
The Scorched

Our protagonist is born in the Village Hidden in the Sand with a very unique kekkai genkai, capable of immense destruction he must learn what it means to be a shinobi in the time of war and carve out a place in history for his name.

CruzControl67 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Debrief pt. 1

Pakku. POV.


 "Wake up." A kick to the shoulder caused me to sit up sharply and rub it.


 "What happened?" I asked as I looked around and saw Pakura walking away from with a giant scroll on her back.


 "We have to move." She said and dug in her kunai pouch and pulled out a ninja plate. She threw it at me and I attempted to catch it but it smacked my forehead then landed in my lap. I picked it up.


 "Ow. A ninja headband plate from Iwa? Why do I have this?" She shrugged and threw a small scroll at me. I caught this one and looked at it. It was red with small green handles.


 "Never know when you need it. I sealed some of their weapons in there. Kunai, Shuriken, and two tantos." She took the bigger scroll of her back and threw it at me. The sheer weight of it forced me to fall on my back. "This one has Baransu, along with a bunch of other weapons for Ghazan." I rolled the scroll off of me and sighed.


 "Thanks." I stood up and placed the small scroll on my hip, and the Iwa ninja plate in my pocket. I picked up the large scroll and strapped it on my back. "So where are we off too?" I dusted myself off and looked at Pakura. She was staring into the distance and cleaning her ear with her pinkie.


 "The village. We have to report this to the Kazekage." I nodded, and she began to walk back towards the village.


 "Shouldn't we have done that last night. Immediately after it happened?" I looked at her, and she had her hands behind her head and was looking up at the sky. She was blowing an out of place strand of hair in the air.


 "Sure." She looked at me and smiled. "Village isn't going anyway, we got time." She took one of her hands form behind her head and dug around in her kunai pouch. Pulling out a tanto, she threw it me. I caught it and looked at her weirdly.


 "How did that fit in there?" I asked and she 'tsked' while quickly covering my mouth.


 "Give me one thousand slashes, My apprentice." I sighed and nodded my head. She removed her hand and assumed her original position smiling cheekily now.


 "Shouldn't I use Baransu? How did you even fit a tanto in a kunai pouch?" I asked while swinging the tanto. She whistled a tune completely ignoring me. "Pakura?" She whistled louder. I stopped swinging the tanto and looked at her sharply.


 "That's only 31 swings. Keeps swinging." She said and I glared at her.


 "Yeah, but shouldn't I use Baransu?" I asked again and she just sighed and threw her arms in the air.


 "Unseal it then." Her hands were on her waist and she looked slightly annoyed. I flipped the tanto and held it out to her. She just rolled her eyes and grabbed it. I pulled the giant scroll off my back and rolled it out. I threw my arms out and waited.


 I looked at Pakura who yawned in her hand with a bored expression.


 I rubbed my hands together and threw them out again.


 "Baransu! I summon you!" I yelled out loud pumped chakra into my hands. A small gust of wind shot out and blew the scroll a couple of feet away from me. My mouth fell and I could feel Pakura's amusement in the air.


 "How do I do this?" A hand pulled on my cheek at my question.


 "Do what my adorable little brother?" Pakura voice was like nails on a chalkboard.


 "How do I unseal Baransu?" I closed my eyes and dropped my head in shame.


 "All you have to do is figure it out yourself." She pushed my head forward causing me to stumble forward and then trip on the scroll. I crashed face first into the sand. "KAkakakakKAKAKAKkaka!"


 I pulled myself off the floor and looked at Pakura to see her hunched over pointing at me and laughing her butt off.


 "That wasn't very funny!" I stormed towards her and slammed her hand away and pointed at her. "How about you do your job and train me!" She still had a smile on her face and merely took a step back and put her arms in the air to stretch.


 As she stretched I saw Baransu in her right hand, gleaming in the sunlight.


 "All you gotta do is focus your chakra outwards towards the seal on the scroll and will whatever is in the scroll or out of the scroll into the seal, activating the sealing scroll." She twirled Baransu in her hand before sticking it in the sand. "To help focus your chakra you can weave a specific hand sign, though as you get better at it you don't need to. As you have just seen." I blinked and looked at Baransu and at Pakura, who yawned in her hand again.


 "Now that I explained it, tell me the reason why I didn't want you to use Baransu" Pakura was now staring deeply at me.


 "I don't know." I grabbed Baransu out of the sand and swung it. "Oh."


 It's practically weightless.


"I'll accept my apology now." Pakura had her head held high. Arrogance.


 "Im sorry." I muttered.


 "For?" She asked and I shook my head. I felt her pull on my eyelid, I smacked her hand away. "Go on, why are you apologizing."


 "Because I couldn't see the reasoning behind your amazing and never before seen training?" A fist to the top of my skull caused me to crash into the sand.


 "If I wanted sarcasm, I would have asked for it, Apprentice! Now give me 10,000 swings, with 4 tantos!"


 My response was my body twitching in pain.


Fast forward.....


 "Your back soon." Lord Second said and Pakura nodded.


 "Iwa nin, were already at the border when were about to call it a night. 5 in total all Jonin ranked. Their leader talked about needing to use the Land of the Wind as a flank to get to the Leaf. I didn't buy it though." I nodded along with her, and Lord Second merely blinked at Pakura and then looked at me.


 "How did Pakku fair." Pakura glanced at me.


 "He managed to hit a jonin, though it was through deception. He showed quick thinking with shielding us from a barrage of weapons launched at us through a sealing scroll and Pakku also shot a jutsu towards the enemy when I threw him away from the danger.


 "Hmm…" Lord Second just looked at me. His face conveyed nothing. "It isn't a surprise you weren't able to challenge those opponents, you are weak after all." I blinked at his bluntness.


 "Of course, Lord Second." I bowed my head.


 "Are you fine with that?" I looked up and Lord Second was staring daggers into me. I could feel his chakra filing this room.


 "I'm sorry?" I asked and sweat began to form on my brow. Even Pakura tensed up.


 "Being weak." He stood up and I looked at the floor. The chakra in this room was suffocating.


 "I…I…I…" I couldn't speak.


 "I. I. I. What!" He slammed his hand on his desk and I could hear it break into pieces. I looked up at him and a face of pure rage and waves of black sand were flowing behind him. "This world is on the brink of war and this village cannot settle for weakness. Not from you!" He pointed at me and I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.


My mouth kept opening and closing, and I was on the brink of tears. The sheer aura of a kage was killing me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I all the pain and fear went away. I looked at Pakura who had a focused look on her face.


 "I… I don't want to be weak, Lord Kazekage." I looked at him and he continued to glare at me. I wanted to look away. To run. But I didn't. I couldn't disappoint Pakura.


 "Good." He said and sat down. His sand moved in front of him and gathered the pieces of his desk seemingly rebuilding it. "You may leave."


 "Yes, Lord Kazekage." Both Pakura and I said in unison and left.


 As we walked out of the Kazekage building I turned and asked Pakura a question.


 "How did you make Lord Second's aura go away?" She looked at me and ruffled my hair.


 "I didn't do anything little brother." She then flicked my cheek and ran off, laughing as I chased her.