
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · Fantasi
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23 Chs

7: Two World

Sunshine sparkling sip through the white sheer curtain. Those eyes opened up. Sleepless night. Waking up in burden. Staring at the lake.

There are two versions of last night's story. The good and the bad part. The best part was the food, the sing and that's all. Now, comes the bad part. After party. The lecture. All night long. The cry, then sob, and the anger.

Ayleth sighed. It is not that she did not want to discuss that thing firsthand with Lady Whitrose. But unfortunately, it was Krea who made this thing hard.

"That's it, young lady! You are prohibited from leaving this house ever again!"

Wait, is it?

Ayleth tip-toed to the door. It is locked!


So, the bad news never ended I guess... Ayleth slides her face at the hardwood door. So, no more training! I will be keep locked until I am grown up and ready for a wedding!

Father... please help me! She begged and cried. 

Suddenly, she saw the curtain.

And, she got an idea.


She catches her breath heavily. Good thing everybody did not notice her. Probably her mother went out to the town. She did not see the carriage. She smiled ear to ear.  

"Free at last!!!!" she screamed when she saw her secret base.

"From whom?" suddenly her heart sank. The boy she met yesterday was here!

"You're here?"

"Yes. You said this forest isn't anyone's property, so I came back.." suddenly, he smiled and chuckled.

"You laughed. Something's wrong?"

"Look at you. Wanting to free so desperately, yet you didn't notice what you're wearing!" Ayleth looked at herself. She almost fainted when she realized she came out with her nightgown. Let alone the slipper, she ran barefoot.

"You looked .. ahem.. normal.. yet pure.."

"Don't mock me! Stop teasing me!"

"I don't! Seriously, you looked pure.. and radiant. Just like a ray of sunshine.." Aden smiled, genuinely. A gush flowing into her face. That is probably not the first time somebody compliments her. But, to see her wake up in the morning, this might be the first time.

"I am surprised when I saw that. Guess you probably slept with your precious bow.." Aden pointed his finger towards the bow in her hand. Ayleth holds it and tosses it into the air.

"Well, this is my 'husband'!"

And, they laughed so hard. 

"So, what's the plan?"


King Samuel pointed his bow towards the target. He aimed it well and released an arrow towards the target. It hit the small circle in the center. But, he missed a quarter-inch radius. Guess he is getting old already.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness The Crown Prince..." Prince Hadrian entered the field. He brought his sword. That means he just come back from his sword training. His face looked pale, but he still stood up like a strong bull. 

"Your Excellency..." he bowed. King Samuel looked at him with a smile. He tried to swallow the sorrow.

"I heard you went to the north. Any good news?"

"I am sorry, Your Highness. But, the conjugal ties... I already end it up," it is not good news. But, King Samuel just keep on nodding his head.

"It is fine. Besides, I never believe it could be working out,"

"Pardon, sir?" King Samuel pat Prince Hadrian's shoulder. He asked Eunuch Morton to dismiss everyone from the field. He then gave a bow and asked everyone to leave.

"I am sorry, son.."

"Your Excellency, please. I am the one who should ask for thee apology.."

"No, my son! I am not a good father to you. Both of you need me more, but I can't give you just for a minute of my time!" King Samuel hold his son's hand tightly.

"Don't blame yourself, sire! You are the king of this kingdom. Your responsible is way more important. I am so aware of that, so did my brother," Prince Hadrian tried to console him. He was getting worried. Is King already knew his condition?

"How can I become a ruler when my son's already near to death and I haven't noticed it, just for a pinch?" Prince Hadrian's heart sunk. So, the King already knew about it.

"That's not something that you should worry about, sire.."

"How come I should ignore it?! You are my son, for God's sake!"

"I am your son. That is true. But, this kingdom needs you more than I need you. They need you, our people need you more than you can imagine. There is no one but you. You are their king!" King Samuel choked. He never knew Prince Hadrian is so selfless like this.

"But, you are my son! They just the people!"

"They are the people who believe in you. The one who loves you and this country. Without them, you are nothing but just an ordinary man. The one who supports you with full of confidence," that thought did make King Samuel wake up from his sadness.

"As The Crown Prince, I represent the voice of people in this kingdom. I will hate it if I see my king grieving too much for his dying son. A king must be strong no matter what. That's a good example for them," Prince Hadrian looked at his father with a smile. And, teary eyes.

"I can't believe I will lose my son.."

"You got another son that you probably should be taken care of more than this dying son. I think you should care for him more. He will be around for a very long time, at least longer than I am," Prince Hadrian replied. 


"Sire, you know how much I love him, don't you?" King Samuel nodded.

"So, please take care of him and nurture him well."

"I will... with my full heart," King Samuel made a promise. Prince Hadrian looked at King Samuel.

"And.. don't worry. You are the best father for me.... father.."

King Samuel cannot contain his sorrow anymore. He hugged his son tightly and sobbing.

Prince Hadrian just let his father released his sadness. 

Suddenly, he felt he should pray to God that he will never leave his family.


Aden was furious. It's been fifteen minutes. Still, he got nothing. He looked at Ayleth Although she, who eventually wore a nightdress and barefoot, managed to catch at least a quarter half bucket of fish.

"That's it! I am done!"

"We only caught three and you want to quit? This is not enough for both of us! At least we must have, two for each of us, and six for Lilith," Aden gave a sharp look at Ayleth, but she just ignores it. Aden's feet weaken already. He tried the last shot, but...

The water splashed. And, laughter can be heard from afar.

"I guess you should ask Lilith to catch her fish!"

"She's taking her nap. She needs that,"

"Wake her up!"

"Got any guts to wake up a bear?" Ayleth smiled. Probably not the best idea. Aden walked to the river bank. He sat down and enjoy the sun.

Suddenly, he heard a growl behind him. He can feel his hair had been sniffed from behind.

"Ayleth!" he screamed. She turned and smiled. Lilith just wakes up from her nap. She sniffed Aden's hair, probably wondering who is the stranger that joins them this morning. Lilith started to lick Aden's face.

"No! Probably the worst idea! Hey, stop it!"

"She likes you,"

"Or, she thinks that I'm her lunch!" Aden wanted to stand up but Lilith tackled him, made him fell and rolling over.

"Ayleth, help!!"

"Don't worry. She's just being friendly with you," Ayleth laughed. She filled the bucket with another fish.

"I can't breath!" Aden yelled. Ayleth sighed and walked towards them.

"Lilith, hey.. look what I got for you, girl.." she showed the bear a fish. Lilith turned towards Ayleth, licked her face, and rummaged the bucket for some fish. Ayleth let her ate, patted her back, and kissed the bear.

"Can't believe you can do that!"

"It is normal for me. I guess others will never understand me," suddenly she looked sad. Ayleth took her place right next to Aden. She was soaked, wet, and smelled like a fish.

"Why do you think like that?"

"Maybe I'm just too hard to understand."

"Then, you have to talk. That's the best way to make people understand you," said Aden. Ayleth just kept silent. If things were as easy as we can say, probably she would not run away from home like today.

"You know, it is such a rare thing when I said to my father that I would never have any interest in ruling people or being a leader. I would rather be stuck in the wood, looking for some herbs to create a new potion. It probably will give more benefits for the people. As usual, it is rather shocking news that he must accept. It is not easy at first. But, I already prove something to him that changed his mind," said Aden, with a smile drawing on his face.

"Say, I am still curious about your tribe. You know, from what I heard..they say, never mess with the tribe. But, when I look at you, you didn't seem like the one who belongs to a tribe. I imagine someone who looks messy and got some kind of mark drawing on the face. But, look at you," Ayleth pointed her finger towards him. 

Please God, help me!

"Oh, I didn't possess any important roles in my tribe. So, I didn't have that mark,"

"Guess you must be the passive one. I thought you are one of the leader's sons?"

"Yes, I am a little bit preserve than my brother. Besides, I have... a rather sensitive skin. If they draw the mark, my face will be blotches and swelling," hope this will make things clear. 

Ayleth nodded and smile. She no needs to ask too much about Aden's family. He belongs to a tribe that might be very secretive about their life especially from an outsider like her. She had to understand that.

"I wish I can have a father like yours,"

"Don't hope too much, you might be probably dead.."


"Nothing..." and silent.

"My father passed away when I was a young girl. My mother never remarried, said that my father is the only man she loves. I am close with him, so most of his interests influence my life. He gave me this bow as a heritage. The first bow he used before he joined the army. This precious bow helped him got through a lot of things. And, so do I. That's why I want to be just like him, joining the army, be a brave soldier that protects this kingdom," Aden amazed by Ayleth's vision. 

"I don't understand why they didn't support you. I think it's a noble act,"

"You think so?"

"Yes. If they do love you, they will probably support your idea. What is so wrong when you are willing to serve for your beloved kingdom?" her eyes sparkled brightly. Finally, there is someone who supports her idea.

Aden stood up and looked at her.

"You know what, I think you should go for it! You got talent, you can surpass any archer that I ever see. I will support you to your dream!" Ayleth smiled brightly. She nodded and stood up with a good spirit.

"I promise to serve well for this dear country of mine!"

"I will support you, forever! We can do this!!"

"Yes, we can do it!!" they screamed together. Guess the whole forest was shaken by their voice and spirit. Both of them laughed at that.

"Well... thank you for understand me, Aden.."

"What's a friend for," he smiled and looked right into her eyes.

If she had been asked, what is the most beautiful thing she saw, she probably answers the sunshine that shines into her room. But now she probably changes her mind.

The most beautiful thing she has ever seen is... that smile.

More than sunshine on the morning day.