
The rebellion of the Lost: The Gunsmith's Odyssey

Snatched from a world of bullets and blueprints, Volkner Philipov finds himself in a realm where magic crackles as fiercely as gunfire. Not summoned by prophecy, but by desperation, he's the latest in a line of "heroes" torn from their worlds to confront a darkness encroaching on this one. But Volkner isn't interested in being a hero; he just wants to go home. Yet, as threats loom and alliances form, Volkner's journey becomes more than a search for a way back—it's a battle between the pull of destiny and the desire for a life he's been forced to leave behind. In a world where magic meets machinery, and where every decision can tip the balance of power, Volkner must navigate the complexities of a land not his own, armed with nothing but his wits and a burning desire to return to where he belongs. As Volkner delves deeper into this strange, new world, he realizes that the path home is not as straightforward as he hoped. Will he embrace the role fate has thrust upon him, or will he find a way to forge his own path in a world that calls him a hero but feels like a prison?

Tsukimori · perkotaan
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22 Chs

Aetheric Overdrive: Echoes of Power

I was happily chatting with Riya to bide our last few hours of the trip, especially since I still couldn't think of a way out of my current predicament. But my words trailed off when the carriage was suddenly darker. The sounds of people worried and gossiping were loud as I looked out of the windows. My jaw dropped as I saw the relentlessly giant walls in front of me.

I got out of the carriage, not even waiting for it to stop to observe the massive thing. Runes endlessly glowed along the wall, looking as if it disappeared into the horizon both ways. Then my amazement fell short when a loud thud shook the surrounding earth, promptly followed by screaming as an outer barrier splintered, sounding the alarm. The first thing I saw was a trail of lights hopping off the wall. Their iridescent white armor was almost like a half step up from what I have seen back home. Similar to some juggernaut-style suits, redesigned for agility. Their helmets completely covered their faces, hiding their individuality for being the pride of Aetheris Regnum. Their cloth looked to be weaved with a type of magic, glowing under the movements of their wearer.

The giant was black, almost looking to be made of a dark type of aether. It's hand held a great sword, almost as big as itself. In a flash, it swung the blade, crashing into a barrier made by one elite. The clash was like an earthquake, even I lost my balance. Another soldier jumped, soaring into the air like he was flying, kicking the stomach of the giant. It lost its balance, but with a speed that belied its giant size, it struck a knee into him, sending him flying into the sky. He broke the sound barrier with a shield protecting him from the shock. It shattered as if it was to break the momentum. He manifested a Katana with some kind of blue hard light magic. Breaking the sound barrier again swung the sword into the beast. The rest followed, creating Katanas and attacking the giant, and using their barriers for protection against the overwhelming foe.

I was in shock. Their armor was modern, but the magic made ours pale in comparison.

"See that Volkner, through the combined project of Rugiet Fulger, and the capital Caelum Benedictio, they created those armor types. The nation of Aetheris Regnum has always been a nation known for weaving magic and conjuring runes to enhance their abilities. Rather than a nation of one power, it was one of many kinds. They're best known for their defense magic, a weird type of blue light magic."

"I'll never get used to this… I thought this would have been some medieval adventure, instead I am in a world warped by the heroes summoned by magic, seemingly from different time periods too."

I was fearful now more than ever. This fear I once rejected is now encroaching on me. What kind of monster is Mortagon that the 7 nations need our help? Why aren't the powerful kings, and their obviously powerful armies, need our help? What kind of advantage to we even give?

It was then; I saw a familiar outline, somehow different from what I remember. I saw her face clearly. It was Elara, the comrade-in-arms, that I used to work with in experimenting with new equipment. She sped off at dizzying speeds towards the giant, cradling the familiar sniper in her hands. Yet it looked different. Rather than a physical sniper, it looked to be voided of light rather than being strictly painted black like it used to be.

Elara, once human, now possessed the exquisite features of a fox. Her sapphire eyes pierced through the darkness, a striking contrast against her ebony ears and tail, adorned with a delicate white tip. The bushiness of her tail and the softness of her ears added a tactile charm to her already commanding presence. The air seemed to carry a hint of earthy musk, as if the essence of the forest had embraced her transformation.

She was like a flickering light, coming into and out of view. Clouds of aether light collected into her sniper rifle just before each shot, each one piercing the skin of the giant. The giant swung its great sword at Elara as she disappeared again. She would show up hundreds of feet away from her last point, taking another shot. The soldiers took the opportunity, constantly bringing the Giant off balance. Some soldiers' armor would explode into pieces, revealing a red aura as it looked like they went into some kind of Aether overdrive. Some of their slashes didn't pierce the skin, but would nearly throw the giant off its feet. But its agility kept it from ever falling down.

But with Elara's help in one moment, the giant tumbled. Elara created a stairway of light, straight over the beast. She jumped into the air as a magic circle full of light runes charged, sucking all the aether in the area into one shot. The blast was loud, causing ringing in the ears of everybody nearby as Elara shot into the air from the recoil. Her landing was like clouds meeting the ground. She smiled right at me. Walking towards me in the battle's aftermath.

"Volkner! You're late!"

A familiar face for Volkner in a unusual world warped by the knowledge of heroes of different era's. I myself have a lot of Ideas on how this can go, but I also hope this is a good introduction to Aetheris Regnum's show of why it is considered one of the few super powers of this world. Since these guys are just border patrol.

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