
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

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7 Chs

the clash

"Ethan, table number three. Roasted chicken."


 "Ethan, table number 7. Joe soup."


 "Etan, table number 1, Sakhari duck"





Although the atmosphere inside the restaurant was old and seemed dead in the early morning, but during these hours, it displayed an atmosphere full of life, laughter, crying and sometimes conflict.

The fat man angrily threw the glass of wine on the ground and shouted: "You bastard, I will kill you."

He was holding another man's neck and pulling him to this side and that side with his strong body.

 Alexander looked around anxiously and immediately turned to the old solution.


Ethan frowned and muttered to himself: "Ethan's death, how many arms and legs do I have..."

Hekel dragged his club through the tables and reached the 15th table. He looked at the man's body and then whistled a few times and shouted:

 "Hey big bear, stand up!"

He had faced many similar situations in the past, so he was not afraid of conflicts, but despite his weight of fifty kilograms, he was still ignored and the conflict continued.

Rubbing his sleeves again, he put the chair in front of his feet, climbed it with difficulty, and then, hugging the edge of the table, he pushed himself to the table.

He stood up, pulled up his pants and shouted again:

 "Hey Grizzly..."

The fat man let go of his opponent's neck and looked around, saw the fat kid standing on top of the table, laughed and answered:

 "Psychic boy, do you want to be beaten too?"

Ethan frowned and shouted:

 "what did you say?"

 "I said, do you want to be beaten, psycho?"

 "How dare you insult your own kind. Big pig!"

Fatty pushed the other man aside and walked towards Ethan.

 "What are you saying, little pig?" »

 "Come and sit at the table and negotiate with me, fatter than you, with dignity like a fat man..."

 "Fatter than me? I say you are crazy boy!

The fat man pulled the chair and sat at the table. Ethan took the opportunity and continued with a few deep breaths:

 "Although I think you are a big coward, but because you are fat like me, I respect you and ask you to gamble! Although I still say that you don't have the guts and no member of your family has the guts to gamble with Ethan the Great..."

 The fat man laughed louder than before and replied: "Go, kid, before it's too late, don't play with my nerves!"

Ethan answered the fat man's laughter with a laugh and said:

 "Just say you're scared and that's it, why are you looking for a way to escape?" A fat person will eat anything, you don't deserve to be fat! »

 "I say, child, what are the conditions of gambling? I just want to say don't cry afterwards, I don't want others to say that I bullied a fat man."

The smile on the boy's face almost reached his ears, he took out two dice from his pockets and waved them in front of the man.

 "I won't make it difficult, the sum of the numbers above Shish and you win, and less than that win with me, what do you think?"

 "What are you betting on?"

 Ethan touched his chin and said:

 "If you win, pay for a drink with me, and if I win... I'll give it to you after I win." You are not afraid, are you?

 The fat man nodded and muttered many times:

 "No no. Of course, I'm not afraid, let's see what you have in your bag, kid!

The fat boy looked around, the beaten man was nowhere to be seen, Alexander winked at him and this was a sign of his success. Sometimes they had to pass on a little profit so as not to lose much. Whoever had a stronger fist had more rights, so the one who didn't have a strong fist had to walk slowly and thank himself for being alive.

Ethan kicked the table and said, "Kids, hit it!" »

knock knock knock knock knock The sound of taps on the board and then Kobi's feet started with a beautiful rhythm, the boy on the table started shaking his fat to the beat of the song, moving his fists forward, up and then down, dancing right to the beat of the song and shaking his fat. was giving

He turned his hips and walked around the table a few times until finally the sound of hitting the wood stopped, as if it had never been there. Ethan burst out laughing at the teacher's move, followed by the whole restaurant.

Everyone except Ethan and the fat man who were staring at the dice on the table. The man's mouth fell open when he saw the numbers on the dice, and Ethan had a bitter smile on his face.

 "Pair one and I win!"

The fat man said with a frown on his face.

 "Well kid, you win. What do you want?"

Ethan got down from the table and sat in a chair, then looked at the fat man with a forced smile and shouted:

Alexander! Two coffees. Give me the honor to invite such a great man for a drink!"

The fat man's mouth was more open, the laughter of the rest of the tables could be heard louder than before. After thinking about the matter, the fat man laughed a little and whispered:

 "You don't have to, boy, I'm your guest, I'm not fat if I want to use my body to force a little man like you!" From now on, I will be a regular customer here. Remember my name, boy. I am William Koppel.

And then he started laughing again.