step forward.

Ichigo looked at him; he looked around his age, with blonde hair that reached his forehead, around his height; he wore a red shirt and orange shorts that had a belt, the bluest set of eyes he had ever seen.

The girls in the class noticed how muscular he was despite wearing his clothes, especially his cute whiskers like a cat; Rukia, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes slightly; she couldn't tell why but something about him felt off somehow.

"Thank you, my name is Naruto Uzumaki," the man introduced himself with a little smile on his face.

"Where do you want to sit?" The teacher asked politely before looking at the class in front of them, hoping someone would want the new guy to sit near them.


"With Me, Cutie,"

"You can sit with me,"

Numerous girls in the class suddenly shouted, hoping Naruto would sit with them; the blonde scratched his cheek, slightly embarrassed, before walking over to Ichigo, of all people.

"Can I sit with you?" Naruto asked; the ginger boy simply said yes, before shaking their hands.

"Name's Ichigo,"


Soon the class went on without problems; Ichigo and Naruto started talking about normal stuff, where you hang out; he soon asked where Naruto came from; near them was Chad, and Rukia was kind of eavesdropping but mostly talking with Orihime.

"Where you from?" Ichigo asked, drinking water from his bottle.

"Far away from here, I don't really know; all I know is that my father taught me everything I know," Naruto explained, getting a confused look from almost everyone who wouldn't know where they come from unless they were in hiding for whatever reason.

Ichigo was about to ask if he wanted to hang out with them when someone decided to interrupt them...


Naruto turned to his right to see a black-haired girl, kinda short but looking dangerous. "Ahh?!" Was his response not recognizing her.

"She's Rukia," Ichigo answered what Naruto had wanted to know.

"Well, my father wasn't really home much; he trained me in many things saying that I needed to be strong to survive this world. He left me a few years ago," Naruto answered with a bit of sadness at the end.

Ichigo gave Rukia a look that said 'Way to go' before standing up, deciding to cheer everyone up.

"How about you hang out with us, Naruto?" Ichigo offered, with the blonde nodding his head with a smile.

"Sure, it has been a long time since I have hung out," he said, following them behind; Rukia briefly glanced at him; something about him just felt off.

Soon they were at the top of the school; surprisingly no hollow attacks yet, something even Rukia found strange; usually, at this time, her phone would definitely notify her that a hollow was around.

Ichigo introduced the rest of the group to Naruto, who simply smiled.

Right now, the group of people was looking strangely at Naruto, who was eating Ramen, he just pulled out a bowl from his bag, covered in a towel, and the ramen was still steaming as if it was made a minute ago.

"Naruto, do you have any siblings?" Orihime asked curiously, taking a bite from her sandwich.

The blonde swallowed before a sad smile spread across his face. "I had."

That was all he said; everyone understood what he meant; Ichigo felt a bit uncomfortable as the dark mood spread across them like a dark cloud; thankfully, Chad asked something else to change the subject.

"Do you like playing sports?" He asked curiously, drinking water; the blonde nodded, finishing his whole ramen like it was nothing.

Fast, Ichigo thought; how could someone eat Ramen so fast. The blonde turned to the dark-skinned guy before nodding his head.

"Yes, running, football, but my most favorite is Swordfighting," Naruto said with a cheerful tone; sadly, he didn't have his sword with him.

That got the attention of Rukia, who still felt odd, she couldn't quite tell what it was, but she knew there was more to him than a simple young boy.

"Really?" Orihime asked with a smile; the new guy was quite handsome, especially his cute whiskers.

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, finding it a bit odd. Did he train in Swordfighting so he could become a master?!

"Swordfighting?! You want to be a master or something?" She asked, looking at the blonde oddly, she had heard all kinds of goals, but this was the first one.

"I'm already one; my father told me that I was even better than his old master," Naruto replied with a smile; everyone was confused about who he was referring to.

"Old master?" Rukia asked with curiosity, glancing at Ichigo for a second.

"It been a long time since I have seen him, but I remember his name was..." before he could answer, a scream was heard near the school, everyone stood up, running to the edge of the roof to look down, a fence blocking their path.

There was a large number of people in the courtyard, including students and teachers, one of the students was on the ground, crying and holding her arm tightly.

"What is happening there?" Chad looked down, his eyes narrowing at something strange and blurry there.

"What is that?" Ichigo asked, shocked with widened eyes, his eyes seeing a large black hand coming out of the space; it looked like a hole in the space itself; Rukia was silent for a second before wearing her glove, pulling out Ichigo's soul form, his actual body fell in the ground motionless, but Rukia wasn't bothered by that, there was no time with a hollow like that being here.

"What?" Ichigo asked, seeing he was in soul form with his big sword in his hands, he looked at Rukia, but she was already making her way down.

"What is that, Rukia?" Ichigo asked, seeing the giant black hand sticking out of the dark hole formed in space, he figured it must be some kind of hollow, but he had never seen one so big.

"That one is a hollow, but not a normal one; this one is probably a Gillian, I think," Rukia answered, knowing a hollow of that level was very dangerous for Ichigo; she didn't exactly have her powers back, so she could hardly do anything to defeat it.

"What do you mean 'You Think?' " Ichigo ranted, reaching the place where the hole in the space was; everyone had already left in fear, especially after the hand had left giant marks on the concrete, the giant hand had disappeared, but the hole was still there.

"I don't know, from its size should be a Gillian, but there's something strange about it," Rukia explained as fast as she could, knowing it was either a Gillian, which in itself was bad news, or could be a higher Hollow which was even worse.

Wait! Why is my phone not giving me a message that a hollow is right there?? Rukia thought in confusion; looking at her phone, it didn't give her any message that a hollow was here; a danger of this level should have sent a message to Soul Society.

"You keep saying that; what is a Gillian?" Ichigo asked with narrowed eyes; seeing the hole growing slightly, he knew whatever it was on the other side would come out soon.

"A Gillian is basically hundreds to thousands of hollows combined together to create a new entity," Rukia explained, getting a shocked look from Ichigo; some of the regular hollows were a challenge on their own, but to think something like that could exist was bad news. It doesn't matter; I will protect my friends, Ichigo thought, knowing his friends were still around.

Suddenly a masked face came out of the hole; the mask had a grin on his face, slowly coming out, his massive body was strange and more human-like compared to the other hallows, but the size of the hollow was around four meters tall.

Why is it so small? A Gillian is much larger, Rukia thought before her eyes widened, knowing in front of them wasn't a Gillian; before she could utter a word, a spirit pressure spread all around them.

The concrete around them started cracking like glass; the pressure was way too intense.

What now? Both Rukia and Ichigo thought at the same time.

The duo didn't even have time to blink one moment; the hollow was standing in front of them; the next, a massive slash was across his masked face, splitting his mask in two like it was nothing; suddenly, red veins spread all across his body, his screams got louder before his body exploded in a shower of blood.

Much to the confusion of Ichigo, who had no idea what happened, Rukia hadn't seen who killed the Hollow but whoever did it so fast was extremely powerful.

Who could have done this?


The blonde walked through the streets alone; after the little incident with the Adjuchas, Naruto had left after saying good day to everyone; the others had noticed nothing; Ichigo's friends were too busy looking at the ginger's unmoving body to notice the blonde leaving.

He knew Rukia was probably suspicious, but that didn't matter much; the blonde had noticed something interesting with his new friends, especially with Ichigo.

The blonde knew the plan was going well; with the information he had gathered, Aizen would make his move soon.

The blonde reached an empty area of the city; his hand moved to touch empty air before gripping something; suddenly, a handle revealed itself out of nothing; moving it, the whole door revealed itself, almost like a door in the middle of nowhere.

The blonde walked inside, closing the door behind him; as soon as the door was closed, the door outside disappeared, showing no sign that there was something there.

Walking inside, Naruto had time to only remove his sandals before being tackled to the ground by a green-haired beauty.

"How was your day, NARUTO-kun?" The beauty asked, looking at the blonde's face; before the latter could utter a word, the beautiful busty woman silenced him with her lips; his hands instinctively moved on her waist, enjoying her soft lips; her smooth skin felt incredible; he felt her hands gripping his head.

Pulling away, a string of saliva connecting them, she smiled cutely. "How was your first day at school?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

Naruto chuckled; he wasn't exactly a toddler to be asked something like that; before they both stood up, now able to see his girlfriend in her full glory, Nel was a very tall, beautiful woman who was only slightly shorter than Naruto. She has long green hair that easily reached her lower back, bright Hazel eyes, strange red markings across her nose, and a very busty figure. She had a body to die for, a thin waist, and very large breasts.

"It went well; I met Ichigo and Rukia," Naruto answered, knowing from Kisuke's words that they were an interesting bunch.

"Oh, what about what happened today?" Nel asked with a worried tone; she knew they had been attacked, she had been almost convinced to go there and defeat the hollow, but she knew Naruto could easily deal with them.

Naruto explained everything that happened today; the couple making their way to their favorite room usually, a certain black cat would tag along, but today was different since apparently, she was busy.

After explaining the whole thing, the blonde rubbed his back, feeling the tense muscles around his shoulder with her hand; Nel decided to do something for him.

"How about a little message, Naru-kun?" She asked, her breath close to his neck, sending shivers to his body.

"Neliel, are you going to massage me?" Naruto asked with a little sly smirk.

"You're tired; let me take care of you. I will be the one to make sure you have a good time." Neliel thoughtfully said.

"I appreciate it, but shouldn't you rest?"

"Think nothing of it. Thanks to you, my hands are fine, and I intend to put them to good use." Neliel smiled, and Naruto placed his face back in the cut-out after thinking about it. She placed her hands on his shoulders before massaging them.

"You're pretty tense. How had things been going with the upcoming... plan?" Neliel asked, messaging his shoulder.

"They're going as well as could be right now; I'm just counting the days until they arrive to retrieve her," he responded with a neutral tone.

"Have you talked with Kisuke yet?" Nel asked, messaging his shoulder.

"The old man can wait; I'm more excited to see Yoruichi again," Naruto replied, glancing at Nel, knowing their last time a few weeks ago had been very loud.

"Me too; perhaps we should pay her a visit soon," Nel suggested with a cute smile on her face, which only added to her beauty.

She looked at the relaxed blonde, and he leaned back before putting his shirt on.

"That was the best! Thank you, Nel; you're always good with your hands," Naruto said, smiling.

Apparently, Nel wasn't done with Naruto; grabbing his hand, her soft hand felt very good.

She guided him outside, and stretched alongside her in preparation for a sauna. Once their stretches came to an end, they wrapped themselves in towels and entered the sauna.

"Neliel, this was a great idea." Naruto smiled as he sat on a higher than her in the sauna and she smiled at him in return.

"I'm glad you agree." Neliel smiled as she leaned back in relaxation and closed her eyes. Naruto smiled at her and eyed her cleavage from above.

"That towel must be on her pretty good for it not to fall off." Naruto thought to himself and his member began to grow before he covered his crotch since seeing her low-cut uniform was difficult enough. He tried to think about something else before she noticed him and she sighed as she leaned back.

Just then, he groaned from how hard he became and her eyes snapped open as she looked up at him. She eyed the shape of his erection in his towel and he nervously laughed as she stood up.

"It appears to me that I've aroused you." Neliel said before getting up and Naruto began moving back into a corner while she climbed up the steps. He stopped an inch away from the wall and Neliel reached out before trailing her finger down his cheek.

"Let me help you with your problem, my lover," Neliel purred while sliding her hand down his well-built abdomen and rested it on his jawline once she was done sensually brushing her hand on him. As she stared at him, her hazel eyes locked on his oceanic hues before she framed his face and began to lean in close to him.

Mesmerized by her hazel eyes, he pressed his lips against hers and brushed her green hair out of the way. She moaned in the kiss and both sets of eyes shimmered as they caressed one another's faces.

Neliel moved closer and her chest flattened against Naruto's as he planted his hand on her lower back. She wrapped her around his neck and began to trail her fingers through his hair while holding onto him.

He ran his fingers through her hair and their tongues began dancing against one another.

They both moaned in the kiss while their tongues licked and dueled as they caressed. Naruto and Neliel slowly pulled their lips apart before the pair shared smiles.

"Not that I don't enjoy our kisses, but I'm hoping you will use your mouth somewhere else," She planted another soft peck on his lips. He chuckled at her in return and brushed her hair aside before resting his forehead against hers.

They eventually moved to the lowest step and stood together with their hands on the other's towel. Either person nodded before undoing the towels and both dropped to the floor before he palmed her chest.

The second he planted his hands on her breasts, she felt his fingers slowly sinking into what he was able to hold of the sizeable orbs and a blush appeared on her face once he began caressing the flesh. Naruto backed Neliel until she sat down and he took to licking her neck.

"yes, Yes, Yes, More, Naruto" His squeezing and fondling drew moans from Neliel's lips and he began circling her tits with his thumbs. Neliel fanned her arms out and leaned back against the steps while the blonde teasing her buds as they quickly became hard.

Naruto fondled and caressed her bosom while he rubbed his tongue against her neck before carefully nibbling at her earlobe. The blushing woman moaned as he buried his fingers into the pliable flesh and she trailed her finger down his jawline again to catch his attention.

While continuing to knead and caress her breasts, she guided his face to her cleavage, and he licked the tops of her breasts before squeezing her nipples. Next, he began gnawing on her breast and his canines sank into the mound.

"Yes, Yesss, More, They're All Yours," Neliel continued to moan from Naruto's teasing and watched as he worked his teeth together on her flesh. He freed her tits and kissed both of them before squeezing her orbs together.

Then, he brushed and slid his tongue across the buds as Neliel held his head to her chest. Her legs began quaking as she grew excited and this effect grew once he engulfed the left tit.

While he rubbed his lips together on her nipple, his fingers continued to dance on her bosom and he looked down at her legs. He took his mouth off the nipple and licked his lips before crouching.

His face was in front of her pussy and she spread her legs apart before he licked her crotch from the end of her entrance all the way up to her womanhood. Her pussy was wet, she eagerly waited for him.

"Pleaseee, Naruto, Stop Teasing," she pleaded with anticipation, knowing how good Naruto was.

Naruto proceeded to spread the folds apart and his tongue entered her tunnels before swaying about inside of her wetness. His hands remained on her breasts and caressed them against one another while his tongue wormed about inside of her wet caverns.

"I can never get enough of her taste," Naruto thought to himself as he licked her walls and his taste buds were treated to her aroused innards. After some more licking, he got an idea and removed his tongue before licking her clit.

Naruto's index and middle fingers replaced his tongue while he continued to palm her breast and caress it about. The blushing woman palmed her free breast and squeezed her tit as she took to fondling herself.

He leaned forward and licked her lips before she returned the favor by licking his tongue. Naruto and Neliel's tongues once again engaged in a slobbery battle while he thrust his fingers into her womanhood.

She whimpered from feeling his fingers dance and worm about inside her tunnels with her bosom being toyed with. Her eyes glistened and their licking match evolved into yet another kiss with her moaning intensifying.

Naruto moaned as he grew hard from listening to Neliel's moans and groping her flesh with his thumb rubbing on her aroused clit. Their muffled noises could still be heard between their sealed lips and she deeply blushed upon getting closer to her release.

He took hold of her bud and applied pressure to it between his fingers while pulling it forward. Neliel's eyes shut and she moaned into his mouth as her juices drained from her wetness.

The kiss ended there as Naruto took a single lick of his drenched fingers before holding them near Neliel's lips and tempted her with tasting her own juices. She took him up on his offer and licked them clean while taking her time.

Naruto lay her back on the floor the second she was finished and slid his hilt through her cleavage. She held her bosom together on his member and he loudly moaned as the soft flesh smothered him.

Neliel rubbed her breasts on his cannon and massaged it while he started pumping into her wetness. She began to brush her tongue on the tip of his erection and watched as his foreskin emerged from it.

It was then she planted her mouth on his cock and Naruto groaned as her tongue began to lather it with saliva. "Nel" he moaned, she always knew how to make him moan.

Naruto palmed Neliel's breasts and helped rub them on his cock as he shot it through her ample cleavage.

The orbs jiggled on his member and the sensation of soft flesh on him made him groan with his balls growing tighter by the minute. Neliel moaned and sucked off the head of Naruto's member while it flew into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and worked her heaving orbs on his length as it sped forth. Her tongue lathered and slobbered on his foreskin and the warmth of her mouth made the blonde feel as if his cock was going to melt.

Naruto's thumbs circled her tits and he once again squeezed them while pulling at them. Neliel let out a muffled moan at this while holding onto her bouncing chest and he groaned as he felt his hilt beginning to throb.

Neliel moaned from this as well and she continued smothering his hardness as he squeezed her nipples. She opened her mouth and began blowing on his soaked member as slowly as she could.

The green-haired former Espada watched Naruto as he shivered from this and she caressed her orbs together on his cock while plowed forward. He knew that her cool breath on his wet hardness would make it impossible for him to last much long against her pleasing methods and she stirred her tongue around his foreskin.

Neliel planted her mouth back onto him and her timing proved to be impeccable as it spurted a final time. Her eyes grew with surprise as semen spurted and gushed into her mouth as he unloaded the thick, gooey substance.

So delicious, Nel thought in delight, swallowing as much as she could.

Naruto gritted his teeth together and breathed deeply as he unloaded his cum within Neliel's mouth before finishing. He gave ample time to allow her to swallow his semen and she nodded to him before he removed his length with a loud pop.

She panted as his cock was freed from her bosom and he sat back on the lowest step before smiling at the busty green-haired Arrancar. While she returned his gaze, her eyes fell to his erection and she licked her lips again before standing up.

"That was amazing, Nel-chan," Naruto said with a smile.

"I'm glad you liked it, now how about you sit down and I will give you the ride of your life," she said seductively, her voice low and husky. Usually she wasn't like this, but she enjoyed to act like this with Naruto.

She smiled and turned around before sitting on his lap. She looked at his member before looking back at him and once again exchanged smiles as she rose her womanhood over his hilt.

Neliel proceeded to slide down his cock and took it in until it was fully inside of her tunnels, she looked back at him before their lips pressed against one another.

Naruto slowly began to thrust into her folds and held onto her small waist while his ocean blue eyes looked into her hazel eyes. She eventually started bucking her hips after adjusting to his size and grinded his hardness while rocketed into her walls.

Their tongues once again dueled as she rode the blonde's member and shook her waist on top of it while it sped against her walls. Neliel moaned at how deeply his manhood was reaching into her stomach and her breasts freely heaved about for the time being.

They kept their kiss as it was and Neliel placed her hands on his knees to balance herself while thrusting her pussy down onto his member. He raged his member into her caverns and he moaned as her peach smacked against his lap.

Naruto and Neliel gasped for air as he shot his cock upright and she grinded him by wiggling her hips. Her moan sounded throughout the room and Naruto palmed her breasts once again before rubbing them together.

"Who knows what Yoruichi will say when she finds out that she missed one." Naruto thought to himself while brushing his tongue against Neliel's nape and his fingers held onto her swaying orbs of flesh.

He clenched her tits between his fingers and squeezed them while holding them as high as they could be in the air. Neliel howled from this and looked back at the blonde licking her nape.

Multiple chills of pleasure trailed down her spine and her whole body quivered from his slow licks. As a result of both the sex itself and the sauna, both sweated tremendously as their hips worked together and Naruto moved in tandem.

She reached down and brushed her fingers against her clit while her entrance was pounded into by his manhood. Naruto freed her aroused tits and reclaimed his hold on her quaking chest as her eyes shimmered.

Naruto pounded into Neliel's tightness and toyed with her breasts as she moaned into the air. Her eyes closed as her orbs bounced within his hold and he caressed them against one another.

The blonde jerked his hardness into Neliel's innards and she began to smile shortly after a while as she grew tighter with his testicles doing the same. His hilt once again throbbed and vibrated inside of her womanhood after a while.

"Are you getting ready to cum, Neliel-chan?" Naruto asked.

"I am and yourself?" Neliel managed to speak and he nodded in affirmation before she worked her hips against his and panted as she did so. Sweat continued to pour down their bodies and their eyes closed as their orgasm approached.

He groped and squished her mounds as she teased her clit and her eyes started watering from the pleasure creeping through every part of her body. Moans and flesh hitting against flesh echoed throughout the room as they carried on with their hips moving.

Neliel whimpered from his thrusts pummeling against her innards and he ceased his licking of her nape just in time for her walls to coil around his cock. Semen sprayed from his manhood and flooded her stomach while pouring from her folds along with her juices.

As Naruto's seeds left her pussy, she turned her head and kissed his jawline before he return the affection by planting his own kiss on her forehead. She rested against him and both caught their breaths as they took a breather.

"Hey, Neliel-chan?" Naruto asked.


"I don't know about you but how about we take this somewhere else." Naruto said; unsure if continuing their sex in the sauna was a good idea given how much they were sweating.

"My thoughts exactly." Neliel said before getting off Naruto's manhood and either donned their towels once again before leaving the room. After a cooling shower, they retired to their shared bedroom.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and her warmth welcomed his cock for the second time.

She smiled while blushing and began rolling her hips forward to grind his hardness. Naruto palmed her breasts and fondled them once again the moment they began to heave into the air.

The gree-haired woman moaned from his member striking into her wetness and she rode it while resting her forehead against his. A reunion between lips took place and blue and hazel eyes as she thrust down onto his cock.

Naruto's fingers massaged and groped at Neliel's bust while causing them to bob about in his hands. Both sets of tongues licked and rubbed each other while he shot his glory into her walls as the mud managed to stay in the tub despite their movements.

The blonde rapid thrusts rocked her caverns and she moaned into his mouth while wrapping her arms around his name. She trailed his fingers through his hair and she groaned from his tongue warring against hers.

Naruto's fingers seized her tits and tweaked them as pressure was applied to them once again while she worked her hips against his. The sage's hilt rumbled her walls as they grind his speedy movements and become tighter on him once again.

Their tongues warred about and licked against one another while both lovers worked their hips together with his fingers sinking into the pliable flesh. He toyed and kneaded them while managing to keep his palms firmly planted on them.

Neliel and Naruto looked into one another's eyes before she wrapped her legs around his waist and he freed her orbs so she could embrace him. Her chest flattened against his and she kept her arms and legs locked around him for the remainder of their current position.

Both groaned as they came to another release and the substance oozed from her tunnels into the bed. Not wasting time, they separated before standing up and Neliel rested her arm on the back of his neck while he stood behind her.

He lifted her leg and palmed her left breast while sliding his manhood into her tunnels once again. She rested her hand on his arm as he began to pound and rocket his hilt into her womanhood.

Naruto kept her leg arched as he rammed his tower into Neliel's pussy and this position allowed him to pound as deeply into her wetness as far as he could go. He held onto her breast and her other mound freely bounced about while she held onto him.

"Oh god Nel," He moaned while rocketing his member into her tightness and she leaned close to brush her tongue against her neck. She moaned and despite how tempting her breasts looked, he knew licking or gnawing them would have to wait until another time.

The orbs heaved as he felt up the one in his hand and his fingers danced on it while causing it's endless jiggling. Neliel's eyes shimmered in bliss and she lustfully smiled at him the entire time his thrusts rocked her body.

Naruto's hilt soared into Neliel's entrance and his foreskin hit against her tightening walls as she loudly moaned. Thanks to Naruto's rapids thrusts striking into her pussy and her eyes began to white from ecstasy with her mind going blank as well.

The hot blush on her face still remained and Naruto huskily growled as he plowed into her womanhood. His cannon thundered into her walls and she began purring from his powerful pistons as her once-calm face was twisted with lust.

Neliel's other hand rested on his arm and managed to stand on a single leg thanks to Naruto keeping her opposing leg so well arched. He rammed into her core and her fiery walls on his foreskin made him groan with her before he coated them with his semen once again.

Both stiffened for a moment before their hormonal fluids poured into the bath and they sat back down only once it ended for good. Neliel smiled as he removed his cannon and she rested her head against his chest in bliss.

"I love you, Naruto-kun,"

"I love you, Neliel-chan,"

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

MHA: More!

Transmigrated into the young body of Izuku Midoriya, he embraces his fate and decides to be the world's most amazing man! Why?! because his mom said he is, and Izuku can't make his mom lie now, can he? Facing the challenges that were ahead, he braced himself and shouted at the top of his lungs "Bring it on you bastards!" Day by day, he grew Stronger and stronger, a different Izuku with a heroic soul that screams more and more As the villains facing him kept piling up more and more in the USJ, they heard the continuous thumping of his roaring heart and felt utter fear, the heroic Aura he exuded rivaled that of All Might! 'OFA 30%' "Mighty Impact!" Add it, it's fun to write so you can be sure it's fun to read, I added passion and love into everything, plus, I have a huge reserve of chapters, don't worry about the system tag, I kept it very controllable by making the MC not care about it :) I always found the idea of Izuku secretly possessing sailor's mouth being very funny so i decided that the MC is a wild one lol Don't be fooled by the chapters number, each one holds close to 2200+ Words! some chapters have to be less though, Pacing reasons. By chapter 40 that would be close to 100k words. That's more than 100 chapters worth of content on this app/site. 4 chapters per week, Volume based. Discord: https://discord.gg/Bc7cvFBc Image by André-risso on X [Twitter] if you wish to change the cover let me know, André. I claim no ownership of MHA nor the cover picture, all credit to its creator, this is just for fun lol

Holy_Gamer · Anime & Komik
38 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia
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