
Chapter 1: 10 years of sacrifice

The sound of wind rushing, woke me up from my sleep. The footsteps that grew louder and louder and a sound of swords being unshed. The metal door burst open and flew of its hinges and sent a vibration though the room as it lodged itself into the stonewall. A tall dark figure, with bleeding red eyes, jumped towards me with murderous intentions. Yet that is all they were. Intentions. "You are still too weak" I said as I rushed up from my bed. "AHHHH!" The dark figure unleashed its purple aura, which enveloped its body and especially its claws. It went straight for my face with its left hand and for my heart with its right hand. I roused my aura from the pit of my stomach and parried the left hand, while lifting my leg towards its chest. I didn't want to hurt him to much, but a few broken bones should be fine. His species heal pretty fast anyway. I pushed with the other leg, that was grounded to the floor and a crack appeared on the stone floor. The dark figure flew back out through the same way he came in. A loud sound of walls falling down could be heard from the other side. With my aura flowing through my body, enhancing my senses I could feel three powerful beings standing outside this place that was given to me. I walked towards the now broken windows and looked out. I scenery unimaginable on earth was in front of me. Tall mountains that touched the red sky. Trees that spewed red miasma, and demons in all colours and shapes walking around. On a building opposite my own, three figures were standing. A being shrouded in shadow, neither it's gender nor it's figure is known to anyone. Other then those two beside him and me. A tall woman with her upper arms crossed in front of her body and lower arms resting upon two swords by her hips. She was wearing armour, and sometimes I even wondered if she wore it to sleep. I had never seen her without it. Her black metallic skin colour reflected the light from the many moons in the skies. These two were now the left and right hand of the man in front of them. A man who gave of scholarly impressions, and looked like he would rather read a good book, then sleep with a woman. He was wearing a long cape and under it was a skinny body and pail white skin. Everything about him was ordinary… except for his two protruding horns and the vibrations of aura that came from his beating heart.

This man singular, killed unimaginable numbers of human 10 years ago. The demon king of magic Zarzak and Head of the first layer of hell. The demon responsible for me being stuck here for 10 fucking years.

Leave a comment if anything needs to be improved. Or if there are any grammatical mistakes (which I’m sure there are).

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