
The Savior of Amity Park (Danny Phantom)

A far less moral Danny Fenton learns to use his powers not for good, not necessarily for evil... but however the fuck he wants to use them. And if he's going to have to protect Amity Park from a bunch of damn ghosts all the time... well, the Phantom might as well get a little something-something back, right?

CambrianBeckett2 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Ember McLain

There was a smile on his face when he left Sam's place for the night. It didn't last though, not when he could hear a ruckus being made downtown. Frowning, Danny makes his way over to the source of the noise. What he finds there… isn't all that surprising. Ember McLain, the ghost zone's resident rock star chick, floats in the air outside of the broken window of Amity Park's token Best Buy, her ghostly powers drawing all sorts of equipment out of the place as she holds it in the air behind her.

Looks like the ghostly young woman is looking to put on a show soon. Given how irritating she was to deal with when fully powered up on the love of all of those mind-controlled people, Danny wasn't inclined to let her. Moving closer without a word or a sound, Danny places himself just five feet away from the rock star ghost, his hands crossed over his chest as he finally clears his throat.


The sound of his voice provokes more of a reaction than he initially expected. McLain whips her head around, eyes going wide with fright. Then, she tries to slam every single piece of stereo and sound equipment she's gathered so far into him, even as she beats a hasty retreat down a nearby alley. Of course, Danny just phases through them all, even as he lifts an eyebrow and follows the ghostly rock star.

She's not hard to track, given his soul-sensing ability. As she flees him, moving through solid surfaces and trying to put as many walls and as much distance between them as possible, Danny just follows along at a relatively sedate pace, always making sure to match her speed, but never quite coming back into her field of view.

As such, when Ember finally stops for a moment, thinking she's slipped out of his reach, Danny is hovering nearby in moments, listening to the female rock star talk to herself.

"Shit, shit, shit… fucking Phantom. Scariest Asshole in the god damn world, why the FUCK does the stupid portal have to be in his town? Fuck that was close…"

Huh. She wasn't so afraid of him last time they fought. And he hadn't even done anything to her in particular after that battle. Maybe… had she heard about what he'd done to Skulker? That might explain it. A wide, wicked smile spreads across Danny's face as he suddenly floats down right in front of Ember. This time he's less than a foot away, and his close proximity sees her freezing up rather than fleeing again as she goes wide-eyed and still in the face of his presence.

"Hello, Ember. Don't try to run again, alright? I don't like it."

"Uh-huh. S-Sure. Hey, how about I just go back to the ghost zone now, yeah? You uh… you got that thermos around for me to catch a ride in?"

Danny smirks at that, crossing his arms over his chest as he revels in the rock star ghost's fearful respect.

"Nah, I don't use that anymore. I prefer to deal with problems like you in other ways. Unless… you're not going to be a problem?"

For a moment, he sees Ember's anger in the way her fiery hair flames up a bit. But she's weak, and they both know it. Without an adoring crowd to chant her name and empower her, Danny is leagues stronger than her… and at this point, he might even be stronger than her empowered form AS WELL. Either way, this battle is… mm, a foregone conclusion. Which is why it probably won't happen at all, given the way Ember's shoulders slump and she licks her lips.

"N-No… I won't be a problem."

"Good. I don't like problems. But as far as gorgeous ghost girls are concerned…"

A moment later, he's pressing his lips against hers, his hands closing around her upper arms. Ember freezes up, eyes wide as his tongue invades her mouth and dominates her own. For a moment, Danny just kisses the ghost girl… but it's clear that Ember has no intention of just melting into his grasp and reciprocating.

Well, that's okay. Danny can 'fix' that, now can't he? Using his direct contact with the rock star ghost, the half-ghost boy delves into her soul. Unlike a human, a ghost's soul is really all they have. Their physical body is basically nothing more than a construct made by their soul, a representation of how they saw themselves.

An old saying comes to mind as Danny forcefully takes hold of Ember's soul, something the ghost girl notices immediately, unlike with his human prey. 'They wore their heart on their sleeves'. Well, for ghosts, it was literally 'they wear their soul on their everything'. Given that, Ember was in both a better position to defend her soul, while also being MORE vulnerable to this sort of attack. And Danny… well, Danny had the ghostly rock star VERY distracted, especially when he slid one hand down to between her legs, tearing away the crotch of her ethereal leathers and thrusting two fingers up into her tight cunt right on the spot. The ghost girl squeals into Danny's mouth and in response, Danny forces more of his will onto her soul.

Unlike with the living denizens of Amity Park, Danny couldn't really tell Ember's soul to worship him for keeping the place safe from ghosts. He could have, but it wouldn't have made sense to her mind, and probably would have led to her breaking free of the compulsion. Instead, Danny settles for something a bit more ham-fisted with his first female ghost. He shackles her will to his and chains her soul up in HIS will.

He doesn't change much else. He kind of likes Ember's look, so he lets her keep it. From the arm-length black gloves to the crop-top, to the leather pants and the skull heels. He liked it all, as well as her ponytail and her delicious makeup. In the end, the only visible change to Ember's physical appearance in representation of his conquest of her soul is the choker around her neck morphing into a spiked dog collar, off which hangs a thick iron coin emblazoned with 'Property of the Phantom' on it.

Danny pulls away from Ember then to admire his own handiwork, smirking wickedly as he takes in the sight of the collar and Ember's subdued expression. She shivers when he reaches out and slides his hands around her waist.

"That's better. Isn't it… slave?"

Ember whimpers and shakes her head. Danny digs his digits deeper into her flesh, drawing a gasp from the ghostly girl. After all, her flesh is more her than a human's ever could be. He's essentially digging into her very soul.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes… Master."

Danny just laughs and a moment later, he's floating above Ember so that his crotch is at eye-level with her head. A hand closes around the base of the female rock star's ponytail, and he phases his cock through his jumpsuit, letting it flop out and smack Ember across her gorgeous, alternative-looking face. The ghost girl gasps as she goes cross-eyed just looking at his dick, laid out diagonally across her face as it is.

"Suck it, Ember. Suck your Master's cock."

She can do nothing but obey, even as reluctant as she is. Danny didn't change her to make her somehow devoted or adoring of him. No, doing that much would have altered Ember way more than he wanted. Instead, he'd simply slaved her will to his own. Orders from him were more important to Ember now than her own thoughts, her own ideas, her own plans. In the end, she has to obey, no matter how much she doesn't want to.

Danny groans as his dick slides into the rock star's mouth and then down her throat. No gag reflex of course, because she's a ghost. But that's just fine with Danny. Using his grip on her ponytail, the half-ghost forces his entire cock deep inside of Ember's throat, again and again and again. Her lips press all the way to the base of his length, and his dick tip forces its way down to her gullet as he groans happily.

"That's it, slut. Take it. Take it all!"

There's something to be said about getting deep-throated by a hot punk ghost chick. Definitely something to be said about it. And Danny can't see this being the last time he does something like this, not now that Ember belongs to him and him alone. But… well, he does want to hear her cry out eventually. He wants to make her scream for mercy, wants to enjoy her shrieks of pleasure.

With that in mind, Danny speeds up the pace. Then, he pulls out and cums. Ember's eyes go wide momentarily, before snapping shut as she flinches back from his seed. Or tries to anyways. His hold on her hair means Ember isn't going ANYWHERE as he covers her face and her crop-top in his spunk, painting her body with his cum. Danny groans as he releases all over her. And when he's done, he smacks his dick across Ember's cheeks a few times, back and forth, just marveling in his power over the punk chick.

"… I'm going to fuck you now. Bend over and ask for it."

Ember's anger flares up again, and Danny can see it even through the cum glazing he's given her. But nevertheless, when he lets go of her hair, she obeys. The rock star ghost turns away from him, still floating in midair, and bends over at the waist. Danny reaches out and grabs the crotch of her leather pants again. They've reformed since he tore them open the first time, but he rips them apart just as effortlessly as before this time around.

Gasping, Ember shivers under his touch, even as he squeezes her exposed inner thighs and spreads them apart. His cockhead comes up and pushes against her pussy lips. She's exceedingly dry, but then, Danny doesn't just have control over her actions, now does he? He has control over her everything.

"Cum for me, Ember."

And she does. Her eyes go wide and her back arches as she tenses up, but with his iron fisted hold of her soul, Ember is incapable of NOT obeying his commands. She climaxes hard, and her pussy overflows with her juices, which slip down his length as they leave her cunt. With a wicked smirk on his face, Danny thrusts forward, claiming the ghost girl's slit for himself, impaling her on his cock as he grabs her by the wrists and drags her back at the same time.

"A-Ah! ~"

Ember's resultant cry certainly sounds more breathless and pleasured then she might have wanted. Now that she's nice and wet and completely ready for him, Danny is able to fuck her with deep, fast, harsh strokes, pumping in and out of her tight, clenching cunt with greater and greater force. And she enjoys every last moment of it, even if she doesn't want any of it.

"You're mine now, Ember McLain. Can't wait to hear your next song venerate me. You'll write all sorts of music talking about how glorious and amazing I am, won't you?"

"N-No! N-Never!"

Danny just laughs and reaches out, grabbing her by her ponytail and dragging her head back far enough that he can look down into her eyes from above, her body bent into a sort of perverse C as he makes eye contact.

"Yes, you will."

Ember's face, still in ruins from his brutal throat-fucking of her mouth, falls. He can see the resignation in her eyes as she submits to his will.

"Yes… I will…"

She sounds so deliciously broken. It only turns Danny on more, as he groans and fucks her even harder, even faster. He provokes all sorts of wonderful vocals from the rock star ghost, drawing out all sorts of noises from her as he forces her through orgasm after orgasm, again and again and again. And then, once he's done with her, once he's had his fill with her, he cums.

Filling Ember with his seed, Danny grunts as he pumps a nice, thick load of his spunk deep into her ghostly womb. He's pretty sure she can't actually get pregnant with his kid or anything like that, but its one last power move, a dominance play sure to remind her of her new place as his slave. Smirking, Danny pulls out of the defeated female ghost and releases his hold on her, leaving her to float there, recovering as his seed pours out of her cunt.

"That was fun, Ember. I'll want to do it again sometime. And when I do, when I come calling, you'll come, and you'll do whatever I want you to do. Is that understood?"

"Yes… Master."

Danny smirks.

"Good girl. Now get out of here and don't fuck around in my town anymore. Not without my permission anyways. If you want to hold a show… you better run it by me first."

As the rock star ghost floats away, disappearing through the nearest wall, Danny considers his own words. Maybe he WOULD let Ember hold a concert, but only if she was singing songs about HIM instead of herself. The thought did please him quite a bit. Grinning wickedly, Danny slips out of the area as well. It was time to head home now.

But damn if the night hadn't been a productive one… he was really just getting started.


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