
The second chance of marriage: become a Villain

Ara, the thriller novel writer, has been trapped in the world of novels and has become the villain in her work. Killed by her husband at the end of the novel makes Ara struggle to change the plot, she was determined to change the atmosphere of her marriage with Adrian, the horror and coldness of Ara's marriage would be changed into warmth and passionate air. What has become the main step is to change the character that everyone hates to be loved by everyone including Adrian. Will her plan be successful?

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7 Chs

Hiding behind mom's back

"You son of a bitch bastard! Fuck you yaaaaaah! Die there!" Ara swore at the taxi that was moving away from where she was.

She had arrived in front of her mother and younger brother's place, in a modest house, unlike Adrian's luxurious mansion, there were no lights or fountains there., There were only iron gates and simple grounds. This house has been bought for Ara's hard work.

Even though she is the villain in the novel, she already has affection for her family, and has worked hard until she is always tired, because Ara already understands ... she is the head of the family.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ara had laughed while shedding tears.

The writer had felt short of breath after remembering her efforts to buy a house and the driver's last words. Everything has something in common, she both has to fight hard.

Ara was grateful that there was no other house except hers around here. There were only roads and trees. This was a quiet place, this was what the author had wanted the most. He had always dreamed of being able to live in an area like this, a quiet place, and not listen to the voices of other humans.

Sometimes the writer wished the world would be destroyed so that the suffering would end. However, she has seen that there are still a few good people and then made the writer have discouraged that desire and has chosen to pour it into words.

"I have to get rid of the villain in the novel?! Does that mean I have to kill myself? Hahaha, stupid god!"

Ara didn't believe in the name of God, if there was a god, she should have gotten a little help from the start, instead of struggling alone. Plus now, she had to do something. It was God's will to make Ara always suffer.

Isn't it enough to make the author's name become the villain in the novel? Yes, Ara is the name of the author himself, she Intentionally uses her name so that she can have good fortune even though she ends up tragically killed at the end of the novel, stupid!

It was hard for Ara to catch her breath. Both hands have been holding the heart beating fast and the chest is hard to breathe. Slowly she sat down on the side of the road, tightly squeezing her clothes. Ara has been trying to endure all the pain herself. As usual, everything will be fine after this.

"Sis? SISTER! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG? BREATHE SLOWLY, DON'T THINK OF ANYTHING. THERE IS ME!" He shouted at a man who came out of the house and found his older sister sitting on the side of the road while squeezing the heart and the shirt.

Antonio, Ara's younger brother who has studied in high school looks very worried. He is going to school and must have seen a different scene. the older sister already looked in pain.

Ara had smiled bitterly, How could she have forgotten that Antonio would be out at this hour, whereas she had been showing strange behavior? Ara has been known to be graceful, never doing anything reckless like now.

She had been very good at hiding pain, but because of bad luck or something, the writer had been caught.

"I'm fine, there's a taxi fuck. You are going to school, go there! I will want to see Mother," Ara said, standing straight. The woman had shown a face full of joy as if she had never felt pain before.

"Big sister is doing well? I'll take you to the hospital!" said Antonio, calling someone.



Antonio's cell phone was already placed on the ground, because of Ara's actions, she intended to pull the phone as hard as she could but instead, she threw her younger brother's cell phone. Accidentally, the cell phone has been thrown far enough. They haven't even had time to hear that there was a connection earlier.

"I-I'm sorry, that's a natural response. I'll buy a new cell phone," Ara said, pulling Antonio in while pulling her suitcase.

"My cellphone ...." Antonio had been looking at the broken phone bitterly.

"Are you sure you're okay? There's nothing wrong with your health? If you feel short of breath or something says so, Mom will immediately call Adrian to take you to the hospital. You can be honest with your mother."

"Don't lie. I can see you're being dishonest, look at those eyes...full of doubt." Ara's mother had spoken while checking her daughter's body.

After entering the house, Antonio immediately complained to his mother about what he had seen, making Ara's mother's expression immediately worried

"I'm really fine. Just wanted to pick up weeds, we have to clear the grass, Mom. Why is it a swamp outside?"

"It just so happens that I'll be staying here for a long time, so let me take care of that. Don't worry about me, Mom," Ara replied, holding the hand of a self-made character, Ara's mother.

Karter Ibu Ara, the writer has made the character a kind-hearted and caring person for those around her, the ideal mother figure for every child.

"We didn't fight, I just wanted to stay with my family, that's all. I'm serious and honest with you, Mom," continued Ara, still trying to convince her mother.

Agatha, the mother of Antonio and Ara let out a sigh letting the eldest daughter stay the night, there's nothing wrong with missing her family, especially since it's been a long time since Agatha hasn't seen Ara, and messages or calls from her have never been answered.

If Adrian had not informed her, Agatha would have always been worried about her only daughter, she was afraid that something like what Antonio had said would happen.

"Antonio, you have to go to school, when you get home this afternoon I'll give you a new cell phone, go there!" Ara said with a mocking face.

Ara was annoyed because Antonio was a snitch. He had told Agatha without asking permission first. Luckily Ara had been able to calm the mother down, otherwise... all plans would have been ruined.

After looking at Antonio, she already had a plan. Otherwise, she would kill five characters here, including herself. Maybe the suicide part will be done at the end, at least after making these two people okay and won't feel sad when they come to Ara's funeral.

"Humph! Okay, I'll go first, until I forget to warm up my motorbike." Antonio rushed to the garage.

The motorbike that Antonio always rides to school is not entirely from Ara's money, Adrian has intervened himself. When he found out that Antonio was going to a famous school, he sent a motorbike as a gift.

Ara didn't remember how the female character responded at that time because it wasn't explained in detail, she focuses on developing the character of Adrian without focusing on other characters, she has occasionally explained about other characters, but just a little.

At the Important points only.

"I'm going shopping, you can rest inside." Agatha had spoken when Antonio was gone.

"Thank you, mom. Be careful," Ara said as she escorted Agatha out of the gate.

There was already a taxi outside, it seemed someone had ordered it. Maybe the mother, Ara, wasn't worried, nothing would happen to the two of them. Supporting characters always live happily, without any burden at all, maybe there is only a moment of sadness and then there is no more.

If the writer had entered into a side character, surely she would not have made any plans, never thinking about crimes or bloody things and other complications.

"Huh! I thought something had happened to you because Antonio called but appeared fine." Adrian was already standing in the doorway.

Adrian had prevented Ara from entering and was shocked. She had a feeling, there was no one around earlier, then why was this person suddenly here? Has the taxi been used by this man?