
The Power of Espada in MHA

After God sent him, Satan met him and gave him the task of killing the main characters and gave him the power of the Espada, let's see if he can kill them and still survive or if he will perish like the others

Zick_Rander · Komik
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22 Chs

prologue (corrected)(maybe)

A purple ball could be seen in the dark place, and as time went on, it glowed brighter and brighter

Purple Ball: Why the hell is it so dark in here!

And just after the shout of light a Man appeared whose face was not visible

Man:Calm down. It's okay.

The purple ball glowed brighter.

Violet balloon: HOW CAN YOU BE SETTLE DOWN ????!!!, I can't feel my arms and legs anywhere and it's all dark and you're the only one in sight, tall dude

Calm down.

And after these words, the purple ball started to glow less.

Man: It's dark here because you don't have eyes and thanks to me you can see me, actually everything is cozy here, but I can't show you.

Purple Ball: and it doesn't change the fact that I can't feel my arms and legs and I don't know where I am anyway.

Man: all those who die appear in the orb and only from their color you can tell who he is, and I don't like you because your color is purple

Purple balloon: Hoo favorite color and I don't care that you don't like me, although it's still not very nice to hear that I died well the world will be one less scumbag. So what does the purple ball mean?

Man: There are a lot of people like you but still rare, the purple color means that you kill people and kill a lot, you also despise the weak, use others as tools, you are also a battle maniac want to fight the strong, you like being near death, but every time you get lucky. You don't care about other people's opinions. And because of that, I won't give you a pass to heaven or rebirth even if I did erase your memory.

Purple Ball: I don't care if you send me to hell, I already know that it's better for me not to be in heaven, because probably all there soft to atone for my sins, but I'm not so it's my sins and I will continue to live with them so Go to hell

After these words the man shook his head and waved his hand in the other direction. Immediately after this action, the purple ball was pulled into a vortex.

(Time Skip)

Purple Ball: So when can I go into rebirth?

You ask who he's telling this to, and he's telling the creature all this, how? Well I'll tell you.

(flashback 40 minutes ago).

After the purple balloon was sucked into the vortex, it appeared elsewhere...or not since it's dark here too

Purple Ball: are you kidding me?!!!

Yeah, he's really lucky for dark places.

Except the balloon's shouting got the attention of the one everyone's afraid of.

The One Everyone's Afraid Of: Why are you so mad?

The purple ball replied with annoyance in his voice.

Purple Ball: It's just that I was in another place with a tall man who shone like the sun even though I had the assumption that he was God. And now I'm here where again I don't see anything even you who isn't

The one everyone's afraid of started laughing weakly

The One Everyone's Afraid Of: You're pretty interesting that your color is purple, you want a deal?

Purple Ball: why don't you show yourself?

Lights began to appear in the dark place, soon a red chair with skulls was visible in the dark place no longer dark, in which sat not a man and certainly not an animal, no eyes, horns, his body lips with sharp teeth


The creature: Well, here I have shown myself.

The creature smiled a non-human smile.

Purple Ball: What's the deal?

Creature: Well I'll give you the power to send you to another world, and you'll amuse me with your adventures.

Purple Ball: Why me?

Creature: Well, people like you are once in a million, and you're not the first person I've given powers to, and you won't be the last. People like you are very interesting, but everyone has their own purpose and knowledge.

Purple Ball: And what kind of power will you give me?

Purple Ball: The creature's looks are your choice first but the powers are gonna be like the Espad from the Bleach anime I just love that anime. You can have the 2 powers of the Espadr but only one ability.

Purple Ball: Let me think.

(after 10 minutes)

Purple Ball: I chose which powers I want. 1 is Ulquiorra Shifer's regeneration ability. 2 is Aroniro Arueri's ability to absorb his opponents while gaining their abilities and, optionally, appearance. I want Kaien Shibu's appearance.

The creature: Wow even though I'm not surprised you chose Ulquiorra, it was interesting that you chose Aroniro, with regeneration and the ability to acquire the abilities of others you will already be stronger than everyone else because your body can withstand thanks to regeneration but about the mind I'm not sure. My advice to you is don't take too much power in yourself and let some people go, your body can withstand it, but your mind will be a problem, it's your psyche

Purple Ball: Thanks for the advice, what exactly am I supposed to do, I don't think I can just walk around

Creature: Well you're right you should kill people, namely the main characters and live 2 more months in the world after you kill the main characters and once you do that I'll give you a reward

Purple Ball: So if I kill them anyway, I will be hunted so I also have to survive and be feared by the main character's friends and more main villains. You've got to be stronger than that. Where do you send me?

Creature: My hero academy, there you have to kill Midoria and all for one and one for all

Purple Ball: It's going to be difficult.

Creature: No one said it would be easy.

(present tense)

Purple Ball: So when can I go to the rebirth?

Creature: Right now.

And right after that, the purple balloon was sucked into the vortex..... again