
The Red String Of Fate Led Us To Explore Labyrinths

A couple being transmigrated to a new fantastical world with sword and magic. With this great opportunity, they will take every chance they get to enjoy this new life of theirs, whether it is exploring labyrinths, making new friends etc. Their goal is to have a life without regrets in this new world.

Bluet · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Floor 1

After reading the description of their innate skill, Noah and Alicia looked at each other with surprise.


"So, it was this skill that pulled you to me," Noah said with a raised brow.


"Well, it is fate that we can still be together after our deaths, so let's live a very happy life from now on, okay?" Alicia grabbed his hand with both of her hands, as if she wanted to share the happy feelings in her heart through this skin contact.


"I will make sure we will do." Noah nodded deeply. He was saying this out loud to make a promise to Alicia and himself, so that it would act as an anchor in the way to his goal.


Along the way to the labyrinth, the two of them did not separated and stayed close to each other like taffy, exuding a pink atmosphere.


The entrance of the labyrinth was a mouth of a cave that rose from the ground. Inside the cave was a large atrium with shiny stones dotting the ceiling of the cave, making it look like one had just seen a beautiful painting of the night sky. On the side of the entrance were two thick spiraling staircases that led to the Garton Tower on top of the labyrinth.


It currently bustling with people. All sorts of attire could be seen on the adventurers. There were thick sets of armor, magical robes that exuded an indescribable aura, tight fitting leather clothes that seem to be very comfortable. There were even some who just wore a set of normal linen pants while showing off their muscular bodies.


As Noah and Alicia walked around, there were some people on the side of their path hollering out loud.


"This beautiful couple, are you going into the labyrinth for the first time? Why don't you let the Magnificent Six Guild guide your first entry into the labyrinth? It will cost you only 8 gold, just a mere 8 gold and you will obtain the protection of a reputable guild."


"Recruiting! Recruiting! The Rat Guild is recruiting level 10 adventurers of any class with high pay and a clear promotion pathway. We are open to negotiations! "


"The Frost Hunger Guild is in need of a priest and a tank. The guild is already filled with damage dealers. Any more inquires from damage dealers will be ignored.


Looking at the people hollering on the top of their lungs, Noah and Alicia now felt that they were really in a new world. To be honest, the two of them were still not used to the culture of this new world. But once they registered as adventurers, they would have to adapt to this new environment whether they want to or not, which would mean seeing blood spilled more often and having to be more cautious around their fellow adventurers. After all, the human heart was extraordinary complex and unpredictable.

Noah and Alicia tried to ignore the hollering from their sides and focused on their goal: entering the labyrinth. After looking around, they saw a group of people lining up in front of a giant portal. Seeing this, the two of them quickly ran up to join the line.


After coming up close to the portal, they could see that around the arc of the portal was built with exquisite jade. Moreover, on the jade arc, there seemed to be white mist flowing inside the jade, giving it an ethereal feeling that was unmatched.


On the side of the portal were two statues of giants knights holding their swords in front of them. The giant knights seemed to be carved with extreme detail. Their swords, even they were made out of stone, seemed to shine with a sharp light.


In front of these two statues, Noah and Alicia couldn't help but be solemn. They were now even more aware that their next part of their lives would be imaginable to their past self.


As the line got shorter and shorter, it was soon Noah and Alicia's turn. A guard in front of the portal stood in front of them and asked, "Which floor are you going to?"


"Floor 1," Noah answered.


Hearing the answer, the guard raised one of his eyebrows and asked, "A newbie? Alright, be careful down there. Once you want to leave, just press on your sigil and internally say return, and you will return back to this area, got it?"


"Got it!" The both of them answered.


"Okay, on you go." After checking that they really understood, the guard turned around and pressed his hand on the portal and said, "Floor 1."


After doing that, the guard gestured to them to enter. Noah and Alicia nodded as thanks before taking a deep breath and entered the portal.


When they opened their eyes again, what greeted them was a large enclosed area. The area seemed to be filled with vitality with grass, trees and flowers everywhere. The top of the floor was covered with solid-looking rocks, and in the middle of the ceiling, there was a large white crystal that was shining brightly, acting similar to the sun in this floor.


Around them, there seemed to be a few adventurers fighting off monsters. Seeing them, Noah and Alicia quickly woke up from their stupor and got ready for combat. Noah unsheathed the sword by his waist and held it in position, while Alicia was readying herself to use Magic Missile whenever she needed it.


The two of them walked carefully forward with eyes focusing on their surroundings. Suddenly, they heard a plop sound by their side. They quickly turned around and saw a slime that was a meter tall and a meter and a half wide jumping towards them.


To stay on the safe side, Noah decided to use his acquired skill first to test the amount of damage needed to kill this one smile.


As the slime got closer and closer to them, the slime suddenly spit out what seemed to be a burst of acid from its mouth. Since it was so unexpected, Noah just barely reacted in time and lowered his body, just in time for the acid burst to fly over his head.


Seeing Noah almost getting hurt, Alicia was angry and immediately cast her skill.


"Magic Missile!"


A bright light immediately shone on top of the wooden staff before it instantly shot out a beam of purple light, hitting the slime accurately on its body. The moment the slime got hit, its body trembled in place as steam could be seen emerging from the place where Alicia's spell hit.


Noah, on the ground, looked quite embarrassed. It seemed in Mozan's opinion, this kind of monster should be very easy for inhabitants of this world, as they probably trained in combat since they were young, but Noah and Alicia were basically normal civilians in their past life. They had never even trained in any form of combat, so it was expected that Noah would suffer in his first encounter with a monster.


Moreover, knowledge about the monsters in the labyrinth should be public knowledge to the general public, so they wouldn't be surprised by the acid burst from the slime and would take appropriate steps to defend against its attack.


'It seem like we need to get some more understanding of the species of monsters and their skills after today. Hopefully there is a library in this city,' Noah thought.


Back to the fight, after Noah saw that the slime was motionless, he immediately got up and ran up to the slime before raising his sword and slashing down.


"Sword Slash!"


The burst of white light followed along the sword's trajectory and cut through the body of the slime. With its body cut in half, the slime seemed to be deflated as its body slowly sank into the ground of the labyrinth, leaving behind a ball of slime gum.


Alicia immediately came up to Noah and checked on him. "Are you okay, Dummy? Did you get hurt?"


Noah grabbed Alicia's hand that was checking around his body and patted it while saying, "I'm fine, Alicia. Thank you for your concern."


Noah then lowered his body and grabbed the ball of slime gum from the floor and showed it to Alicia. "Hey, look. This is our reward for killing that slime. How much do you think this is worth?"


Alicia understood that Noah didn't want her to dwell on the fact that he almost got injured just now and was trying to distract her, but she didn't expose him and just followed along.


"I don't know, but it probably is not worth much since it is a drop from a monster on Floor 1. Maybe it is only worth a few bronze," Alicia said after contemplating for a moment.


"Hmm, after you put it that way, you are most likely right. So, our goal today is kill at least 30 slimes, in case each of them is only worth 1 bronze," Noah said decisively.