
The Red Eyed King

———————sneak peek——————- Just as I was about to turn to do another lap of the cabin something grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the kitchen bench. My body sank to the floor stars clouding my vision. My hand went to my head something wet staining them. Looking down at my fingers fear overcame me as I saw blood. Some one chuckled behind me making me turn my head too fast the world spinning with it. My eyes widened as the stranger from earlier slowly came into focus. I tried to stand up but my head pounded making me slump back to the ground. The stranger took one slow step at a time as he bent down to my level. "Wh....what....?" I tried to talk but the swirling in my head wouldn't stop. Reaching out he grabbed my hair lifting me to my feet. His grip on my hair was making my head hurt more forcing a small yelp out of my mouth. I tried to push him away but it was like trying to swat a fly. His eyes glowed as he stared down at me. His lips spread into a smile showing his canines. "I found you." I glared at him through my pain induced haze. This only seemed to make his lips spread wider. "Don't look at me like that cherry blossom. It's your own fault. you know how I get when your not with me." I tried to speak again confused by his words. "Wh...who....are...you?" He let go of my hair quickly wrapping his arms around me the movement jolting my already spinning head. My hands were trapped between us as he reached with his hand touching my face. His fingers tracing my jaw line. "You really don't know do you?" Terrified my voice shook as i cringed away from his touch. I could only manage one word but it was enough for him to know what I was asking. "Why?" He laughed grabbing my hair again pain making my body shake. His face twisted making his handsome face turn ugly. Leaning closer his lips pressed up against my ears like it was a secret. "Because your mine." A low growl escaped my throat that was cut off as he started to drag me to the door by my hair. What was he doing? Where was he taking me? Why did he want me? Was he someone from my past? Is this what I was running from when I ended up in the woods four years ago? I tried to grab whatever I could but everything just slipped through my fingers. I couldn't let him do this, I had to fight. I was stronger then this. I heard the door to the cabin swing open as he dragged me outside. Taking a deep breath I used the incline of the stairs to kick off as I grabbed his hand that was tangled in my hair I swung my leg around kicking him in the head. His grip on my hair loosened enough that I could get free. Forcing myself to my feet I ran, as I ran I shifted into wolf mid stride. in wolf form the pain in my head started easing the shift exhilarating the healing process. Now that I could think straight I dug my paws preparing to pick up the speed. I never got the chance however as I was hit from behind. The weight of his wolf pinning me to the ground as he dug his teeth into the scuff at my neck. I yelped at the pain as his teeth sank into the flesh beneath. He stopped biting down before he snapped my neck. Pulling back he bit down again this time on my side. Pain enveloped my whole body the ground turning red with my blood. I tried to get him off, snapping at him. Tried sinking my teeth into his black and white coat to the flesh beneath but my strength was weaning. He was too strong and I was loosing too much blood. There was nothing I could do as my body went still. I lay panting exhausted with no way out. Whoever this was had won and was going to take me. Every fibre in my being knew that once he did I'd never return again. Just as my eyes started to close my exhaustion starting to make me loose consciousness the pressure that was digging into my side was ripped away. With effort I forced my eyes open as the sounds of growling filled the woods. My eyes followed the sounds to see the biggest wolf. His pure black pelt the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

dragonpaw · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

38. Raine


A voice so quiet spoke to me from my mind.

'Raine he's coming for you...'

'What? Who's coming? Who are you?'

Something in my mind was reaching, pushing against a barrier.


My eyes snapped open, I sprang out of bed. My eyes searching the room for enemies. The door swung open on instinct I grabbed the first thing I saw and forced the intruder against the wall.

"Whoa Raine calm down it's just me."

I blinked my eyes making them focus more as Malixs face came into focus. He had changed while i was out. Wearing cargo pants and a button down shirt complete with leather jacket. A hunting knife strapped to his belt. I stumbled back panting my hand tightening around the thing in my hand.

"I'm...I'm sorry... I thought.... there was a voice. I..."

He chuckled, his eyes going to my hand.

"So you thought you'd defend yourself with a hair brush?"

I looked at my hand sure enough the thing I grabbed was a hair brush. I groaned scowling at him.

"Shut up! Come on we have to leave."

I rushed passed him out of the room making a beeline for the painting. He followed close behind.

"What's the rush?"

I had already pulled out the bag from the secret compartment by the time he'd spoken.

"We're not safe here if you really want to come with me then hurry."

Ignoring the fact that he hadn't moved and was still watching me I pulled off the over sized t shirt and pulled my clothes from the bag. Pulling on a pair of black tights for easy movement and long sleeved v neck top. I strapped two sets of throwing knives to both legs. Then I added a jacket the had two long bladed daggers strapped into the back crossed over. I tied my hair back into a braid.

Finally reaching inside the bag I pulled out the last thing I thought I'd see again. As I stared down at it a hand reached out cover mine. Facing Malix his face showed concern.

"You don't need that any more."

He turned his hand over letting it be my choice to hand it over. I don't know why I was hesitating. I stared at the mask. Who was I without it? Sure there was four years where I didn't wear it but that wasn't me, not the real me anyway. This mask had been apart of me for more of my life then I care to think. I both hated it and needed it.

"It's your choice Raine but know that I didn't fall in love with the mask. I fell in love with the woman behind the mask."

The woman behind the mask? We were sixteen back then. I wasn't a woman nor was I the same as what I became after that time. Sure I'd killed long before that but I still had hope. Still clung to some semblance of humanity. After that night I became the mask. That mask was me, I was death I was Driaks weapon completely. It became all I knew, all I was it consumed me.

Looking up yellow eyes stared at me. There was no judgment no pity just love. A love so consuming that it took my breath away. I didn't know if I could ever be that girl that woman he loved again but I wanted to be her so bad. However I just couldn't bring myself to let go of that part of my life. It was bloody, it was painful but it was still who I had been for so many years. It was a reminder of what he had done to me. A reminder of what I wouldn't let him do ever again.

Ignoring Malixs hand I put the mask on my face covered once more. Slowly his hand dropped a sad look shadowing his features. He said nothing though, merely shouldering his back pack.

"Come on we should go."

I nodded remembering the mysterious voice while I was out. He was right we had wasted too much time. Almost on cue a scent passed through the wards. I pulled Malix out of the way just as an arrow broke through the window. It embedded itself in the wall.


I growled keeping hold of Malixs hand I pulled him behind the couch.

"We're sitting ducks here."

A scowl formed behind my mask.

"I know that!"

Another arrow smashed its way through another window where Malixs hand had just been. We needed to get out of here but if we left the house we'd be wide open for an attack. I'm such an idiot we should have left the second I woke up. I growled there was only one thing to do.

"Stay here."

I started to move away when Malix grabbed my hand.


He started to whisper but footsteps on the porch out front stopped him. I put my finger to where my mouth would be telling him to be quiet. Then I started to move forward. Crunching I hid just inside the door waiting for them to come inside. Just as Malix started to crouch step to the other side a wolf leapt through the broken window jaws open aimed at Malixs throat. Jumping up I stretched out a hand using Malixs shoulder I swung my leg kicking the wolf in the side. He crashed into the kitchen just as the door burst open. Malix who'd grabbed a throwing knife from my other leg as I leapt passed threw it at the second intruder at the door.

Recovering quickly I pulled Malix up and pushed him towards the door grabbing my knife from the guys chest as we ran passed. We ran towards the trees the sounds of growling coming from the house as the wolf inside started after us. There was no way of knowing how many more of them there was. The guy at the door wasn't holding a bow so unless the wolf was the archer there was at least a third if not more. As if to answer my question I heard the twang of an arrow. Reaching out a hand I grabbed it mid air before it found a home in Malixs skull.

"Keep running."

I didn't wait for an answer before I was off headed in the direction the arrow came from.


I ignored him hopeing like hell he listened and didn't stop running or try to follow me. I could hear him as he jumped from tree to tree. This archer may be light on his feet but I was faster. Using my claws i bounded up the tree just as he jumped. Grabbing his ankle I pulled down forcing him to land roughly on the ground below. Leaping after him I landed feet on either side of him reaching back to grab a long dagger from my back as I did. Just as I was about to slit his throat the wolf from the house attacked from the side I was only just fast enough to roll out of the way. His furred body passing by as he skidded across the ground.

The archer was already on his feet an arrow aimed at my heart making me pause enough that the wolf was at his side growling towards me. I stood slowly as the archer followed my movement.

"Give up now Raine and we'll let the male Keep running."

I chuckled at his words I had never seen him before but the lunar moon brand on his neck marked him as one of Driaks lackeys.

"You think you've won this? You clearly don't know who your dealing with."

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my throat. I froze at the voice in my ear.

"And I thought I taught you not to let anyone sneak up on you."

Fear spread through me at those blood chilling words. Driak spun me around a knife pressed to my throat. Those brown gold flecked eyes narrowed at me.

"Though since it's me I guess I can't blame you for not noticing me."

I gripped my long dagger tight preparing to stab the bustard but his spare hand wrapped around my wrist with lighting speed.

"Ah ah ah, even if you could kill me with that I'd rather not get blood on my clothes."

I growled at him as he stepped closer pressing his body against mine. Ignoring me he Leaned towards my neck and inhaled like a drowning man take a desperate breath.

"Yes I see you did get the power I wanted that's good."

What the hell was he talking about? The archer who was now behind me snatched the dagger from my hand and placed it back in the sheath at my back. Driak let go of my wrist as the archer linked his arms with my elbows til they were locked into position behind my back. Driaks lips spread into a smile as he reached up to lift my mask til it sat on top of my head.

"There's my girl. Now be a good girl and give me that shape shifters abilities."

I spat in his face, a move that had the archer pull on my arms making me cry out in pain. Driak wiped his face on his sleeve a scowl shaping his lips.

"Seems you need to be punished but don't worry there will be plenty of time for that."

"I'll never serve you again Driak! I'll kill you before that happens!"

He laughed.

"Kill me? My dear Raine I am immortal you can not kill me. I thought you would've realised that by now."

I needed to get away, needed to free myself. Gritting my teeth I prepared for the pain of breaking free of the archers grip when Driak, sensing my intentions grabbed my throat and planted his lips on mine. I fought against him but it was no use he was already taking it. The power of a shapeshifter that I had stolen from Cora flowed into him. I tried to fight it, tried to get away but once the process had started it could not be stopped. At least that's what I thought, but just as he was about to take all the shifts I had stolen from Cora roots sprang from the ground beneath my feet. They wrapped around my ankles and pulled me into the ground.

Before Driak or the archer could do anything I'd been pulled into the earth the ground where I'd stood closed over once more. I held my breath surrounded by dirt til the dirt suddenly disappeared and I crashed into a hard surface darkness filling my vision. I groaned at the impact spitting dirt from my mouth.

"What the fuck just happened?"

I looked around no idea where I was or what had happened to me. Small lights began to shine, my eyes adjusting to the dark. I was in an underground cave. Above me the roots of a trees dangled from the ceiling. And glow worms lite the area around me. I could sense eyes watching me.

"Show yourself!"

I yelled into the empty cave knowing someone was there but unable to see them. Just when I thought maybe I had imagined it the roots from the ceiling moved. They began to stretch down before me to take the shape of a female with green hair. I stared at her surprised at her appearance. I had never seen anything like it and I'd seen a lot in my life. She smiled at me a serene look in her eyes.

"Hello Raine Valdier my name is Caho i am the wood nymph responsible for the trees in this area."

"Wood nymph?"

Since when were wood nymphs still alive? Everyone thought they had died out eons ago. She nodded reaching up another tree root dropped down to form a staff to which she gripped in her hand. I stared at her cautiously as I took a defensive stance. Her eyes travelled my body a smile forming on her lips.

"There is no need to worry you are safe here."

I frowned.

"And where is here?"

"You are in my realm, I will keep you here until it is safe to go back."

I shook my head this was insane. Why would a creature thought to be died save me. That's when I realised Malix was still out there.

"My friend you have to send me back!"

She held up a hand.

"Come your friend is safe as well."

She started to turn towards the darkness. Still inside I followed a few steps behind just in case this was a trap. As if out of no where the glow worms moved to form a path through this strange cave. We didn't have to walk long before Malix came into view. The second he saw us he rushed towards me. Wrapping his arms around me in a desperate hug then he started to check me over for injuries. I gently stilled his hands.

"Malix stop I'm fine."

His eyes met mine his hand going to my cheek he pulled me back in holding me tight against his chest. His voice a whisper in my ear.

"I thought I'd lost you. When you just ran off like that I was so mad. I tried to follow you but you were too fast then one of them attacked me. Half way through the fight I was brought here."

He kissed the top of my head then held me tight nuzzling into my neck. His breath was warm against my skin.

"Don't ever do that again."

It was strange to have someone worried about me. I had never had anyone do that. Driak never worried when I went off on my own. Never worried when or if I got hurt. I was stunned into silence at Malixs words and concern.

Malix lifted my chin his lips touching mine with a brief kiss. I knew he wanted more but after what happened last time he was being cautious.

"I'm..I'm sorry I thought I could handle them. I didn't realise he was nearby."

Malix jolted back fear in his eyes. Whether it was fear for me or fear of Driak I couldn't tell.

"You need not fear Driak, help is on its way."

I spun on Caho. I had forgotten she was still here.

"What do you mean help is on its way?"

She merely smiled without answering. I growled at her.

"Answer me nymph!"

There was only one person she could be talking about and it was the last person I wanted to see.

"Let us out of here now!"

I moved towards her but Malix grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"What is it who's coming?"

I growled in anger.


I faced her again.

"I'm right aren't I?!"

She merely nodded. I snarled ripping my hand from Malix my fangs sprang out. If this bitch wouldn't let us out then there was only one way. I rushed towards her Malixs yelling for me to stop. Just as I bent my head to pierce her neck I was torn from her. Tree roots wrapping around me pulling me back and holding me tight. Malix tried to pull them from my limbs but it was useless there was no way to beat the trees strength as more roots sprang down to hold him as well.

"You bitch! Was this his plan all along?"

She calmly approached me staff in hand as she used it to lift my chin staring at my fangs that were still bared.

"You are in my realm, no harm can come to me here. I brought you here to keep you safe what you do once your out of here is your own choice. I was not asked to do more then help keep you alive."

I scowled at her. She ignored my obvious contempt and reached up as my mask that I'd thought I'd lost when she brought me here landed in her hand. She stared at it frowning.

"This mask only fuels your hatred you should be rid of it or your soul will wilt away til there is nothing left but the monster you think you've become."

I spoke through gritted teeth rage building inside me.

"What would you know of the pain I have endured? What would you know of my soul? You stand there loyal to a king with delusions of breaking a curse that can not be broken."

She chuckled the sound echoing through the darkness.

"Yet you still fight to break it."

Turning away I couldn't let her see what was in my heart. Malix who had been silently listening to our exchange met my eyes. Confusion creased his brow, I could see the questions in his eyes even if he didn't speak them.

The roots of the tree slowly lowered us back to the ground. Malix stood by my side grabbing my hand he squeezed it gently.

"Please Let us go."

Her eyes met Malixs that same smile on her lips.

"You are free to go any time you had only to ask nicely. The glow worms will light the path."

As if on cue the glow worm that had lead us here started to form a new path. Malix glanced one last time at Caho then started to pull me towards the exit. When Malix passed her she grabbed his other arm and put my mask in his hand while leaning in to whisper something in his ear. Even with my hearing I couldn't tell what she said but the look in his eyes made me think it wasn't good. I pulled on his hand putting distance between him and the nymph. The last thing I saw was the roots once again coming down to pull her back into the tree.

Once she was gone we walked in silence. It was only a few minutes before the darkness started to disappear and we were suddenly outside surrounded by trees. I had no idea where we were but I was grateful we were finally out of that place. Sighing I checked that all my weapons and everything in my bag were still there. Turning to face Malix I held out my hand for the mask. He seemed lost in thought his eyes staring at the white mask with blue rain drops.


His eyes snapped up to look at me and my outstretched hand. Reluctantly he handed it over watching in silence as I put it on lifting it so it sat on top of my head.

"What did she say to you?"

His yellow eyes avoided mine and he didn't answer straight away. Finally after what felt like years of nerve racking anticipation he spoke.

"Just that we should head west if we want to avoid Vericus."

He started to head in the direct he'd said.

"Come on the quicker we get out of these woods the better."

I knew he was lying, but I also knew if he didn't want to tell me whatever it was he probably needed time to process it. As much as I wanted to know I wouldn't press him. Let him keep his secrets it's not like I didn't have many of my own. Question was what do we do now? I had planned on stealing more power to rival Driaks but considering what happened that was clearly not an option any more. Before when I had transferred power to him it had been by biting him with my vampire fangs but this time he stole it by kissing me. With this new ability any power I gained he would just steal.

I groaned internally, there must be another way, there has to be. The problem was it had been four years since I'd been myself. Who knew if the sups that I knew who could give me any kind of help or information would still be around not to mention the fact that I'd killed so many sups even if they were it's not likely that they would help. Pulling my mask off Cahos words repeated in my head. She was wrong yes this mask was a reminder of what had been done to me but it also may be the thing that helps. Since I wore it no one knows my face because of that I may have a better chance of finding out someone who knows how to kill an immortal who would be willing to help. It was worth a shot. It would mean I couldn't wear it, so as we walked I pulled off my bag and tucked it safely inside. I could feel Malixs eyes on me a questioning look in his eyes. I shrugged.

"I have a plan."