

When the idea of heading north first came up, Summer got sick, and even Warrin decided against it after thinking it over.

So, the plan to go north never happened. Instead, Summer and Warrin agreed that when the time came to explore the north, they'd do it together.

Unlike Summer, her brother Jake had already been to the north with his friends. He loved teasing Summer, always showing her pictures from his trip.

Liam had also explored the northern landscapes before starting at West College. He posted amazing photos on social media, and they got pretty popular.

Caleb, on the other hand, was a bit of a mystery. He had this enigmatic vibe, showing no surprise or nostalgia, which was totally different from Summer and Warrin.

When Summer and Warrin finally saw the vast expanse of ice, they were completely stunned, their mouths wide open in awe.

"Wow, things have really changed," Liam remarked as he took in the scene before him.

Having visited the north in the past, he now saw a city that was more organized and elevated, thanks to the thick layer of snow covering everything.

The challenging weather up north often limited activities, making it a place where not much could be done.

"Look at this, Warrin," Summer whispered, her eyes glued to the breathtaking beauty of the north.

The sparse population reflected a trend where people had moved towards the west or east. Her eyes sparkled with admiration, and a joyful smile lit up her face.

"Yes, it's beautiful, Summer, but I don't particularly enjoy snow," Warrin replied.

He inserted another tissue into his nose, having sneezed more than a hundred times during the 15-hour journey.

Warrin was highly susceptible to even the slightest cold, a fact Summer knew all too well.

That's why she always carried essential items like medications, tissue boxes, and extra layers of clothing specifically for Warrin—items his mother had given her because Warrin adamantly refused to take them himself.

Summer handed the nozzle to Warrin and rolled her eyes, reflecting on his reluctance to accept these seemingly minor precautions despite his vulnerability to the cold.

"As far as I remember, you were the one who said the snowy theme is your vibe when we were in the Midnight Cafe," Summer teased, making everyone laugh and

Warrin groan in annoyance. With a gesture of care, Summer unwrapped the muffler from around her neck and draped it around Warrin's, giving him an extra layer of warmth.

It had been the longest journey for Summer and Warrin, starting at 7 a.m. sharp.

They were grateful to have packed their belongings beforehand, ensuring all essentials were stowed away in their bags.

Eagerly, they hopped into the car. Jake took the driver's seat with Liam beside him in the passenger seat, while Summer, Warrin, and Caleb sat in the back.

Warrin found himself between Summer and Caleb, who each claimed a window seat.

Throughout the long journey, Liam, Caleb, Jake and Summer took turns driving, knowing they needed breaks during the lengthy expedition.

They made occasional stops to grab snacks or use the restroom. Finally, after a grueling 15 hours, they arrived at their northern destination.

It should have only taken 12 hours, but the thick layer of snow on the streets slowed them down.

Deciding to leave the car a good distance away, they handed it over to a local car inn and completed the remaining distance via public transport.

As they got off, the cold air hit Warrin, making him rub his palms together for warmth.

Noticing his discomfort, Summer walked closer and took his hands in hers, trying to warm them with her gentle touch as they continued their journey.

When they reached the main town, likely where they had booked, the atmosphere shifted.

The town was beautifully lit with lamps of all sizes, giving it a festive feel like a carnival or amusement park. Summer, who loved winter, was captivated by the scene.

The small shops were warmly lit and insulated, radiating charm and coziness.

"Let's stop here for some warm soup," Summer suggested, gently pulling Warrin along into a charming diner.

The entrance had a glass door that reflected the ambient light, casting a radiant glow and offering a picturesque view of the surroundings.

Inside, the diner welcomed guests with impeccably arranged tables and chairs, all in a luxurious gold color.

The stylish counter looked as if it were crafted from pure gold, adding to the elegant and sophisticated ambiance.

"Welcome to the Queen's Diner. How can I help you?" The guy behind the counter looked like he had just graduated and taken over his dad's restaurant.

He was super tall, probably tall enough to scare kids on the playground, but he had a calming vibe about him.

He flashed a beautiful smile, and for a moment, his eyes lingered on Summer. Then, he smoothly redirected his gaze toward Jake.

"Are you dining in or taking out?" he asked warmly.

"We'll be dining in," Jake said politely as they all found seats with a clear view of the outside.

Summer, captivated by the snowfall, expressed her perpetual love for wintry scenes.

Nestled between Jake and Warrin on the cushioned seat, she marveled at the snow, while Liam and Caleb took chairs on the opposite side of the table.

As the menus were handed out, Summer and Liam browsed through the offerings, looking for warm dishes, especially soup for the visibly chilled Warrin.

He leaned his head on Summer's shoulder, shivering uncontrollably. Despite the diner's good insulation, Warrin's fingers and lips began turning blue.

Seeking warmth, he scooched closer to Summer, half-hugging her to fight off the cold.

In the cozy little diner, the air was filled with the aroma of delicious food. A sweet-looking girl with a pixie cut gracefully appeared.

If the guy behind the counter was a giraffe, she was definitely a beaver.

Her warm smile matched the cozy atmosphere.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked gently.

Liam, feeling quite hungry, responded enthusiastically, "Yes, we are really hungry. Could we get the house special that can satisfy five hungry people?"

The girl chuckled softly and gestured towards some enticing main dishes, specially crafted by the chef. "Sure thing," she said.

Liam replied gratefully, "And could we also get a chicken soup for our friend here? He's practically freezing."

The girl's expression turned worried as she glanced at Warrin, who was clinging to Summer's side, trying to stay warm in her scarf.

Summer, rubbing Warrin's shoulders, shared her concern with their friends.

"I'll be right back," the sweet girl assured them. "Our chef always has something for people who aren't used to the cold. Is it your first time up north?"

Summer nodded. "Yeah, for both of us. It's kinda weird—I'm fine, but he's having a tough time." The girl nodded back and headed to the kitchen.

"Warrin, just hold on a little longer," Summer whispered to him, her voice tinged with sadness.

It was their first time here, and they just wanted to have a good time, but Warrin couldn't even talk. His teeth were chattering, and he was shaking.

Caleb, looking concerned, glanced at Summer and Warrin, then took off his jacket and handed it to Summer to wrap around Warrin. "Here, Summer," Caleb said.

"You'll get cold, Caleb."

"No, the diner's perfectly warm; I think he needs it more," Caleb insisted. But before Summer could take the puffy jacket, the girl with the pixie cut reappeared, now with a tall guy.

They looked seriously like a cute couple.

"It's okay, our chef is here," the girl announced, pointing to the tall guy who held a bowl of soup. He placed the steaming bowl in front of Warrin and asked if he could hear him.

Warrin just shook his head.

"This might help," the tall guy suggested. Summer and the others exchanged concerned looks. Sensing their tension, the tall guy reassured them,

"Your highness, this is a special turkey soup with herbs to treat the cold instantly." Everyone looked surprised.

Did he really just call Summer royalty?

The tall guy noticed their confusion, chuckled nervously, and explained, "Oh, sorry, my bad. This is the Queen's Diner, and we treat every customer like royalty." The girl with the pixie cut nodded in agreement.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Summer asked, concern etched on her face.

"He'll be fine in about five minutes," the tall man reassured her again.

"Thank you," Summer expressed her gratitude.

"I'm Yohan, Chef Yohan Woods. And this is my girlfriend and assistant, Daisy Baker. Her name is Baker, but I bake better cakes," the tall guy introduced himself and his pixie-cut girlfriend.

Summer grabbed the spoon, sensing that Warrin couldn't move his hands. With care, she began feeding him the soup. Warrin struggled but managed to lift his head and eat.

As they continued, everyone took turns introducing themselves. Chef Yohan mentioned that he owned all the shops in the area, but the Queen's Diner held a special place in his heart, so he worked there.

His humility amazed everyone as he shared stories of customers in worse conditions than Warrin.

Gradually, Warrin's condition improved, and he opened his eyes properly. He sat up, no longer clinging to Summer, breathing normally.

His lips and hands regained their color, no longer frozen and purple.

"I'm really happy that my soup did the trick and you're okay, Warrin," Yohan exclaimed with a grin, and Warrin nodded in response.

"Your girlfriend got pretty worried; she's got a lot of concern for you," Yohan added, causing Jake to choke on his drink.

"Summer? My girlfriend?" Warrin clarified, pointing at Summer, who seemed just as shocked as he was.

"NO," both Warrin and Summer shouted simultaneously, startling the puppy-faced Yohan and his petite girlfriend.

"I mean, she does care about me, but we're just best friends," Warrin explained, with Summer nodding in agreement. "It's the guy in front of her; she's into him,"

Warrin pointed at Caleb, who nervously chuckled. Summer didn't catch Warrin's choice of words at first and nodded in agreement, only to realize what he said and promptly slap Warrin's arm.

"What! You should go and sit with him. Why are you next to me, giving people the wrong idea?" Warrin complained, trying to rile Summer up. It was working.

Summer made a face and looked ready to throw hands.

"Hey, do I really have to remind you that it was you clinging to me, not the other way around?" Summer shouted, stepping back from Warrin, who shivered in response.

Daisy chimed in, changing the subject, "So, where are you guys staying? We've got rooms above the diner, and you're all welcome to crash there."

Jake declined the offer, saying, "Oh, no, it's okay. We're staying at the place right across." He pointed towards a taller building adorned with lights.

Daisy and Yohan exchanged meaningful looks until Liam voiced the unspoken question, "Don't tell me, that building is yours too?"

"Bingo!" Yohan confirmed with a nod. "Don't worry about your stuff; I'll have it moved to your rooms. I'll call the reception, okay?" Yohan reassured them. Soon, a few staff members arrived to take the bags.

"Be careful with those bags," Yohan instructed the staff before leading the group outside. "I hope you enjoy your stay, Your Majesty," he added with a wave as he headed back inside.

"He's adorable," Summer said with a grin, giving Caleb a warm smile. "Seriously, he treated us like royalty. I'm practically feeling like a queen here," she added, her voice a bit hoarse from the cold.

Caleb leaned in and whispered something playful in Summer's ear, making her cheeks turn bright red. "Well, that's because you are a queen," he teased.

Warrin, shivering from the cold, interrupted their moment.

"If you're done with the royal treatment, Summer, could you please walk with me? I'm freezing here," he whined, glancing back at Summer and Caleb lagging behind the group.

Summer replied in a teasing tone, "Oh, sorry, but I can't give innocent bystanders the wrong idea." She grabbed Caleb's arm and added, "I'll get some more of Yohan's soup for you," blowing a playful kiss towards Warrin to mock him.

Feeling left out, Warrin pleaded, "Summer, come on, I'm sorry. Liam and Jake won't walk with me." He looked at the two guys strolling ahead, seemingly unaffected by the cold.

"Summer," he called out, starting to walk towards her and Caleb.

"Too late, drama queen," Summer retorted, giving Warrin a playful shove. But the thick snow beneath them made Warrin stumble and fall backward. Summer gasped, and Caleb quickly extended a hand to help him up.

"Are you okay?" Summer asked nervously, but Warrin had other ideas. As soon as he was on his feet, he tried to chase Summer.

The snow made running impossible, so they settled for a brisk walk, with Summer staying just ahead of Warrin, who struggled to keep up in the biting cold.

"Wow, we're really here?" Summer exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder as she stepped into the hotel lobby.

The place was enormous, and the interior glowed with a brightness that felt like sunshine. It was so invitingly warm that a genuine smile spread across Summer's face.

Warrin, trailing just behind Summer, was equally amazed. The hotel was not only beautiful but also radiated an air of luxury, quite a surprise given the budget-friendly prices they had snagged for their rooms.

A staff member gestured towards the reception area, saying, "This way, please," and led them to collect their room keys.

At the reception, a friendly receptionist named Taniya welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Hello, welcome to Tulip Residency! Sir Yohan just mentioned you all. Here are your keys; I hope you have a fantastic stay," Taniya said, handing over three keys to the group.

The staff member then guided them to their rooms: Warrin and Liam sharing one, Jake with Caleb, and Summer enjoying a room all to herself.

It had been one heck of a day for the whole gang, especially Summer. She had the demanding task of looking after Warrin during the entire car ride and even after they reached the north side.

Jake and Caleb weren't off the hook either, taking turns behind the wheel on their way north.

By the time they finally settled in for the night, it was dark out. All Summer craved was a solid night's sleep, maybe even snoozing until the next afternoon.

She crawled into bed, pulled the cozy white blanket snug around her, and didn't give a second thought to her nighttime skincare routine.

Her eyelids drooped with exhaustion, and the toasty warmth of the well-insulated room didn't help matters. All she wanted was to drift off into dreamland.