
The Return of Origin

Michikatsu Genji, that is my name. I am only but a normal highschool student in their sophomore year.. I went through my days with the same thing almost every single day. I wake up at around 5 A.M to go for a morning run, then at 6 A.M, I will cook some breakfast for my little sister, Michikatsu Shihori. Then most of the rest of the day I would spent at school or my part time job at a restaurant where I work as a junior cook. In holiday, I usually only train my body or just have fun with my friend. The days went by happily everyday.. but on that day.. the world ending event dubbed The 'Revelation' began.. . . . Disclaimer: The artwork for my cover is not mine, if the original artist is not willing to let me use their artwork, please contact me as I will delete it.

Terminate0R · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

<Prologue> The End For A New Beginning Part 3/3


"Shihori-san, it's ready" I heard the voice of one of my close acquaintance, Endo Masayoshi.

"Thank you for your hard work, Masayoshi-san" He looked quite exhausted with that look on his face.

"I told you already just call me Masayoshi.." He told me again with a chuckle. But I would never do that to one of Nii-san's best friend..

"Hahaha, it's fine. I am more comfortable this way" I looked at the document that was brought in by Masayoshi-san.

"*sigh..* It's too much work.." It has been 10 years since 'The Revelation' begun.. and also the death of Michikatsu Genji.. my only older brother.

"It's been ten years, huh?" I stared at the picture frame that was placed on my table. A picture that my brother and I took in a photo booth. It pictures the smiling face of his.. even if it's already been 10 years..

"I still.. missed you.." I never forgot the warm feeling of his protection.. the feeling of him by my side. But I knew I need to let the past go..

"*sigh*.. It seems like there will be an outbreak near the Miyazaki's branch office.." I read the report about the current situations..

After 10 years of hard work.. I had risen in my position as the Leader of Japan's 'Liberator'. An organisation created by the top survivors of the current world. With the combination of almost 100 nations across the world.. Liberator was recognised as an official world organisation.

And after all of my hard work I had risen to this position.. it is also was based on my unique ability.. Dream World..

"Status.." I called out to no one in particular and after a second, a transparent blue screen appeared in front of my face.


{Current Status:

Name: Michikatsu Shihori

Species: Pure Blooded Human

Age: 22

Element: Pure Psychic (Dream)

Class: Witch of Dreams Lv. 5

Unique Abilities:

Dream World [Tier 3]

Dream Manipulation [Tier 2]

Common Abilities:

Magic Sense [Tier 3]

Psychic Magic Mastery [Tier 3]

Magic Enhancement [Tier 3]

Physical Enhancement [Tier 2]

Staff Mastery [Tier 4]


Psychic and Physical


Demonic, Darkness, and Curse

Current Threat Level: S}


I have reached enough strength to be in 'S' threat level.. but it's still wasn't enough. I am still weak. I couldn't fight the enemies myself and I need to constantly rely on others..

But, back on the topic of the outbreak.. it seems like the outbreak will happen tomorrow.. so the subjugation team would be the combination of the Miyazaki's branch member and the surrounding's branch members as well..

"Hmm.. it seems to be a [Tier 2] Gate outbreak.. well they'll be fine." I re-read every one of the document and found nothing suspicious. I would send the necessary supplies today through the Transport Connection.

"Well.. it is pretty late now. Let's sleep in the office for today.. *sigh*.." I sighed and just let my body and mind rest for a while.





"Shihori-san! Shihori-san!" I was woken up by a series of knockings from the outside just behind my door..

"Hmm..? Come in.." I said out loud and who came inside was Masayoshi-san.. alongside him was a girl..

She was stunning.. with her short platinum white hair that only reaches her neck.. her long eyelashes.. her small nose and pale lips. Her skin is very pale.. she is like a doll. Her eyes are closed but it feels like she could even see through my soul..

What's weird from her was her outfit.. she wore a white dress that covered her whole body. But on the right side of her body was a crystal that was attached to her clothes.. no to her body. But she seemed to be unbothered by it at all.. there are multiple strange markings on her face that I couldn't recognize..

Also.. above her head was a halo making her looks like an angel. It was bright and seemed to move alongside her head in a synchronized way. The halo also seemed to give her an aura of elegance around her that I couldn't say is not familiar..

"Masayoshi-san.. who is this girl you brought..?" I asked Masayoshi as it seemed pretty urgent.. and probably involved this girl.

"Ah.. about that, you should probably check it out with her yourself" He said and immediately excused himself and got out of the room.


With a tap he already exited the room and.. left me with this girl who was now staring at me even though her eyes were closed.

"Well.. let's take a seat first.." I offered her a seat right next to me and she sat down gladly without a pause.

"Well.. would you care to explain, please?" I asked her but she suddenly released a smile on her face.. a gentle smile.. a smile only I had seen before.

"You.. had grown.. well, Shihori.." Her voice sounded different.. but her tone was the same.. how they talk was the same.. this person is..!

"Nii..san..?" I was in disbelief.. I am sure and I couldn't even be more sure than this was him!

"I am sorry.. I couldn't always be there for you.. I am proud of you for coming this far.. I am very sorry" Her voice was gentle and melodious. It really felt like my ears were blessed by the singing from heaven.. but her tone had sorrow.. regrets..

"No.." I subconsciously let out.. tears unknowingly flowed down from my eyes making my vision blurry..

"You don't need to apologize..!" I hugged her now small body tightly.. I won't let you go again..! Not until I know you won't go again..!

"I am sorry, Shihori. I am such a foolish brother.." She said with a voice full of regrets as she gently caressed my hair with her now soft and small hand..

"Why..! Why did you leave me..!" I unknowingly said while sobbing uncontrollably.. it's shameful.. it's embarrassing.. but..

"I won't leave you ever again.. not until I die again.." She said while now patting my head.. it felt comfortable and warm.. I haven't felt this in almost 10 years.. slowly my mind drifted into the state of comfort and.. I.. am.. falling.. asleep..

"Promise.. me.." With that words the last thing I saw was the tears that flowed from her eyes with a gentle smile that bloomed on her face.. she finally opened her eyes revealing the signature beautiful eye of his.. filled with gentleness and love.

"I promise"




<Michikatsu Genji's PoV>

"Still the same as the past she is.." I reminisce about the past we had been together.. I had broken my promise to her. But I now will fulfill it..

"Do not worry, Shihori.. I won't die.." I hugged her for the last time then gently laid her down on the couch.

"It had been 10 years, huh.." I looked outside from the window inside Shihori's office. The world had adapted to the destruction that God gave.

I had died once, but I am now back. But how exactly did I do that..? Well, it's all just on luck.




<10 years ago>

"Where am.. I..?" I only saw the darkness as I couldn't see any light.

'What is this place..?' I thought silently while I explored around the place. The darkness made it impossible to sense direction and the emptiness of this place gave me chills..

"Seriously.. this place is empty.." I remembered the last even I had before waking up in this place.. I died.

"*sigh*.. Man.. I really died stupidly.." I died protecting my friend.. I died while not being able to bring my promise to reality.. I died knowing that Shihori is in danger..

"I had.. failed.." I said while sighing to myself.

"Do not be too harsh to yourself, dear" I suddenly heard the voice of someone in this empty place.. A place so empty no one would really ever be.

"You had done enough by yourself.." I could hear the grief in the voice. I scouted around to see the source of the voice.. and I saw a glowing orb.

"..." I silently approached the orb and saw that the orb was actually not glowing.. but displaying something.

"..What?" I slowly reached my hands out to touch the orb but I hesitated a little..

"Screw it.." But I decided to try and touch it anyway.. and once I touched it.. a flow of memories entered me..




"Are you going to keep on fighting with that condition..?!" A woman's image could be seen in my mind as the memories flowed..

"Why..? Is it wrong..?" The other person was another woman.. but unlike the first one, she looked more like a child..

"Look at you?! You are injured..!" The woman seemed very worried at the child. But the child just didn't mind her words and looked empty in her own world.

"Do not worry. I am The 'Origin God'.. remember..?" She said with a nonchalant expression. She looked very young with a beautiful long hair that reached her waist. Her hair looked like the cosmic space filled with colours from the stars, galaxies, and other cosmic objects..

Her eyes are also similarly coloured with depth which made her eyes looked like a living universe filled with colourful nebulas. She wore a full black hoodie that covered her body from the top to just above her knees and it looked like it was decorated by little sparkle of stars..

On her waists were two swords that both respective coloured red and blue. The sword resembles a traditional longsword that had a little curve to add a cutting edge. She looked like someone straight out of a fantasy movie.

The previous interactions didn't end there but there are more information of memories flowing into me.. so I sat down and focused my thought on analysing the memories..




<Unknown Time Had Passed>

"..I see" I had realised it now.. after seeing all of those memories and getting little bits of the knowledge it holds.. I had understood what this orb meant.. I had understood what this place is..

I never thought.. I will realise the importance of my life.. the importance of my existence once a time.. The importance of the position that I am in.. as I am currently inside..

"A place where all things began.. a place where all things would end.." I said with a flowing melody that subconsciously came out of my mouth..

"The Birth Place of Everything and The Home of Nothingness.." every words that flowed through my mouth naturally..

"Reveal yourself.. 'Void of The Beginning'..!" Instantly.. the sceneries of this place changed completely.. it went from completely empty previously.. to now becoming a place where darkness held a meaning..

I looked up to the sky above me and saw little sparkles of what could be seen as stars.. other than that nothing much had changed.. this place were still almost completely empty.. but the atmosphere changed.

"Now.." I walked slowly towards a certain direction.. not long after I already saw something floating in the middle of the darkness.

It was waiting.. waiting for it's original owner to be back. Waiting for the right time to return.. for the time where finally.. it's master would come back.. the Fragment of Void.

"The Void Beneath My Feet.." Slowly the fragment glowed even more brightly..

"The Stars Above My Head.." Looking into the sky the stationary stars started to move in a circular manner while looking like they are falling downwards..

"The Darkness That Is Around Me.." I could feel the empty void around me but it doesn't bother me..

"I Am The One Who Brought Existence.." As I approached the fragment even more.. my body started to glow more and more..

"One Who Brought Salvation.." I thought about the reminiscent about my life and the even further past..

"I.." I stretched out my hands towards the Fragment..

"Am.." And when I touched the Fragment..

"The.. Origin..!" The Fragment accepted me and suddenly a bright light covered the whole void which forces me to close my eyes to not be blinded by the light..

And when I could open my eyes once again.. I found myself inside a desolate wasteland.. filled with dangers waiting for it's next prey to fall. A place where the trial would be held.. The First Floor of The 'Ancient Tower of Hope'.. The Trial of Hardships..!




Little P.S. from Author

[Author] : By the way! At this point of the story, Genji hasn't turned to the person that you see in the beginning of this chapter. Or in short he hadn't been gender bended.. well that is going to happen in the final chapter of the first mini-volume/arc of 'The Trial of Hardships'.