
The Rise of Uzumaki (Naruto)

This is a Patreon Exclusive that updates two chapters ahead at all times over on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian Synopsis below: Set in Naruto: Shippuden just after Naruto's return to the village. His growth spurt and good looks, combined with a more mature Naruto with a more stable relationship with his 'passenger' mean that every female eye in the village is on him. And perhaps some eyes outside of the village as well. Naruto has been given two mandates, one by his passenger and one by his teacher. Surprisingly, these mandates really don't conflict as much as one might expect...

CambrianBeckett · Komik
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50 Chs

Anko Mitarashi Pt. 1

He's barely been asleep for an hour, two at most, when there's a sudden shift of weight on his bed. That alone is enough to start waking Naruto up, but the soft breasts against his chest and the wet pussy lips rubbing against his cock certainly get him the rest of the way to a state of full consciousness. Opening his eyes even as he tenses up in preparation to attack, Naruto looks up into glittering brown eyes.

Along with those glittering brown eyes is spiky, short black hair, a reddened face, and a lurid smile. A very drunken Anko Mitarashi sits astride him, half-naked already and getting ready to sink down onto his cock as she presses her hands down onto his chest, pinning him to the bed.

"Mm, shtrong brat, aren't you? … hic! Didn't want my reward? I know better than that~"

As she's sliding her dripping wet pussy lips up the length of his admittedly hard cock, hot-dogging his girth all along the way and clearly about to drop down, Naruto sighs… and smacks Anko in the forehead with a palm strike. The drunken Special Jonin doesn't even get the opportunity to react before the light fades from her already hazy eyes and she flops backwards away from him from the force of the impact.

Sitting up, Naruto checks the seal he's just palmed onto her forehead. It cost a lot in both money and chakra to keep the ink nice and fresh on his palms all through the night, but it was well worth when it gave him a non-lethal disabling move in the literal palm of his hand for anyone who dared to try and sneak up on him.

Still, even as he checks the seal now active on Anko's forehead and applies enough chakra to it to make sure she's not going to wake up any time soon without his help, Naruto can't help but be as impressed as he is irritated. She hadn't triggered a single one of his traps or alarms! He should NOT have first been alerted to the drunken kunoichi's presence when she invaded his bed and made to rape him!

And that was part of it too. The DRUNKEN kunoichi. Not only had Anko managed to sneak past all of his defenses, she'd done so after apparently getting incredibly sloshed thanks to his rejection. Fuck, if he'd known that the woman was going to react like this, he would have taken her into the back of the ninja bar and let her 'reward' him with a quick suck or fuck. This was just… pathetic.

With the seal in place and keeping Anko fully unconscious, Naruto sends out a brief pulse of chakra, making sure all of his alarms and traps are still there, for all that they've apparently proven to be useless before the desires of one drunken Special Jonin. They are… which pisses him off even more if he's being honest, because it means Anko was able to slip right through them without even having to stop and carefully disable one or two.

Groaning, Naruto finally flops back onto his bed, laying out and placing an arm over his eyes. He doesn't bother to move Anko or make her decent. If she didn't want him to get an eyeful, she shouldn't have snuck into his apartment in the middle of the night wearing literally nothing but her tan overcoat. What she'd done with the mesh bodysuit he'd seen her wearing back at the bar, he didn't know… nor did he really want to know.

Ignoring the problem sounded like a really great idea for now, as tired as he was. So, with an absolutely gorgeous, utterly helpless, completely unconscious kunoichi sprawled out at the foot of his bed… Naruto turns over and goes back to sleep.


"… Sorry."

The muttered apology comes about a minute after Naruto hands Anko her own piping hot cup of tea. He didn't have any actual supplies in his apartment, save for what he'd brought home with him. Luckily, in his years with Jiraiya, he'd actually managed to broaden his horizons a little. Naruto was a tea drinker now. Warm and soothing, and with a nice hit of caffeine to get one through a quiet day.

Looking across the table at the kunoichi he'd woken up about an hour ago, Naruto inclines his head, keeping his voice down as to not aggravate her headache too much. She had quite the wicked hangover when he finally woke her up.

"Apology accepted."

A grimace flits across the buxom kunoichi's face, and she looks around his apartment for what must be the fifteenth time.

"You really live here, brat? I mean… I guess I thought the Hokage would have put you up some place better."

They both know which Hokage she means. Naruto hums and looks around the dingy apartment as well. All these years later, and much more mature, Naruto recognizes that the place is a shithole. And not just his apartment in particular, but the entire building is pretty shitty. It's so shitty, in fact, that it's practically empty.

He figures that's why the old man shacked him up here. Young Naruto didn't need a lot of space. He didn't need the best of the best. He probably could have used a friend, or maybe even a father figure, but hey, you can't get everything you want in life, right? By putting Naruto here, out of the way, the old man could keep him safer and under wraps, Naruto figured.

At least, that's what he wanted to believe, because otherwise the Third Hokage had had it in for him, and that didn't make a lick of sense. Taking a sip of his own cup of tea, Naruto savors the feel for a moment before setting it down and shrugging his shoulders.

"… It served it's purpose. I suppose given why I'm back in town, it won't for much longer. Tsunade will probably want to move me into a clan compound, or something…?"

He trails off, looking off into the distance as he begins to contemplate which she might toss his way. Konoha had way too many empty, overgrown clan compounds just hanging around at this point. Naruto knew because he'd explored a few of them while he was growing up. Of course, even as he looks away, he doesn't fail to notice the raised eyebrow Anko gives at the common form of address he uses for the Fifth Hokage. She doesn't comment on it though.

"Alright, brat. Give it to me straight. What the hell was that thing you hit me with last night? The memories are already fuzzy, though I remember enough to know I fucked up. But you… you took me down in one blow. Gotta admit, from what I remember of Drunk Me going through your security like a snake through grass, I wouldn't have thought you had it in you."

Flushing at the reminder of his subpar alarm systems, Naruto's grip on his tea cup tightens ever so slightly.

"… Yeah, they didn't even give you pause, did they?"

Anko just chuckles and shrugs her shoulders, something that does interesting things to her chest. She's still only got her overcoat, though she at least has the decency to pull it over her body… mostly. She doesn't have the decency to button the damn thing up properly, which is leaving him with a long strip of her naked flesh that terminates at the table's edge but still shows far too much to not be on purpose.

"Don't take it too bad, brat. I'm an Infiltration Specialist. It's sort of what I do. You don't become Special Jonin without having a specialty, you know? Mine is getting into places. It's what I do. If it makes you feel any better, I'd say you're easily B-Rank when it comes to security. Whatever you had in that palm strike of yours though… A-Rank, at least."

That draws a smile from the blond young man. He's always been a sucker for praise. Probably on account of the lack thereof he'd gotten early on in life.

"It was a seal."

Anko's brown eyes go wide and her back goes ramrod straight. This causes more of her cleavage to slip into view as her overcoat opens just a tad more from the sudden tensing of her shoulderblades, but Naruto gets the idea that she's not actually trying to be seductive. In fact, he thinks he might see traces of fear in those suddenly hooded eyes of hers.

Raising a brow, Naruto waves a hand in the air dismissively.

"I was apprenticed to the Toad Sage these last few years, you know. Jiraiya of the Sannin. Seal Master. Ringing any bells?"

That gets a blink from Anko, and though she has to think about it, she eventually starts to relax.

"R-Right… so… you what… sealed me?"

Naruto grins, and with only a second's hesitation, begins to explain. After all, Anko isn't a real enemy, for all that Drunk Anko tried to force herself upon him. The woman is supposed to be an ally, so what's the harm in explaining everything to her? He tells her about the seal in all it's intricacy, and she just stares at him, taking in what he's saying, from how he came up with the seal matrix, to the way he figured out how to keep the sealing ink from drying on his palm as the night went on, to how it interacts with his chakra specifically to extend the knock out period.

By the time he's done, Anko looks a bit… dazed. Naruto realizes, belatedly, that she may not have followed everything… and for parts of it, he really had rambled, hadn't he.

"Here, let me show you. Let's take care of that hangover, yeah?"

Pulling out a pot of sealing ink and a brush only takes a second for someone like him. By the time Anko has processed what he's saying and what he's doing, he's already three brush strokes into the seal he's drawing on the back of her hand. Just as she's starting to belatedly pull it back (really, that hangover has debilitated her quite a bit, hasn't it?) Naruto channels his chakra through the seal.

With a flash, the one-use seal burns up. He blinks as he feels his chakra burn through the last malignant influence leftover by the amount of alcohol in her system, only to feel himself brush up against something else entirely, something MUCH bigger, buried deeper in her chakra network.

"Wait, hold on…"

"- You just!"

They both try and talk at the same time, only to stop and stare at one another for a moment. Anko's eyes are wide and she's looking at him with wonder, clearly feeling clearheaded now.

"Y-You go first."

Furrowing his brow at the characteristically confident woman's sudden bout of unsurety, Naruto frowns. And then it hits him.

"You were Orochimaru's first apprentice, back before he left the village!"

Of course! She'd said as much back at the ninja bar, but Naruto had been more focused on how her hand felt on his junk, her drunkenness, and his damnable morals forcing him to do the right thing and reject her to notice. And then, after everything that had happened afterwards, he'd just… completely forgotten who Anko Mitarashi actually was.

"… Yes, I was."

"You still have the Cursed Seal on you, don't you?"

For a moment, she tenses up. Then, wordlessly, she pulls at the collar of her tan overcoat, twisting to the side. This gives an excellent view of her shapely, currently free-flying tits to be honest, but Naruto pays them no mind. He only has eyes for the cursed seal on the back of her neck, one that he can immediately tell is a prototype version of the one that the Snake Bastard slapped on Sasuko back in the day.

Staring at it now, with the knowledge he'd managed to soak up from both Jiraiya's teachings and his dad's notes… Naruto feels this strange sense of certainty wash over him, and there's nothing but total confidence in his voice when he speaks up.

"I can take care of that for you. Once and for all, I mean. I can get rid of it."

Anko twists back around, looking almost like a snake with the way her neck whips her head in his direction. An overly busty snake… her eyes widen, and her lips parted, she can't seem to find the words for a moment, before finally she does.

"You… your Master couldn't. The Toad Sage hasn't been able to undo his teammate's work. And you're saying you can…?"

She sounds both incredulous… but ever so slightly hopeful. Like she wants it to be true, even if she doesn't believe it. Naruto, meanwhile, feels a grin stretching from ear to ear across his face. What he says next, he's not quite as confident of… but he doesn't let THAT show in his countenance at all as he juts out his chin and thrusts his thumb back at himself.

"I'm better than Jiraiya. I can do it. I can free you from Orochimaru's influence."

And then use the knowledge gleaned from doing so to free his erstwhile teammate from Orochimaru's influence as well goes unsaid, as Anko processes his boastful words. Sasuko… Naruto could only hope the Last Uchiha was doing alright still. Her need for vengeance against her brother was understandable but joining Orochimaru was not. The Snake Bastard didn't deserve her, and Naruto still fully intended to do whatever it took to bring Sasuko back to the village.

"… I… I believe you."

Blinking, Naruto looks back, only to blush and go a little wide-eyed. Anko has stood up, and her overcoat is once again not covering much of anything in the middle of her body. Staring at him, eyes wide and lips parted, the beautiful Special Jonin abruptly shucks off said overcoat, leaving absolutely NOTHING a mystery anymore as she stands there, naked before him.

"You asked me in the bar to sober up and then come find you if I still thought you deserved a reward, Uzumaki. Well, I may not have done things in the right order, but here I am, nonetheless, sobered up and offering you my body all the same. Go on then… claim me… and then free me of my bastard of a master."

She was putting the cart before the horse a little, wasn't she? Wouldn't it be better if he figured out how to remove her Cursed Seal BEFORE they fucked? Naruto grimaces at that… it'd take him a few days to figure it out, and that was IF he holed up and spent every waking moment working on it. He had this soul-deep certainty that he COULD do it, but it would still take time.

Anko clearly recognized that and wasn't interested in waiting any longer to 'reward' him. On top of that, it was technically what both Tsunade and Kurama wanted him to do… he could practically FEEL the damn fox in the back of his head, pressing for him to take the Special Jonin, bend her over the table, and make her his bitch.

… He'd done the right thing last night, and it'd felt good. But this was a lot less clear cut in his opinion. What the hell was the 'right thing' here?

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