

Fourth "They'll pay for what they did to you! I'll tear every one of them limb from limb!"

Asuta was out a loss of words she could barely figure out why some man she had never met would care so deeply about her.

Fourth "You're taking me down to the boss right now! That bastard is going to tell me which of his worthless men took it upon themselves to kill a child!"

Fourth was raging with so much anger and magic power that his entire body became engulfed in a green Aura.

Asuta "What is this? His power's tremendous! And this isn't even his full power!" Thought Asuta.

Asuta "Fourth you have to calm down! You don't know how powerful everyone here is! They'll break you before you get the chance to make a move!"

Fourth "I don't care! None of that matters, what matters to me is taking away all of the pain they have caused you. The pain that makes you feel so empty now. Then raining hell upon them so that they feel the pain you feel now!"

Asuta "But how? How do you even know I'm in pain right now? "

Fourth "That's my ability, I can sense how people are feeling, pain sorrow, happiness, anger. I sense it all the more a person feels the stronger my power gets. I can also make people feel different emotions. That's the basis of my ability."

Asuta "So this whole time you knew."

Fourth "Not exactly no. I couldn't tell what was actually wrong. I mean, to be honest, even without my abilities, I would still be able to tell you were in pain. "

Asuta "How come you never said anything about it?"

Fourth "Because it wasn't my place. But when Tako brought it up to you, I couldn't let it go anymore...

Asuta "Fourth could I ask you something? "

Fourth "Yes Asuta?"

Asuta "When we get out of here, will you make my pain go away?"

Fourth "The thing is with my abilities I can make your pain go away. I could make you the happiest person in this entire place, but you'd still remember your son and your emotions they'd be completely fake. You'd be a puppet under the control of one emotion. Then I could easily erase everything that has caused you pain."

Asuta "Erase everything?"

Fourth "You'll no longer remember that you ever had a son. Is that what you want Asuta?"

Asuta "I already only feel one emotion as it is. I just want to feel something other than pain, please fourth do this for me."

Fourth "I don't know. I only ever use my abilities on my enemy. I don't consider you an enemy but my friend and I'd never altered true feelings of my friends no matter how much they beg. I've learned my lesson."

Asuta "But please Fourth! I don't want to feel like this any longer!"

Fourth "Begging doesn't help."

Asuta blood began to boil she could feel herself starting to get extremely angry and Fourth could see.

Fourth "Pain isn't the only emotion you feel."

Asuta looked at Fourth with her bright red cheeks and her hands clenched into fists.

Fourth "Anger, you're feeling tremendous anger. Towards me."

Asuta calmed herself down.

Asuta "It's best we stop talking for now. "

Fourth "I understand the situation."

Asuta and Fourth sat across from one another at the table barely making eye contact. Even though both had a misunderstanding earlier Asuta was still thinking of how much he reminded her of her own son and she couldn't turn her back in him. No matter how much she wanted to. Forty-five minutes had passed since they spoke to each other. It was time.

Fourth glanced up at Asuta leaning his head on his hand "I suppose it's time to go."

Asuta stood up and reluctantly pushed her chair in. "It's been a while since the boss wanted to see me. I need to pull myself together. Don't show fear." She said to herself.

Asuta "Yes it is."

Fourth "Then lead the way."

Asuta and Fourth began walking down the halls heading towards the dining hall.

Fourth "Is there anything I should know about this guy before I enter the dining hall? Should I like bow or wave hello?"

Asuta "Are you taking this seriously?"

Fourth "A good Impression always matters no matter who the person is."

Asuta rolls her eyes and continues onward. "Neither of those are needed. Speak when spoken to, make eye contact, don't stare at his left side, don't breath too loudly, don't move too much, don't..."

Fourth "I might as well just lay on the floor dead."

Asuta "Don't do that he doesn't like people to lay down or sit in his presence. He once had a man stand for 16 hours straight during one if his rituals."

Fourth "Thanks for the notice." he said sarcastically.

Asuta "We're almost there just around the corner then down the steps."

Asuta and Fourth turned the corner when they bumped into Kiken and Naifu.

Kiken "Watch where you're going!"

Asuta "You ran into me first."

Fourth "Well there's the Asuta I met," He thinks to himself.

Naifu "So you two are off to see the boss I heard."

Kiken "Keeping this runt in check I see Asuta."

Asuta "You make it sound like a challenge. He's nothing just a useless man."

Naifu and Kiken both laugh. Naifu walks past Asuta and slaps her on her back "This will be good!"

Kiken "Have fun with the boss Asuta."

Kiken and Naifu left Asuta and Fourth standing at the stairs.

Fourth "I forgot how annoying those two were and stupid. Especially that Kiken guy."

Asuta makes a slight giggle but quickly covers her hands over her mouth.

Fourth "Did you just laugh Asuta?"

Asuta "No I did not! Now hurry or will be late!" She storms down the steps with Fourth following behind.

Fourth "Amusement. There's her third emotion." said Fourth to himself.

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