
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · Seni bela diri
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49 Chs

Chapter 43: Xue Red carp

Shen Jiahao poured a cup of fragrant jasmine tea to the woman in red. She reached out her slender white hand to take the cup, took the lid up and put it on the table, gently moved the tea floating in the cup with her long fingernails, and glanced at Shen Jiahao with a smile at the end of her eyes: "Mr. Shen's cup of tea is really superior, better than the fragrant tea we drank when we first met!"

Shen Jiahao, who never knows what shame is, rarely blushes. They also met here for the first time. Shen Jiahao believes that if God lets the only woman selected from ten thousand beauties come to your house, and you don't keep the sperm in her body, you will be punished by God. So Shen Jiahao did not hesitate to put overpowering drugs in her tea. However, the woman in red is proficient in medicine. She poked the tea with her fingernails and sniffed it with her nose. Then she knew there was overpowering drug in the tea. She didn't drink tea at that time, but the irony in her words clearly told Shen Jiahao that she knew there was overpowering drug.

This made Shen Jiahao very embarrassed. From then on, he lacked confidence in front of her.

Shen Jiahao calmed down and went back to the main topic: "Virgin Xue,my father and I have discussed many times. We feel that it is a good thing for both sides to form an alliance between the Fire Dragon Cult and the Shen Family. So I invite you to come at night to discuss the specific alliance."

The Virgin was very happy when she heard the words, and her smile was as sweet as honey: "Our religious leader is right. Your father and you are really heroes in the world today! No wonder your three generations have made such great achievements in Hubei and Beijing! Mr. Shen doesn't need to call me Virgin, please call me Redcarp."

Shen Jiahao knew that the Virgin was Xue Redcarpi, the daughter of Xue Huolong, the leader of the Fire Dragon Cult. The Fire Dragon Cult has a great influence on both sides of the Yangtze River. People say that there are many carp in the Yangtze River, but red carp are extremely rare. If someone can see a red carp jump out of the water three times, the carp will become a magic dragon and fly to the sky. In fact, in the hearts of the followers of the Fire Dragon Cult, the Holy Virgin has a higher status than the leader.

Native people in western Hunan have worshipped the god of fire since ancient times, because fire is a symbol of light and warmth for them. The mark left by fire is indelible. Fire god is worshipped all over the world at all times. In the Northern Wei and Southern Liang Dynasties, people worshipped the fire god Zhu Rong, and in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, people worshipped the fire jacket. Suiren, one of the ancestors of the Han people, taught people to use fire. According to Western legend, Prometheus, the great hero, gave fire to the world. The immortals of temples of Buddhism and Taoism both pursue the exuberance of incense. Many ethnic minorities in China have torch festival.

The worship of the god of fire by the indigenous people in western Hunan is actually a very simple custom. The people regularly hold grand activities to worship the god of fire. For Chinese people, there are seven things must to do every day: "firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea". The first thing is to find firewood for making a fire. It is often said that "food is the most important thing for the people". If people want to fill their stomachs, they have to cook.And if they want to cook, they need to use fire. The fire in the countryside is in the kitchen. Therefore, the Kitchen God is the god of fire worshipped by the indigenous people in western Hunan. It is believed that the Kitchen God was Emperor Yan after his death.

Five years ago, the 23rd lunar month was the day when the villagers of Xuejia Village in the deep mountains of western Hunan sent the Kitchen God to heaven. It is believed that the Kitchen God went to heaven today to report to the Jade Emperor, the god of all things. So people should use a solemn ceremony to send the Kitchen God off to heaven, and hope that the Kitchen God will strive for the welfare of the world when reporting to heaven. Colorful lanterns are hung in the village, and people parade in beautiful clothes, beating gongs and drums, and playing trumpet. Two venerable old men blacked their faces with ink and wore red clothes. In the eyes of the villagers, they asked the gods about good or bad luck for the next year by planchette writing.

At half past ten in the morning, when everyone was preparing to set off firecrackers to celebrate the ceremony of farewell to the Kitchen God, suddenly, two elders vomit white foam from their mouths, and their eyes rolled over and fainted. The villagers were so shocked that they quickly picked up the two elders and poured half a bowl of medicinal wine into each of their mouth. After a while, the two people woke up slowly. An elder suddenly cried out, "Why don't you kneel down when the Kitchen God arrives?" The crowd was panicked and immediately fell on their knees. Another old man suddenly made a woman's charming voice: "I am the peach blossom fairy, the daughter of the Kitchen God. Go to planchette writing quickly. The Kitchen God has an order."

Two old men came out of the crowd trembling, and they began to planchette writing in fear. A few lines of big characters immediately appeared on the sand table: "The fire dragon went down to save the world. The red carp jumped three times, and the world will be peacegul."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what these words meant. The two elders suddenly shouted, fell to the ground again and passed out. When the villagers poured the wine into their mouths again, they immediately woke up. But they don't know what they just said.

The elders of the village stared at the words on the sand table without speaking. After thinking for a long time, they looked up and saw what they wanted to say from each other's eyes: "Xue Huolong and his daughter Xue Redcarp live in the west of the village!"

The Chinese meaning of Xue Huolong's name is fire gragon! His daughter's name means red carp. So Xue Huolong has become a god in dozens of villages nearby. At this time, the Qing Dynasty was tottering and was about to perish. Warlords everywhere scrambled to seize territory and population, and soldiers and bandits came to the countryside from time to time to harm the people. Xue Huolong went down to protect the people as the envoy of the Kitchen God, and naturally had a response. He set up the Fire Dragon Cult as it was, preaching and transforming loyal believers into a guard team. In just a few years, the followers of the Fire Dragon Cult spread from western Hunan to four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi. Seeing the millions of believers inflated Xue Huolong's ambition. He is no longer satisfied with being a religious leader. He believes that with the development of believers throughout the country, he can also be the emperor of China.

The Fire Dragon Cult is controlled by the leader and the Virgin. The two planchette writing elders in the village and the two elders who spoke for the gods became the four ministers of the fire dragon cult because of their meritorious deeds in conveying the will of the Kitchen God. The minister administers the presidents of the branches all over the country.

The rapid development of the Fire Dragon Cult has aroused the vigilance of officials throughout the Republic of China. The Hunan government has taken some containment measures, which has caused several conflicts in the western Hunan where the people are fierce. Xue Huolong knew that if the senior officials of the government of the Republic of China were his friends, it would be beneficial to the development of the Fire Dragon Cult. At the same time, he can also buy arms to arm is own escort with the help of senior government officials. After investigation and screening, Shen Family, the number one official and business family in Wuhan, came into his eyes.

Xue Redcarp was overjoyed to hear that the Shen family was willing to make an alliance with the Fire Dragon Cult.

Shen Jiahao stared at the woman in front of him without blinking. Although her beauty fascinated all boys and made him jumpy, he still had to solve the immediate problem first.

Hearing Shen Jiahao's question, Xue Redcarp was also surprised. She could not help but re-evaluate the flirting man, but her face was still the expression that made the man's heart beat faster: "Mr. Shen, don't worry. There are many ways to make people die unconsciously. But Shen Ziyu is an important person in the Shen family. Killing her will have a great impact. This matter needs to be decided by the leader himself."