
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Itsuka kendo's wrath

A few days have passed since Katashi was enrolled in the dojo. after just a few days he's able to practice karate decently unlike some others and showed rapid signs of improvement in his fighting prowess.

Katashi is seen in front of the gate waiting for it to open along with everyone else.

"It's only been a few days since I joined the dojo and I've already felt some improvements. In one year I'll definitely be able to beat Ojiro" Katashi slammed his fists to pump himself up.

After a few moments, the gates had finally opened and the students started to come in one by one.

Katashi is still amazed at the size of the dojo, it's almost like a castle of some sort. Everyone entered the prestigious castle and entered their classroom, at the very edge of the room is Gojo sensei reading a book.

"Welcome back everybody! We'll take a 5-minute break before starting our training" Gojo-sensei shouted out loud before reading his book.

"Hey, Katashi!" Katashi heard someone call out to him from afar, he looked back to see ojiro waving at him while holding the hand of a girl. He walked up to them and asked why he was called.

"This is the friend I told you about" He pointed at the girl behind him who look enthusiastic

"You must be katashi, right? Nice to meet you" the girl said before bowing.

"Oh yeah, Katashi meet Itsuka, Itsuka meet Katashi" Ojiro formally introduced the two

"Hey, what's up" Katashi replied with a smile.

They began talking for 5 minutes before Gojo sensei started the daily routine.

They stretched before doing a number of activities, Such as Tsuki-Punch and Multiple roundhouse kicks.

After an hour they were given another 5-minute break.

"Huff Huff Huff" Katashi was catching his breath like everyone else after the grueling training.

"Katashi you're doing it wrong" Itsuka called out Katashi who in return looked at her in confusion.

"Remember what Sensei said, Deep breaths if you want to regain stamina"

"Oh yeah, Sorry" Katashi apologized before doing as he was instructed.

"Good job, Itsuka, looks like you're a better senior than Ojiro" Gojo-Sensei praised Itsuka while teasing Ojiro at the same time.

Ojiro just wiped his sweat in embarrassment.

"It's not much sensei, It really helped me out a lot during practice" Itsuka replied to gojo-sensei

"Hmm, after a few minutes we're going to the fun part, Sparring!" Gojo-sensei shouted out loud for the entire dojo to hear, he's voice was unnaturally loud for someone like him. everyone nodded and began to talk to their friends while resting.

"So Katashi, why did you want to become a martial artist?" Itsuka asked. Ojiro also looked curious.

There was an awkward silence between the trio before Katashi finally replied.

"I don't want to talk about it" he responded in a cold tone avoiding eye contact.

Itsuka immediately recognize at atmosphere and apologized "Sorry if I asked you a personal question" she profusely apologized.

"It's okay, It's not your fault, but what I can say is, I want to become stronger, stronger than my father!" Katashi said before closing his fist with determination oozing out of him. Ojiro and Itsuka looked at each other and smiled.

"You've got a long road ahead of you, so why don't we train by sparring first?" Itsuka stood up and lent katashi her arm. "We'll be training you like crazy from now on, as your senior's"

Katashi look at them and smiled back.

"Fine, but I won't hold back just because you're a woman" Ojiro had a scared complexion, he then looked at Itsuka who looked furious.

"Oh ho? Looks like your senior is gonna have to teach you some manners" Itsuka said before punching her palm to soothe her anger

"Oh? Guys look over there, Itsuka is at it again" Gojo-sensei shouted for everyone to hear,

"Who do you think will win this time? My money is on itsuka"

The class began to murmur

"Did someone piss her off this early?" "I feel bad for whoever made her mad" "Itsuka is scary"

"Hey newbie, were you the one that pissed her off? We'll be sending our thoughts and prayers" a senior approached Katashi while mocking his predicament. Katashi looked bewildered, he began to sweat under the pressure.

"Osu! Are you ready, katashi-kun?" Itsuka asked in a devilish voice.

'There's something wrong here, what does she mean?' Katashi began to think to himself 'Crap, was it what I said earlier?"

"3, 2, 1, START!" Gojo-sensei shouted.

"Gojo-Sensei, that's cruel!" Ojiro spurted out.

Itsuka lunged at katashi performing multiple hand chops, that were even more precise than Ojiro's.

"Oh man that kid is dead if he takes those chops head-on" "shouldn't we should help him?" "No, let him suffer" the class began to commentate on the fight, Much to Katashi's displeasure.

**Katashi's Pov***

Her chops are even stronger than Ojiro's NGHH.

I blocked a kick that was aiming through my stomach. I looked at my hands that were sore red.

"o-OKAY THAT'S IT!" I screamed out before running at her and throwing multiple jabs to which she dodge.

Not yet "FSHHH" I performed a left uppercut aiming for her stomach to which she narrowly blocked, throwing her away 2 feet away which gave me enough room to perform a side-kick.

"Nghh, You're strong," she said before grabbing my foot and spinning it around. As I finished my twist, I saw an incoming foot coming for my face, she had performed a roundhouse kick. I blocked it at the last second but I tripped on the ground.

"But I'm stronger" She finished her sentence from earlier.

"You can do this, Katashi, I'm rooting for you." I hear Gojo-sensei mockingly cheer.

"Shut it, Old fart!" I lashed out. I then sense someone behind me.

"Disrespecting even sensei are we?" she asked me, in a scary tone.

I couldn't help but be scared of her.

**8 minutes later**

"Whew, looks like he survived the great devil" "shall we call an ambulance" "Nah" everyone began to disperse as the "spar" was over.

"Water, I need water" I softly asked the figure above me.

"Here, Sorry for going too far on you" I hear itsuka's voice which made me wake up from my docile state.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you" she bent over and brought a bottle to my lips. This damn banshee is gonna poison me? "Drink up" I was forced to drink a msysterious liquid against my will.

"Chug Chug Chug, that's enough, damned banshee" I lightly whisper hoping she won't hear me.

"What was that?" she asked looking annoyed

"N-nothing" I then hear a clap in the background.

"Hahaha, aren't you two good friends already?" I looked at him in displeasure to which he shrugged off. "So katashi, how was your spar with Itsuka?" he kneeled beside me, I wish I can just push him off his high horse right about now.

"All right, take 5, we still have a lot of activities to go through, and remember, Katashi, 'Practice makes perfect"

"If it weren't for your training paying off, I'd have spit on you already" I sat up to drink some more water.

"You've still got a lot to learn katashi" he says before walking away, following a murmur, I couldn't hear the last thing he said but it sounded important

**Gojo Sensei Pov**

"If you're gonna beat your dad"

Let's have a challenge, if this story gets 30 power stones this week, I'll post 1 more chapter today and 2 tomorrow.

GRRR Why does grammarly keep auto-correcting katashi into "Kata" or "Kakashi"

1241 words

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