
The Saga Of Lux

This novel takes place on a planet that is five times bigger than our earth. On this planet mana is like the 'air' of our world. Every living creature is supported by mana. It flows through their bloodstream and surrounds their heart. It is the medieval era, the emperor has united all human lands in the vicinity, but not without merciless bloodshed, leaving behind a lot of enemies.This story follows our Protagonist, Lux, who is the second prince of this empire. Being gifted in swordsmanship, and having unlocked his aura at an early age he was praised as a genius. His future was looking bright, that is, until his father the emperor died in battle fighting against some monstrosity that was heading towards their empire. Lux later finds out that a mysterious cult was attempting to awaken other beasts of myths and legends, just like the one that killed his father. If this wasn't bad enough, now that the emperor was gone, his previous enemies who were too afraid to make a move while he was still alive, were now slowly moving forward with their plans to bring the empire and it's people to ruin. But Lux is no hero. Will he stay and defend a soon to be destroyed Empire? Or will he leave it all behind and explore the rest of the massive continent where no human has explored...at least in the history books. This story starts after the empire has united all the lands, but before the other events take place.

Archangel_Uriel666 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

The Warehouse

The door to my twins room was wide open. The sight of my wailing mother who was collapsed on the floor next to my twin brother's bed, hysterically yelling for the Gods to bring her baby back, made my blood run cold.

With unsteady steps and labored breathing I approached my mother's side.

In denial of the situation I was about to ask what was wrong. But the words never came out of my mouth, stuck in my throat after I caught sight of my brothers face.

His eyes were wide open, staring off into space, his face a mixture of emotions. Fear, pain, sadness, and regret. His final moments must have been...

Frozen in place, the voices and sounds around me becoming muffled, I stared at my brothers unmoving body unsure of what emotions were running through my own. Overwhelmed with such strong emotions something inside of me snapped. Then I felt nothing. As if all my emotions had just disappeared... I felt nothing.

*Knock knock* A knock at the door brought Lux back to the present. "It's your aide, Ezekiel" was heard from behind the door shortly after the knocking.

Adjusting his persona, Lux gave permission for his aide to enter. "Come in." Getting up from the couch Lux walked over to the washroom to wipe off the assassin's blood that had stained his clothes.

After making his way inside, Ezekiel was puzzled when he didn't see the prince. Hearing the water running from the washroom, Ezekiel worriedly asked as he walked over, "Are you alright Your Highness? I heard what happened from Tenebris."

'Annoying... Tenebris is doing unnecessary things again.'

Sighing, Lux replied. "I sustained no injuries." Trying to change the topic, he added, "Did Sir Leo agree to accompany us tomorrow?"

Ignoring the question, Ezekiel pressed on, "Your Highness these assassination attempts are getting more frequent. It used to happen at the very least once a year. This year you've been attacked at least four times if we include this one!"

'I know, that's why I didn't have Tenebris or the other shadows interfere. The first two assassins were killed by the shadows and the third one of the bastard swallowed poison after being subdued! To capture this one I had to dislocate its jaw.'

The shadows are trained in the art of killing, not in techniques that subdue an enemy. Each time they tried to subdue an assassin that had tried to take the prince's life, they would end up killing it. After several attempts had been taken to end his life, Lux came up with a plan. He would send out his shadows every night, leaving no one to protect him. Using himself as bait he caught the current assassin.

Answering in a cold tone that revealed his true personality he answered, "I know. We succeeded in capturing one of the assassins this time." With a voice that sounded like he was talking about the weather, he added "He's currently undergoing torture via the healing potion method. We will soon have answers."

Torture in and of itself is a very cruel and painful thing to do to a human. Now imagine someone being tortured for hours on end and just when they are about to die they get healed and brought back to top condition with a healing potion. Only to go through more hours of excruciating torture. Then the cycle repeats; heal, torture, heal, torture, heal... Well you get the idea.

Hearing the prince's cold and uncaring response to his statement, Ezekiel stood in silence and shock, unsure of how to respond.

After cleaning up in the washroom, Lux walked over to his wardrobe and, undressing, put on a new silk robe, saying "You didn't answer my previous question."

"Huh?" Ezekiel responded in confusion.

Back to his usual, cheerful self, Lux asked, "Will Sir Leo be coming with us tomorrow?"

"O..oh, yes Your Highness."

With some laughter, Lux responded, "I can't wait to see the look on Leo's face tomorrow at the orphanage." After laughing for a bit, with a caring look on his face Lux added, "Ezekiel I'm alright. I appreciate you coming to check up on me, but you should go and rest since we are leaving early tomorrow morning."

Letting the cold tone he heard earlier from the prince slip to the back of his mind, Ezekiel responded, bowing, "Yes Your Highness! I will see you tomorrow, have a good night."

After Ezekiel left, almost as if there hadn't been an attempt on his life moments earlier, the prince fell soundly asleep as soon as he laid in bed.


It is currently early morning, the sun barely rising from the east. The fog is especially thick today, limiting a person's range of view. Leo is waiting by Luxs' carriage along with the other guards that are going to escort the prince.

After a short while, Lux is seen approaching from the castle. Wearing a black cloak that adventurers wear, along with pieces of armour covering his vitals, he said "Good morning Leo"

Confused, Leo walked towards Lux and asked "Your Highness, why are you dressed like that?"

Looking over and nodding at his aide, who was wearing similar attire, he said "Leo put this on, it will just be you Ezekiel and me today." His aide handed the Valiant Knight Leo a black cloak.

After putting on the cloak, Leo asked "Do you have somewhere else you're going to stop by before we head to the orphanage?"

"Yes, I was attacked by another assassin last night. After some tortu... After some questioning, although he didn't know their employer, he gave us the information of his base. We are heading to their hideout to kil.. to ask some questions."

Waiting until the prince finished speaking, Leo loudly asked "You were attacked by an assassin!?"


"Also what do you mean by 'another'. Are you saying there has been more than one attempt on your life!?"

Fuming with rage, Leo started releasing his bloodlust.

Trying to call him down, Lux said "Leo I understand you're angry for my sake, but there is a time and place for everything."

Calming down, Leo bowed while apologizing.

"Your Highness, I apologize for my outburst."

Lux let the guards know that he will be traveling with just Leo and his aide. Then walking towards an unmarked carriage Ezekiel had prepared beforehand he said "Leo you can let off some of that anger when we arrive at the assassins base." Stepping inside the carriage, he looked over at Ezekiel. "Did Tenebris give you the location?" Seeing Ezekiel nod at his question, Lux added "Take us there. I already sent the shadows ahead of us to make sure it isn't a trap."

'Although the chances of the location being a trap are low. It is still possible it could be a 'dummy' base. Well not that it matters, I'll just dislocate a couple more jaws, then we can obtain more info with the help of Tenebris.'

After riding in the carriage for about two hours they arrived at an area full of merchant warehouses.

Hopping off the drivers seat and opening the door for the prince, Ezekiel said "It's a little farther up ahead but I thought it would be better if we walked."

Stretching, Leo said "Good idea. We don't want to alert the enemy."

Looking down at his shadow, Lux spoke "Which warehouse is it? Has there been any movement?"

The shadow wiggled before answering "We have surrounded the perimeter of the warehouse but there has been no movement." Forming his body from out of the shadow, Tenebris added "Follow me boss. I will lead the way."