
That Devil

After listening to the corpse, the team turned hesitant. Naturally, they did not want to be trapped in this place forever. Although the Rubik World was not the best place to stay, with all its missions, they could get supplies and still have hopes of living. If they stayed in the hospital, ignoring the fact that their food and drink would be depleted in a few days, their souls were now under threat. No one wanted to become a member of the walking dead. They would rather die than become a monster like that.

"I think it's better to bring him out than remain here! And we still haven't found Uncle Hale, we need to find him." Fay said. In response, Carol nodded in agreement.

The rest of them were still considering the corpse's request. As the leader, Aaron felt responsible for his teammates so he was hesitant about making a rash decision. As for Tabitha, she noticed problems in the corpse's story ever since she heard Alfred's question. Perhaps what had been kept secret were the crux of the matter. She couldn't rashly believe the monster whose origin was unclear. Everything he said was just his word. No one could tell if he was truly the nurse, Tabitha D., nor did he appear willing to mention anything about himself. Her gaze turned to the soul stone in Alfred's hand. As for the soul stone, it was what kept his consciousness if he was telling the truth. Why did he give it to them so easily? Was this stone permanently effective after being used once?

"I guess we can give it a try." While Tabitha was still considering, Alfred decided to make an agreement with the corpse. She looked at the man's face but it looked indifferent, seemingly confident of his decision. Since the brains of the operation had agreed, Aaron no longer hesitated. He turned to look at Tabitha for an answer. She sighed inwardly and raised her hand, "I have no objection either."

"Then it's so decided. Miss D? Please lead the way."


With the corpse leading the way, the team did not encounter much trouble. Although several monsters rushed at them, they were killed by Aaron directly. Seeing the captain's performance as though he was filled with vigor, Tabitha asked him, "Captain, there were so many monsters in the hall... How did you escape?"

"Well, I was indeed exhausted back there. When I thought I was doomed, all of them just ran away suddenly. I thought that something terrifying was coming but nothing happened. Even the fog greatly dissipated. I took the chance and ran to the second floor."

Aaron clearly held his doubts about the sudden departure of the monsters but being able to survive was a good thing, so he didn't raise the issue previously.

"Ah, I know! It was Alfred who was trying to use the soul stone! Somehow the fog on the second floor disappeared. It must have affected those monsters! So they ran away!" exclaimed Fay, who had been conversing with Alfred. She had leaned forward and clapped her hands in excitement at her idea.

Tabitha looked at Alfred in askance. Was his face so pale because he had triggered the soul stone? She slowed down and waited until the man stepped past her. She reached out her hand and slung it over his shoulder. Alfred frowned subconsciously but didn't say anything. He only shook his head at her. She ignored him and raised her eyes to his forehead. The two numerical values lit up.

Life Value: 75/100

Ability Value: 0/50

Zero? His ability value was zero; yet, he still didn't want to receive her treatment? Tabitha pursed her lips.

"Our team had lost one team member, and the rest of us are either injured or physically exhausted. As one of the two support members of the team, I lack fighting abilities and cannot help in battles. But in battle, your ability can help at the critical moment! Isn't it immature for you not to allow me to help treat you?" The girl whispered, only allowed Alfred to hear her. Although Tabitha was meek, she really wished she could dish it out on him.

Alfred looked at Tabitha in surprise and tried to give an explanation. But before he could do so, Tabitha had used her ability on him. A green light flashed but Alfred's Ability Value remained constant. Tabitha was stunned and attempted to restore his Life Value. In seconds, Alfred's Life Value rose to 79. The girl stopped and looked at her hand before looking at the man's Ability Value again. She was puzzled as she put her hand on the man's shoulder again. As the green light coruscated, Alfred's Ability Value remained at zero despite her expending half her healing powers.

Alfred sighed and whispered to Tabitha, "It has been about two or three hours since I used the soul stone. Normally, my Ability Value would have automatically replenished. I know something is wrong since none of that is happening. The reason why I didn't want your treatment is that I didn't want to waste your healing power."

"Has this happened before?"

Alfred nodded without another word. Tabitha could not tell anything amiss from his expression. Although Tabitha had been enveloped by mercury previously, she had remained conscious. She knew that Alfred ended this way because he was trying to save her. She fell silent. If her ability became stronger, could she help him recover?

She did not have the luxury of time to think through things carefully. The corpse had led them out the hospital. Everyone who saw the sky again expressed their happiness. Although the area outside was still surrounded by the white mist, they were, at the very least, no longer in complete darkness.

"Once you cut off my head, you can leave this hospital completely. Who will do it?"

The corpse went straight to the point.

"Let me do it. Fay, come and give me a hand. Carol, give your axe to me." Alfred stood forward. Carol looked at him oddly for a moment and handed him her axe when she saw his determined face. Fay stood beside Alfred and waited for his orders.

"All I need to do is to cut off your head, right?"

Alfred asked with the axe in hand. The corpse mumbled an affirmation. The man nodded, raised the huge axe, and at the moment he lowered it, he shouted at Fay: "The magical circle!"

Fay spilled a handful of corn-colored granules and murmured incantations. The moment the axe sliced off the corpse's head, red light flared and a dark fog rushed to the sky but was apparently suppressed by something invisible. The black fog produced a bellow as it slammed around, unable to escape the magical circle's confines.

Tabitha fell into a momentary daze before she realized what was happening. "You're the devil?! Dr. Mile didn't get Tabitha's body at all! It was you who possessed her!"

"No, I believe that director had successfully transferred his soul into this body but before Miss D's soul stabilized itself in Dr. Mile's body, the devil had invaded his body. Miss D was suppressed by you most of the time, isn't that so? She only had the chance to control this body twice. The first was when she shut down the hospital and second was when she killed this body." Alfred inserted his hands into his pockets and watched the devil calmly.

"No! No! You f**kers! Let me out! How was I tricked by you humans! Yes, that's right! That slut! She kept interfering with my plans! She even used that stupid stone to trap me in this disgusting body and placed a restriction on the stupid hospital! If it wasn't for her, I won't stay here for another second longer!" The black fog's voice was filled with resentment and indignation but when he heard Fay's incantation and noticed that she was almost done, he changed his tone again.

"I know you are not the natives of this world. You don't have to do this! There's no good sending me back to hell! I mean you have to spend time and effort..."

Fay ignored him and continued her incantation. When the dark fog realized that his soft stance was useless before, he bellowed once again, "You don't understand how terrible hell is! Let me go! I will remember this!" Unfortunately, no one minded his words. With the magical light blasting outwards, the devil disappeared into thin air.

Aaron and Carol looked at each other, shocked by the sudden development. Before they recovered from their surprise, the world began distorting. The milky-white mist and the crow-colored building warped into a strange blob. The feeling of nausea came to Tabitha once again. But this time, she knew she could finally rest at ease for

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