
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Chapter 29

Just as he promised Linshanth forced Sampson awake before dawn. They left the village before anyone had woken and Sampson didn't even get a chance to say goodbye and express his gratitude. He ate the rest of his cherries that he had saved from the night before mournfully. He was down to the last cherry when he finally offered one to Linshanth. "Eat the last one. I'm full".

"Then save it for later", Linshanth muttered. Sampson scowled at the back of him. If he fainted because he refused to eat Sampson would leave him in the woods. It would be of his own stupidity but then Sampson had never been that lucky. He knew it would take a mountain of problems to knock Linshanth down. Even as he walked with a vigorous pace that had Sampson running to keep up with him he didn't look the slightest bit like he was tired.

He didn't sleep at all the night before, Sampson only knew because he barely slept either. Every time he opened his eyes he could see Linshanth restlessly standing by the window waiting for danger. At times he had to stop himself from calling him over and telling him to sleep. His back was turned most of the time, but at times he would move to the side, lighting the side of his face in the moonlight.

It wasn't often Sampson could ever tell what Linshanth was thinking, but last night it was if he had been stripped bare. He saw grief and pain in his face, such an emotion he didn't think a person with such a privileged life like Linshanth could have. He wanted to ask if he was sad because he was thinking about his brother but then he would turn his back once more and the moment passed.

They only stopped when they reached a stream. Neither of them had washed for several days and their bodies with how humid the weather was, the sweat that had coated their bodies had become sticky and felt like a warm blanket had enveloped their skin. Sampson draped his outer robe on and waded into the water wearing his white shirt and trousers that he kept under his robe. "Are you afraid of water touching your bare skin? Why do you always wear clothes going swimming?".

"What does it matter? Get in or don't. Stop bothering me". Sampson swam as far away as he could, not looking back to see if the Prince had got in to. For some reason the water wasn't so calming today and did little to clear Sampson's mind. He washed briefly and swam back to the surface. When he returned he found Linshanth's clothes folded in a neat pile on a rock by the side of the riverbank. They were still coated with mud from having walked through the forest.

Taking advantage of the fact Linshanth was swimming Sampson took his clothes down to the waters edge and began to wash them. He laid them flat on the rock to let them dry and then proceeded to do the same thing with his outer robes. When Linshanth returned from the water the only thing he had one was a pair of thin trousers.

He picked up his clothes and glowered when he felt them soaking under his grasp. "What is this?". "A thank you will suffice. I washed your clothes for you". He didn't smile in gratitude and his brow only deepened. "What am I supposed to wear now that you've washed my clothes?". Sampson had been so intent on doing a good deed to level the playing field between them that he hadn't realised that their spare clothes had long been lost after running away from the bandits. Sampson had washed both Linshanth's inner and outer robes.

"I didn't think". "No I don't think you ever do", Linshanth barked. "Stop scolding me. Your clothes needed a wash and so I washed them. Do you really want to arrive at the next kingdom looking so scruffy? I doubt they would have even let you in if they saw the state of you".

"You're such an expert on appearances now?". "Who do you think washed all of your clothes in the past?". Sampson turned his back on him and began collecting wood to make a fire. When he returned Linshanth was already lighting one with a pile full of branches. "If you'd already collected wood to start the fire why didn't you tell me?", Sampson barked, dropping the branches from his arms.

"I thought the task might help you cool off". "The only person that needs cooling off is you". When the fire was lit they sat by it for some time in silence before one of them broke it. "Does it hurt?". He had been looking at the tiny wound on Linshanth's shoulder for a while. For such a nasty accident his wound should have been a lot bigger. It made Sampson feel envious for all the scars he had that would never heal.

"No". "Are you going to tell me where those fresh scars came from?". "You already know where they've come from. Why waste your breath by asking?". "My father doesn't use weapons to hit. The scars on your back where made by a belt. Who did it?".

"How do you know?", Sampson asked. To him all of his scars looked the same. There was no distinguishing between them because of how many he had on his skin. "Oh I forget. You must have used such weapons on others". Sampson had said it on purpose to provoke him to try and change the subject. Linshanth saw right through him, knowing Sampson's tactics well already.

"Who did it? One of the guards of the dungeons?". "What does it matter?". "You are the lost son of Vahda. I made you a member of the royal household before I was hit with an arrow. If anyone laid a finger on you after this time other than the king it would be treason". Master Duncan's name was on the tip of Sampson's tongue and still he didn't have the courage to speak it. There was no use in angering Linshanth either, not when Master Duncan wasn't present to receive his punishment.

"The scars only look fresh because they haven't healed properly. These scars are from months ago". Linshanth came over and in an instant pressed his hand to Sampson back. He hissed in pain, pushing Linshanth's hand away. "What are you doing?".

"Those wounds are fresh. Only a couple of weeks old. Why are you lying to me?". Sampson reached up to cover the place where Linshanth pinched him but it was too far up his back for him to reach. Seeing him struggle Linshanth reached up instead. Sampson flinched the moment Linshanth's fingers made contact with his back. "You have already proved they hurt. You don't have to prove it again".

"I'm getting rid of the pain. Be quiet now". He reached up and rubbed his fingers over that certain spot over and over again until that certain spot no longer began to sting but soften under such a gentle assault. Sampson pushed his hand away after some time when that touch became to make him embarrassed.

"Your clothes will dry quickly with the heat", Sampson spoke, pushing the rock that held his clothes closer to the fire. "Put them further back. They will smell of smoke". "But then they'd take longer to dry. I thought you were in a rush to get going". "We can spare a few hours".

Sampson gave him an incredulous look. "I thought we had to make ground before nightfall". "We have walked enough for today", Linshanth answered solemnly and sat down next to the fire. He took one of the branches that Sampson had dropped and began to sharpen it with the tip of his sword. "Why are you doing that?". "I'm making a spear so we can catch fish. Unless you wanted to starve". Truthfully after filling his stomach from the night before Sampson hadn't thought much about food. But as Linshanth spoke he could feel himself growing hungrier. "Can I help?".

"Have you ever caught fish before?". Sampson shook his head. "You should learn. There might come a time where you'll have to do it on your own". Linshanth sharpened another one of the branches until the end was sharp enough to cut through flesh. He handed it to Sampson. "Be careful with it. Don't cut yourself". "I'm not a child. You don't have to tell me to be careful", Sampson pipped back. They both settled into the water, wading through until it came to their waists. Sampson looked down at the water puzzled. The river water wasn't clear like the pond and instead was dark and murky. He couldn't even see his own body in the water let alone the fish.

"How are we supposed to catch fish if we can't see them?". "You need to watch for when the water moves". Sampson looked down, he saw nothing but flowing water. All of a sudden Linshanth threw his spear and it sailed through the water. Sampson watched as he picked it out from beneath the surface with a fish at the end. He left it on the bank of the river before he came back in again.

Sampson continued to watch the water becoming increasingly more irritated with the more fish Linshanth caught. When he had caught three more he stopped. "We have enough for dinner. Let's get out". "Wait, I didn't even catch one", Sampson pouted. "Another time. The waters getting colder. You'll get sick if you don't warm up by the fire". "Why did you bring me into the water if you weren't going to help me?".

"You volunteered. I never forced you", Linshanth answered. Sampson couldn't help but scowl when he heard the smugness in his tone. "You showed off on purpose. I thought you said it would be good for me to learn for when I have to do it alone". "It's a good thing you'll never have to do it on your own".

Sampson wanted to hit him over the head with one of those spears just to see if it would knock some sense into him. For such a serious man it wasn't like him to say something that didn't make sense. They couldn't be glued to each others side forever. Eventually they would have to part ways. Sampson wanted to live life quietly which he could never had if he lived in the Kingdom. When everything was over and they had stopped the curse he would do just that.

"What if you get sick and I need to hunt for you. We will both starve if you don't teach me". "I am never sick". "Injured then. You can't say you never get injured". "I got injured on purpose that time". "Why would you do that?". "That arrow was meant for you. I took it instead". Sampson felt uncomfortable with his words and felt himself growing hot with embarrassment. "Do you want a thank you?", he asked with uncertainty. "Or are you going to scold me instead for running away? If that's what you've been waiting to do all this time get on with it".

"I'm not scolding you. I only want to know why you chose to run away with the souls". "I….I felt sorry for them that's all". "The souls don't have thoughts or feelings. They fight on orders from a leader who's long since died. What is there to be sorry about?". He didn't expect Linshanth to understand but he felt connected to them in some way. The souls were calling out for his help, even now he could feel how they felt and feel the pain that they did. They had once been people even though they were only souls now.

"I feel connected to them". "Connected to them how?". "I don't know. I just do". Linshanth was silent for a while and Sampson watched the flames, flickering over burning wood. They were silent for a moment before Sampson felt a cold droplet fall on his head.

He looked up only for another to hit him in the high. It wasn't long before they were sieged under heavy rainfall. There was nowhere for them to take cover except under the small shelter of a canopy of trees. It was barely enough room for one person to lie down let alone two.

They were pressed side by side with rain water flowed around them. With the rain came thunder which only brough the rain down heavier. "Our clothes will be ruined now". "They will dry when the rain stops", Linshanth answered. "I hope it stops soon". "Why? Is it so unbearable to be stuck here with me?". Sampson elbowed him. "You know what I mean. There's little space here, it's uncomfortable and my head hurts".

Linshanth sighed, almost impatiently before he stretched his arm out. "Rest on my arm". "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much", Sampson answered not wanting to make himself a burden. He twisted his neck to the side to avoid the horrible ache in the back of his head from how hard the ground was but it didn't matter where he moved the pain didn't go away.

"Don't be so stubborn to endure the pain", Linshanth snapped. Before he forcefully dug his arm under Sampson head and supported. Now elevated the pain was gone in an instant. "You should also rest your head on my arm", Sampson spoke, trying to stretch out his arm with great difficulty given the limited space they had.

"There's no need, my head is a lot stronger than yours". "Our heads are both blood and bone. How can one be stronger than the other?", Sampson spoke indignantly. "I've trained for longer than you have". "What training would you do to have a stronger head? You wear helmets when you train anyway".

"Mine is still stronger". "Yes you're right. You're incredibly thick skulled", Sampson spoke on a smirk. Linshanth flared his nostrils. "You are the one with a thick skull". "How can it be me? You are the one that just told me his head was stronger".

"Are you looking for a beating? Why are you always trying to provoke me?". "Because you are easy to provoke", Sampson barked. They continued to argue as the rain come down heavier above their heads. They were only protected by a canopy and exposed out in the open but Sampson felt safe.

"You still haven't answered my question. Who was it that gave you those scars?". "Why waste time of talking about such trivial matters like that now? Now that you are around no one will dare beat me again". He spoke the final sentence sarcastically.

Linshanth suddenly gripped his hand harshly, his thumb naturally falling over the part of Sampson's hand that held his scar. "I will promise you that as long as I am here no one will ever harm you again". Sampson tried to forcefully tug his hand out of Linshanth's but he had an iron grip. "Do you hold hands with all the knights? Let me go". "Not until acknowledge when I said".

Sampsons brow curved in annoyance. "You can't make such a promise. We have people after us now". It wasn't the bandits he was worried about, but when they reunited with the rest of the group. Master Duncan would be itching to give him a beating as soon as he manages to get Sampson alone. How could Linshanth protect him then?

"Do you doubt me?". "You shouldn't say such foolish words. Can you let my hand go now?". "Not until you say you believe me". His grip tightened and Sampson felt his hand go slack. "Okay, I believe you, I believe you. Now stop crushing my hand". Linshanth's grip loosened but not entirely. He was still holding Sampson's hand. It took Sampson a few moments after the pain subsided to realise. He snatched his hand away, scowling at the side of Linshanth's face.

"If you do that again as soon as we return I will start a rumour that you and the knights hold hands. No Princess will want to marry you then". "Good, start a rumour. It will save me from having to get rid of them myself".

Sampson shifted his head, pressing it deeper into the curvature of Linshanth's arm. "Are you really not going to get married?". "I already said I wouldn't. Why do you ask again?". "Wouldn't not getting married be lonely". "How would it be any different if I were to marry someone I do not want. I will be even lonelier then".

"I see", Sampson gasped. "It is because you haven't fallen in love with anyone why you're reluctant to get married". "I have fallen in love", Linshanth snapped. "With who? I doubt you would be able to lower yourself to such standards to love another person". Linshanth's face burned so much Sampson could feel the heat radiating from him. It only spurred him to keep going.

"This person that you love, describe her to me. Is her hair short or long? What kind of princess is she?". "They are not a Princess, nor will they ever be one". Sampson couldn't help but be surprised. "If not a Princess than who? A duchess or a lady?". "Neither", Linshanth replied coldly. "You don't mean to say you're in love with a servant?".

Linshanth turned his head to the side so he didn't catch Sampson's eye. "A servant? I didn't think you would ever lower yourself to consider dating a servant, let alone being in love with one".

Sampson couldn't help but be truly shocked as he wracked his brain over who it could be. Linshanth was around female servants on a daily basis and they changed if they were given different positions which was often. The constant change was the Queen's doing she didn't want the Prince to become overly attached to staff or ever do something unthinkable like date them. It seemed that effort to keep him away from such desires had been wasted.

"Do I know her? Tell me her name". "That's enough talking. Aren't you tired?". "No, I am the most awake I have ever felt. Besides we can't sleep yet, we haven't cooked the fish". "The rain will last all night. We won't be able to cook tonight".

"We don't need to make a fire. Can't you magic a fire instead?", Sampson asked hopefully. "No". "Why not? I know you can". "Just because I can doesn't mean I'm going to do it". "What are you afraid of? You said you can control your magic now". "I can control my magic because I stopped using it. If I start again there's no telling if I'll be able to control myself". Sampson didn't pester him anymore but that was only because his expression was troubled.

"You don't have to tell me who she is if you don't want to. You only have to tell me if you're planning to tell her". "There is no need. They already know". "She does?". "Yes. They already know". Linshanth turned his head and locked eyes with his. With them being so close and for nowhere else for Sampson to look he could feel his cheeks starting to redden. Linshanth reached up and pinched them harshly.

"What was that for?", Sampson remarked rubbing at his aching cheek. "I was seeing how red they could go". Those words only caused his cheeks to redden further as he rolled his head away. Being that he was lying on Linshanth's arm there were only so far he could go. He had never been spoken to the way Linshanth spoke to him. He wasn't sure if it was because he was the Prince why he reacted in such a way or because he was a man. He knew that Linshanth was just teasing him but he had never seen him act this way in front of the knights and they were the ones that he cared for the most.

"Will you marry the girl that you love?". "No. The Kingdom prohibits it". "Then what will you do? Love her in secret? Don't you think that is unfair to both you and her". "I only said I loved them. I never said they loved me". "How could she not love you? You are the Prince of Toombak, even a fool wouldn't turn down the love from a Prince".

"They are promised to someone else. Someone they intend to marry". Sampson could tell the Prince was truly sad with these words. It seemed easy to think that they were different from each other because of the way he had treated Sampson in the past. "Then perhaps it wasn't meant to be. If you were really meant to be together you will find your way back together eventually".

"What about you? Do you love the servant girl?". Sampson laughed. "We are not talking about love. Minnie and I are not in love". "Then why are you marrying her?", Linshanth demanded. His voice was laced with anger and like Sampson had somehow wronged him. "We have always been together. Marriage won't change anything between us".

"You should call of the engagement". "Just because you won't get your happy ending don't try and stop me from having mine. I love Minnie. There is no one else that will protect her the way that I can".

"You will both be miserable in years to come when you fall in love with different people". "That will not happen", Sampson snapped. It seemed whenever it came to matters about his wedding Linshanth would say something that would trigger a response that only made him angry or frustrated.

He would never regret proposing to Minnie because nothing could take away the look on her face when he did. He could see that she was truly happy and that's all he ever wanted from her. They didn't speak for some time before Linshanth shifted, bringing him closer to Sampson. He didn't notice, he was thinking about what he would say to Minnie and Perity when he saw them next. He hoped that they wouldn't hate him and blame him for what had happened.

Sampson felt a cool hand on his forehead. "You're cold, come closer". "I'm not cold. You are the one that is cold since you're not wearing anything". He was still only wearing his trousers. It made Sampson feel guilty having left his clothes out in the rain to get soaked. "You should wear my outer robe". Before Linshanth could protect Sampson took untied his sashes and took the robe off, handing it to Linshanth.

"You needn't have bothered I'm fine". Sampson poked his chest, flinching at his bare skin that was ice cold. "Stop acting like you're indestructible. You will freeze in the night if you don't wear anything". "You are next to me. I won't freeze", he spoke coyly. Sampson took the robe from him and draped it over him like a blanket. "There. If you take it off I won't speak to you for the rest of the journey".

"That's a relief. If you had promised such a thing earlier I would have attempted this before". Sampson scowled at him before he rolled onto his side. "Move your arm, I don't want to lie on it anymore". "But then you'll be uncomfortable".

"I'm not a child. I don't need a pillow", Sampson snapped. He pushed Linshanth's arm away and moved as far away from him as their small shelter would allow. He closed his eyes and ignored Linshanth's prods to his back to make him turn around.

In the middle of the night when Sampson was dead asleep his head shifted uncomfortably from lying on such hard ground. Linshanth watched him struggle for a few minutes before he put his arm under his head and blanketed it from the ground. Sampson settled in an instant.

"You are too stubborn for your own good", Linshanth scolded but his words were soft. With his arm being used as support Linshanth brought himself closer to Sampson. As Sampson rolled to his side their chests pressed together. Linshanth reached out and curved his other arm around his waist, pulling him closer to warm them both.

Outside the wind howled and the rain thundered down but in their small shelter with just them two, there was only peace.