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This story takes place in the beginning of time. Before Christ. Before dinosaurs. Before cavemen. This was the time of the rainwolf. This story is about rainwolf. About Byve. Rainwolf are fascinating creatures, said to be fake. Said to be a myth. But if you like magic like me, you should know that they are indeed real, and incredible creatures. You see, these wolves have a few strands in its fur that is a different color. Their base coat is white. Now you might be thinking, how is that magic? They have the ability to take place as different creatures. It is most commonly a bear. Yes, bears existed in the rainwolf time. They went back extinct, but somehow came back. But that's a story for a different time. The animals have a silver coat, that almost glow a little. They live in such places as magic groves, enchanted oak, and in mythical dens in the mountains. Byth was just a pup when she was rescued. This is what she remembered: she was near the crystal creek, when she slipped. She fell into the creek. She fainted and when she woke up, she saw beaty eyes of another pack staring down on her. Her father had always been mean though, so she was fine. The alpha adopted her. One thing: she never learned to morph. You are supposed to learn when you are only a few suns old. She was now one of the oldest pups in her pack. She had only to watch as the others happily morphed into bears, peacocks, tigers, sharks even. She only wished she could share that special moment of her learning with her father.

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