

I've never really thought I would be talking or maybe even recording this as a book from the time of my death.

I lived a decent life with few hurdles, maybe some luck as well, I look at the back of the two that have surpassed me in my own knowledge of the game and experience too. Causing incidents around the school and fooling around fulfilled me.

I would fail the test sometimes but It was due to my own decision that I just didn't like school. I never felt motivated to do a lot in life. Life felt like it was just a train, the train that goes in only one rail and never goes anywhere, that train led me to here on the cold asphalt gasping for air as my bones and skin were torn through the impact of the car.

The moments I spent with my parents are different now. To me, it seems like they just want me to succeed in my life, but instead of "my" its really "theirs" the vision they see and want me to become. Whenever I talk to my father about preparing for an exam I always get in an argument of whether I should go to a community college or a university.

I don't want to take the Exams I would rather go to a community college but my father says "I'm just giving you the opportunity just in case you need it, I will be happy with any decision you make son" I teared up in the inside but showed indifference on the outside.

My mother is a warm woman but suffers from a mental disorder. I still love her and all but there are sometimes when she would switch her mood and start berating my father and me. I don't talk to her when she is like that. She works as the housewife of the house anyway.

My friends are gone after moving from country to country. Most friends I had who had the same interests as I am gone.

I found volleyball through the Anime/Manga Haikyuu!! It showed the journey of Hinata Shoyo a kid who looks up to a person called "The Little Giant" Later becoming a giant himself.

I saw volleyball as fun so I decided to join in my second year of high school. I played hard and as I was about to take the 1st string setter spot I got injured. My injury led to my downfall in my mind as I knew I would never be able to stand at the top stage of Volleyball.

I still tried to fight on and get the 1st string spot but the coach didn't really see me improve after the injury so I then just took my frustrations on other things.

Such behavior is normal to me I would prank the teachers for attention and mostly become the class clown. I never felt bullied but probably pitied.

I hate being pitied.

I've only gotten in two fights but they weren't with anyone random only with my friends when we had an argument that couldn't be resolved.

If I had one wish I would rather live in a world of fiction rather than this boring shithole.

Just thought of this idea yesterday and im willing to make more chaps. Hope yall are good :)

magmabeamcreators' thoughts
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