
The Platinum Masseur [Leveling up with sex massages!]

Born to a world of war and never learning what love is, dying an experiment in some secret lab. He then gets brought to a new world filled with fantasy like creatures and people. In this new world females reign supreme and the rare and exotic males are seen as cows to be milked. A world filled with cultivation, magic, and levels! Our mc tries to open a massaging business, wanting to live a new life filled with peace. There is no NTR in this. No cucking either. Also MC will be crossdressing, I don't plan on making it a defining trait it'll just be for a few chapters.

Redmist_ironheart · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

I'm too weak!

After living in this world for two months I began to notice the difference between this world and my old one.

In this world females ruled the world, there are only a few males in power. There are two reasons why females rule the world. The first being that females are stronger then males, In this world of fantasy females level up faster, cultivate better, and have more talent then males by leagues. The second reason is because males are extremely rare, one in a million children are born male. This makes males a rare commodity. Some families sell off males to milking farms where the males will be milked till they can no longer produce. A lucky few will get sold to a noble family and used as a stress relief toy for noble women.

That's why I was dressed as a girl, my grandma loved me and didn't want to sell me off. So she made me dress up like a girl, hoping that no one would find out.

I also learned that my mom died giving birth, not from birth complications but to blood loss as she gave birth to me in the middle of a battle! Grandma was an old vet as well, despite her age she was still super strong. She easily lifted up a full grown cow that had hurt it's ankle and brought it to the vet across town.

Another thing I learned was that....

"I'm too weak!"

My body was really weak, I could barely do any physical labor. My body ran out of stamina fast and wasn't strong enough to lift ten pounds. I couldn't chop wood or fetch water from the well, and I was already seven years old! compared to my old body this one was trash. Well except for my beautiful appearance.

The worst part was that I couldn't even give grandma a back massage! My weak hands couldn't relax her steel wire like muscles at all! So after that day I started to exercise, basic stuff that would increase my stamina, after all this body was so weak, if I started muscle training right away I would probably seriously injure myself.

Yet even after a month of training my stamina had only slightly improved, and my muscles hadn't grown at all. I was confused on how slow my progression was so I decided to ask the strongest person I know how to get strong.

"Grandma how do I get stronger?"

I asked grandma who was sitting next to me as we where eating dinner. "Hm? Why do you want to get stronger?" She put down her spoon looking at me questioningly. "So that I can give you a better massage!" She chuckled at my response but the determined look on my face made her stop. "I'm sorry sweetie, thank you for thinking about me but males don't get strong easily. It would take a lot of hard work for you to even start getting stronger."

I was not so easily swayed by her words "Even if it's hard I still want to do it! I can do whatever training you throw at me!" I shouted out trying to imbue my words with my determination. Grandma puts a hand to her cheek and lets out a sigh. "Alright, no need to yell. I'll start training you tomorrow, but don't whine to me about it being too hard."

--- Grandma's pov

It's been a month since I started Zion's training, at first I simply thought he would give up on their first day. I didn't expect him to keep with it, after the first week of training I knew he was serious. So I also decided to get serious. I made him a strict training regiment, one that I used to train his mother when she was younger. He could barely keep up but he never muttered a complaint.

He was growing surprisingly fast for a male, it was just a little below average of a female's growth. Yet he never seemed satisfied. It made me wonder was this all just so he could give me a back massage? What a strange kid I've raised but I only love him all the more. I wish he could've had a more normal childhood, he's almost eight yet still has no friends. Right now since he's young and wears dresses he looks like a female, but as he grows up he'll look more and more like a male.

I have to find some place for him, somewhere he can be protected but still grow....

---- Two and a half years later, Zion's POV

After almost three years of training I had finally gotten use to my body. How strong it is, what I can and can't do. It was a new experience to train under grandma, she wasn't like the drill instructors I've had in my past life. She was nice and only taught me new things after I was ready. It was a bit slow but this new body needed it to be slow. I had to install the muscle memory of these moves into my body, and it seemed like this body lacked any talent for martial arts but my previous experience made up for my lack of talent.

Under grandma I had a whole lot of new experiences, like a home cooked meal. I never knew food could taste so good before. It not only filled my stomach but also my soul, is this the legendary soul food? A meal made with so much love and care it heals your very soul? I never thought I would get to eat such legendary cooking, and I didn't even have to pay for it! I also experienced my first birthday! Apparently you have a birthday every four years and on my eighth birthday I got a cake and even a present! That's right both cake and a present, I was living like that past one percent of my world. My present wasn't no small thing either, she gave me a magical bracelet that could make a shield appear! So cool, a magical floating shield that could appear of of thin air!

When I turned nine grandma started to teach me as well, it took my awhile to learn how to write but after that It was easy. I mean I was a top student in my past life so simple addition and subtraction problems where a breeze. What surprised me was when she taught me about cultivation, It was an interesting concept to me. With simple breathing one can become powerful.

"No my child, it isn't as simple as breathing. One must first have the body to be able to cultivate spirit energy in the world, if you don't have a strong enough body and try to cultivate your heart and lungs will explode." Grandma said calmy. Yet her words left a deep impression on me, simply cultivating can cause you to die if you're not ready? That's fucking terrifying!

Please let me know how you're enjoying the chapters so far! Let me know what ya want to see more of!

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