
The Quiet Life of a Living Shadow: A 'Saiki K' Fanfiction

Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn't you read/watch The Disasterous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn't about him, not really. Instead, let's focus on his one and only friend, Akari Takahashi, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that's what fanfictions are about, right? [Disastrous Life of Saiki K.(斉木楠雄のΨ難)] [Season One] [Kusuo Saiki x Female!OC] [Apart of The Shadow Tales]

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25 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Escape Using an Invincible Suit of Camouflage!

WITH YET ANOTHER UNINTERESTING SCHOOL DAY OVER and done with, Kusuo and Akari were hurrying their way down the corridor. Obviously, they had somewhere to be. After all, it is actually a very important day. The two of them have to get home as soon as possible! It wasn't just so they could escape their classmates or the school building. Well, that was part of it, but they also had an important appointment.

"It's 4:00 p.m." Kusuo started to explain as he and Akari left their classroom, "If we leave now, we can make it in time. There is a show that I must watch at 5:00 p.m. It is…" Que anime title screen for 'Healthy Warrior Specialiser!' For a moment, Kusuo's expression wasn't as bored as usual. Instead, he appeared to be a bit excited. Only a bit though. Like a tiny, tiny amount. This anime sure must be entertaining for Kusuo to show any sort of emotion for it. The two continued to walk down the hall, well in Akari's case it was more of a glide, and were nearing their freedom. "It may seem childish, but anime is Japan's primary source of entertainment. I enjoy it myself." Hey, me too Kusuo. However, Akari isn't as excited about the anime as Kusuo is. Sure, she thought it was a pretty decent show and enjoyed watching it with Kusuo, but she isn't really into anime. Perhaps that's because she hears enough about anime and manga from her obsessed brother. Still she'll watch it with Kusuo because he enjoys it. Anything he likes, she'll do it with him much like how he'd do the same for her. Though just as the pair were going to head down the stairs, Kusuo sensed something and stopped walking. Akari stopped as well, already feeling how Kusuo's mood changed just slightly. Right around the corner, Kaido stood keeping a watch out for Kusuo. "That was close. We should go the other way."

Kusuo huffed as he maneuvered himself and Akari from running into the either-grade-minded boy to head down the other set of stairs. Akari blinked her large yellow-eyes at the sudden change of direction, "Huh? Why?"

"Where did Saiki go?" Kaido muttered to himself. "I found the perfect abandoned building. I finally completed building my secret base yesterday. I need to show Saiki this base too. Actually, it's our headquarters." Kaido thought triumphantly, though he suddenly sounded flustered as a different thought struck him. "And Watanabe too, of course, can't forget about her as well!"

 "That's why." Kusuo commented as he used shared telepathy to have Akari hear the other boy's thoughts, "We'll pass." Yet, Akari was a little warmed at the thought that Kaido didn't want to leave her out of whatever silly games that he wanted to play. Though did she want to go check out some abandoned building that was likely to collapse at some point? No, not at all. Still, it's a nice thought.

They moved to the other side of the school with the other staircase. However, those stairs also had an obstacle in the way as well. This time it is their fiery class representative, "Where is Saiki?" The motivational boy smiled happily, "Saiki helped me out before. I'd like to return the favor… by inviting him to my gym."

Akari cringed, "Ew, physical education."

"Ah, and Watanabe as well. I'm sure she'd like to come too, since they're always together."

"We'll pass," Kusuo frowned, "If you want to return the favor, leave me alone today."

"Let's try this way," Akari stated as she led Kusuo over to a door and started to open it. Only to gave Kusuo grab her hand before she could even touch the door handle. He could hear the thoughts of the perfect pretty girl on the other side of the door.

"Where is Saiki?" The beautiful girl thought to herself, "I don't really care about him, but the teacher told me to give him this worksheet. Well, maybe I'll invite him for tea and watch him squirm. That could be fun. I will make him realize that I am not an illusion!"

The shadow manipulator couldn't help herself but giggle airily at hearing Teruhashi's thoughts. She finds it so amusing that Kusuo somehow got himself a bit of an admirer out of the popular girl, whether he intended to or not. She did warn him about it though. Still, did it leave a little bit of a heavy feeling in her chest to know that there was someone who was interested in her best friend? Maybe, though she certainly isn't upset that there could possibly be someone trying to spend time with Kusuo and take him away from her. Nah, no way! Haha!

"I'll pass." Kusuo thought, pulling Akari from her own thoughts and away from the door in order to find another route out of school. "Unbelievable. Today, the finale of that show..." Kusuo nearly whined. If he didn't see the show live today, then that meant spoilers would be streamed into his head as other people finished the episode before him. So to avoid that he has to watch the show with Akari as soon as it comes out.

Akari raised an eyebrow as they headed down yet another nearly identical hallway of their school. "Why is it that everyone is looking for you today?" She tapped at her chin in thought, "It's kind of strange how they're all searching for you today of all days." Come on, Akari, these types of things always have to happen at the most inconvenient times for Kusuo, didn't you know that?

Kusuo stared at her through annoyed, half-lidded eyes, "They're also looking for you." She sighed heavily at that. Yeah, Kaido and Hairo seemed to also want to see her today too. Did it feel nice to know that she wasn't just completely forgotten about by people she knows? Yes it did. However, she still wants some of her alone time(not totally alone, cause she's with Kusuo) and escape from her classmates.

The door in front of them suddenly slammed open as Nendo came barging through it, "Pal! Let's go eat ramen!"

"I'll pass!" He then grabbed Akari's hand and teleported them into a nearby closet in a panic. The sudden contact and teleportation startled her just a little bit, but she was more than content with finding herself in a dark place. Though that feeling dimmed slightly as Kusuo turned the light on so he could see properly. They were in a small space, there had to be only about six or seven inches between them. The close proximity wasn't that startling though, the teens have taken naps together and(as much as Kusuo wouldn't like to say) they have cuddled a few times, mainly when they were kids. Though it still happened. "We're trapped." Kusuo huffed, "Under these conditions, We cannot exit the school. Maybe I should teleport us from here." Though he then glanced down at their feet to see them still wearing their school shoes. "But our shoes… This is fine. I still have thirty minutes to spare. I can wait a little..."

The two then tried to get somewhere a bit more comfortable. Akari found herself a box to sit on in the corner while Kusuo leaned against the wall. They were both more than ready to sit for a little while and wait them out. For now, they just started to talk a bit about the show Kusuo wanted to see. Akari was more than content with listening to him talk about it. It was in moments like this that Akari could see a little bit of emotion bleed through onto Kusuo's face as his voice became light and giddy. It's not that she doesn't like the way that Kusuo is mostly emotionless, it's who he is and she wouldn't change that. It's just nice to see him extremely happy and excited, at least enough to break through his shell. So Akari listened attentively as Kusuo went on about the show, more than content to do so while they waited.


Time has passed, twenty minutes to be exact as you can tell from the title card, and much to the pair's dismay the other teens hadn't left the school. Seriously, why hadn't they left already!? Don't teens usually want to leave school as quickly as possible when they don't have to be there? This anime is so unrealistic.

"This is bad," Kusuo said as his eyes crossed in order to use his clairvoyance. "Hairo is at the gates. Kaido is at the shoe cubbies. And… Teruhashi and her team have every corner of the school covered." The teenage beauty had used her resources and recruited Takahashi as her little worker bee to help her search. Kusuo huffed lightly, "We are cornered." 

To say that Akari is disturbed is a small understatement. She blinked, "Don't they have other places to be?" Just how determined are these people to find them? It's honestly a bit creepy… 

Kusuo's eyes returned back to normal as he looked down at Akari, "It has become even more difficult than before. Watching it later is not an option. As soon as the show ends, spoilers will fill the streets. It can't be helped." He sighed in resignation, "I will use that. Invisibility. This power makes me invisible to the human eye. And I can also touch objects. There is one flaw. The time limit is ten minutes. Another issue is that I will be back to normal when touched by another human." Kusuo grabbed Akari's hand and used his invisibility to make them… well, invisible, duh. "Unless I wish for them to be invisible like me. Since I'm holding Akari's hand, she will be invisible as well." 

'I'm usually invisible though, so this doesn't change that much.' Akari shrugged her shoulders but still let him do what he wanted. After all, it's not often Kusuo initiates physical contact like holding hands, so she'll gladly go along with it. Though it's not like she wants to hold his hand all the time, no, no! That's silly!

Disregarding her denial in wanting to be close to her friend, they headed out of the closet together, both of them being cautious as they looked around the hallway. "We must move carefully."

Nendou then appeared out of nowhere, trotting down the hallway with his large, stupid smile. "Now where'd they go?"

Akari clung to Kusuo's hand at the sudden fright as they watched the buffoon walk off in search of them. Kusuo also let out a breath after the surprise appearance of Nendou. "We almost failed before we even started." The two started their trek through the halls, "However, we may be lucky to have located Nendo. He is the biggest threat to me when I'm using the power. We just need to stay vigilant."

Heading down the hallway, Kusuo and Akari started to find their way downstairs. They then came upon Takahashi who was trying to find Sakiki like he was instructed to by his goddess. What a good little worker bee. "Where is that jerk Saiki?"

"I'm here." Kusuo said, almost mockingly, "For those of you watching this on TV, I will show you where I am. Though since this is a fanfiction, you won't be able to see me regardless." Soon enough they made it down towards the main entrance of the school. Kusuo eyed the locker that was next to the shoe cubbies. "I see. Kaido is in this locker." Kusuo picked up the locker and banged it against the ground, effectively scaring poor Kaido inside of it. The blue-haired boy screeched in fear and fell out of the locker to Kusuo and Akari's amusement.

At his girlish scream, Teruhashi turned to see what was going on, "What's wrong?"

"A poltergeist activity!" Kaido shakily shouted out in fear, "No, it might be an attack of the Dark Reunion!"

"What are you talking about?"

Kaido then cursed the air, "Damn the Dark Reunion!"

"Okay." Kusuo said, "Now is our chance."

Their fiery class representative then came running in from the gates, "What's going on?" Kusuo had to duck out of the way before Hairo bumped into him and exposed him. Akari just sidestepped the red-haired boy. She was no longer completely invisible due to Kusuo's powers, but she still wasn't that visible to people thanks to her own powers. "What happened? I heard someone screaming."

"It's the Dark Reunion!" The delusional teen exclaimed, "I know it!"

Hairo deflated, seeing that there wasn't a real threat, "Really? I see."

"Right," Teruhashi sweatdropped.

"Thank you for gathering everyone together." Kusuo thanked Kaido silently, now that the boy was providing a distraction. He then started to change his shoes happily since his plan worked. "No one will get in my way now. Sorry."

Akari also quickly changed her own shoes and was more than ready to head home. Since the last twenty minutes have been more than annoying, with the waiting and evading classmates, she was ready to lay around at Kusuo's house. Even if it's to watch anime, something she's not overly fond of as stated before. Though before Kusuo could finish putting his shoes away, there was a different voice that approached him. "Are you going home now, Saiki?"

Kusuo and Akari were more than surprised to hear that it was Toritska who was looking right at Kusuo! "What?"

"I'll join you!"

The medium then placed a hand on Kusuo's shoulder, nullifying his power and making him visible again. "You idiot!"

At Toriska's greeting, the three other students who had been searching for him turned like a pack of starved wolves. "There he is!"

Kusuo was in shock now that he was surrounded by his classmates were were more than excited to ask him to hang out. Akari watched them from a few feet away as they closed in on Kusuo. She was both amused and concerned by the turn of events. One, it's funny to her to see Kusuo's plan end up in smoke and completely ruined. Though it was also concerning because now Kusuo was most certainly uncomfortable and annoyed, which Akari didn't like to see him in.

"Saiki!" Hairo exclaimed, "I'd like to return the favor!"

Teruhashi flashed her sparkling blue eyes, "The teacher asked me to give you this!"

"I found this great abandoned building!" Kaido looked like he couldn't contain his excitement with the declaration.

"Are you free now?" The three chorused together.

Kusuo was completely surprised at the turn of events, "What?"

Besides him, Toritska blushed brightly, "Teruhashi!"

Kusuo deadpanned, "You can really see everything, can't you?"

Now, as much as Akari can find amusement in situations like this from time to time, she would like to leave now and take Kusuo out of this uncomfortable place. Seriously, so any of these guys know anything about personal space?

"Um, actually…" Akari started to say, scaring mostly everyone else with her hauntingly soft voice. No one had even noticed her as they glanced at her form on the other side of Kusuo. She shifted uncomfortably at the five pairs of eyes now pointed in her direction. "Saiki is helping me out today. So he can't go with you… sorry."

Teruhashi looked to be the most disheartened by that, "Oh." Though she also seemed to be a bit confused. After all, who is this girl that has plans with Kusuo that are seemingly more important than going out with her; the perfect pretty girl?

"All right!" Hairo nodded his head firmly, not going to force Kusuo if he already had plans with her.

Kaido sighed, a bit sad but he'll just have to take her and Kusuo to his super secret hideout another day. "Sorry, Watanabe."

So the trio of other students left them alone. Kusuo seemed to breathe easier now that the others were gone. Akari smiled lightly at him, which he could see from the corner of his eye. 'I don't understand why you didn't just ask me to help you out more.' She commented.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I never want to bother you with anything. Especially my problems. Then I'd just feel indebted to you."

'It bothers me even more that you think it will bother me.' Akari hummed. She could understand that view point, considering she also wouldn't want to bother him either. Though most of the time he also presented her with his assistant when needed, so why shouldn't she do the same for him? 'I'm your friend, I'll help you out when you need it. So long as you'd do the same for me. If you don't want to help me every once in a while, then I won't help you.'

Kusuo stared at her for a long moment, "Oh."

There are plenty of times where Akari has done this. Looking out for his interest whenever he gets put into some uncomfortable or unfavorable situations. Sure, there are plenty of times that Akari has found amusement from either seeing him in these situations or even putting him in them. Still, she was there to help him out with whatever he needed. Most of the time, he knew that he didn't need her help, however, it felt… nice to have someone to think that they needed to help him out.

He's done the same for her in his own little ways. Well, he certainly has been in far more uncomfortable situations than she has. Since he's the one who draws more attention than she ever can. After all, he's the main character of the anime/manga! And sure, Akari is the oc for this fanfiction, but that ain't gonna change the way that Kusuo gets attention.

Still when she needed it, he was there to help her out with certain things. Then again she rarely gets any attention so there aren't that many opportunities for him to help her out. However, when the situation came up, he was there to keep an eye on her and make sure she was okay. They're friends. That's what friends do for each other.

Friends also spend almost 24/7 with each other, know nearly every little secret about each other, constantly feel like keeping each other at arm's length and want nothing more than to just be alone with them. If you can't tell, I'm trying to insinuate something. Yeah, some friends are close like that… but this is Kusuo and Akari we're talking about. And this is a fanfiction so… yeah. MJ isn't trying to be that blatant with the relationship progression, but we all know where this is going, right?

The purple-haired boy who was watching his master and cute shadow-manipulator have a telepathic conversation, stepped over to them. "So can I still walk with you guys?"

"No." The other two answered together.