

BOOOM!! the sound of a explosion echoed throughout the secret chamber, An old mage in his hooded dark robes that covered his appearance only showing the yellow glowing eyes inside his hood.

The mage blankly stared at the remains of what was his chance on breaking the curse that was shackled his progression, he thought back to the past.

He was Lautrec a talented mage apprentice but a misfortunate accident that happened when he and his colleagues were delving into an ancient ruin unbeknownst to them a figure in the shadows put a curse in the ruins that takes away the cursed individuals potential.

BANG Lautrec slammed his hand on the table in frustration taking a deep breath "There has to be.. there has to be away to be rid of this curse." His eyes brighten as something came to mind with a slight chant a wall in the back disappeared to a small mist revealing a small chamber housing a runic cage holding a red and black book oozing a grim energy.

Lautrec turned off the runes holding the demonic book holding it in his hands, a seductive voice whispers in his ears "so you've finally can't handle it anymore." A maniacal laughter echoed throughout the chamber

"Stop wasting time show you're self." Lautrec spoke cold and indifferent to the threat that it poses, as the fact that if he doesn't rid of this shackles holding him it will be same as a death sentence in his eyes.

"Awww you're no fun are you" The voice started to become deeper more menacing and demonic "Why don't you show me some.. FEAR!!"

The book opened itself acting as some kind of portal as a strange and long demonic hand came out of it, as it fully came out of the book it was a demon with a singular horn protruding from the center of his forehead with spikes all over its red and yellow scaled body.

"Now! What do you offer me human?"

"A part of my soul as I know very well you're kind hungers for the soul of a mage."

The demons eyes brighten as a scheme started to formulate in its mind "Instead of part of you're soul I'll be holding you're soul in my world for.. Research, in a few decades you're soul will be returned back to this world and no danger will come upon you." A malicious smile showing in its face

Lautrec thought about the demons deal 'its too happy with this conditions its basically getting nothing maybe for some information on the soul of mages there has to be something more to this it's too obvious' looking at the demon it was already grinning in its victory as it knows the mage has no other choice than to take the deal.

He shook his head 'it doesn't matter I'll handle it when it happens and as long as the contract specifically says that there will be no harm coming to me then there no problem" the mage has no worries as the these contracts are looked over beings of unimaginable power after some time he nodded as a form of agreement.

The demon held his palm out as a scroll appeared floating above it, the mage took a final look to make sure the demon did not add anything else seeing nothing he signed the contract.

With a grab the mages soul was separated from its body and was held in the demons hand as it laughed maniacally it returned back to its book cutting the connection of the curse to the soul, leaving the soulless body standing there waiting until it finally turned to a pile of bones.

Decades pass time and a new generation has started to explore the world.

Below an unearthed ruins a red and black book free from the ravages of time, opening by itself as a grey soul with dark yellow tint around it flew out of the book.

The soul looked around the time worn chamber a chilling wind blew through the chamber as if the soul sighed to itself "how long was I held there" the soul shook and possessed the pile of bones reconstructing itself and wearing the robes it was laying on.

The Lautrec looked at the state of his new body it's teeth started to chatter as if trying to speak 'sigh it doesn't matter as long as the curse is gone that's all that matters' wrapping its hands, feet and head in old bandages giving a somewhat humane look.

'Hmmmm' a slight alarm was set off as with a wave of his hands a transparent image appeared it was a group of people at the entrance.

Ruins Entrance

A male in plated armor shield and hammer in hand looks to be the leader of this small group "ready you're selves" his companions did just that.

As they descended deep into the ruins the now mage turned skeleton watched every single of their movements its teeth started to chatter below its bandages.

The leader sensed something coming from the side raising his shield as a steel spike came out from the wall pushing him back to the top wall, as he hit the wall behind him it activated another contraption a large pillar from the ceiling swung down launching across the hallway.

His companions run to him as girl in a pure white robe hovered her hands over her leader [healing light] while the girl was healing their leader a circular array below them started to glow as spikes of lightning trapped them inside.

The three paled "what do we do?!"as they looked to their leader.

The leader calm and experienced brought his hammer up as it glowed a bright light [Blessed Weapon] smashing his hammer down disrupting the circular array the three sighed in relief but stiffened at the sound of footsteps heading towards them.

The rouge of the group melted into the shadows while the archer readied a arrow, the leader shouted "Show you're self" while signaling the girl in his group, getting the message she casted [Light] it lit up the surroundings what they saw was an individual with a robe as dark as night walking somewhat menacingly but still looked human which gave them a slight sense of relief.

The leader still guarded spoke "the local guild has restricted unauthorized access to these ruins state you're business!"

The robed skeleton tilted its head as it placed its palm in the groups direction, they heard a clanking of bones before they saw a bright flame heading straight for them.

The leader of the group slammed his shield down to the ground [Aegis] a screen of energy made a large wall blocking the ball of flame

The archer shot his arrow at Lautrec with a slight movement of its hand a gust of wind sending the arrow back the arrow hit the shield, the rogue appearing from behind him about to stab him Lautrec evaded to the sight with how light his new body he's able to dodge quickly before shooting a point blank dart of flame incapacitating the rogue while sending a gust of pppwind to block the arrows coming towards him.

The leader moving forward but an unfortunate step activated a pressure plate, a sharp rod launchel out from below piercing straight to him leaving stuck to the ceiling Lautrec looked at the rest.

The two was pale as snow as the archer grabbed "Let's go!!" They ran to the exit only hearing the chattering of teeth from behind.

Looking behind gave them a sense of relief seeing it not chasing after them as they came upon the entrance stunned them "it.. its closed." They started to pound on the door screaming at the top of their lungs "help!!"

Footsteps were nearing they panicked even harder as they slammed the door again and again until they felt the burning heat behind them then it was darkness.