
The Phoenix Slayers

Please support my WPC Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die.

Parago_n · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs

P.S= #7: Cory vs Spike Ayakashi

The air crackled with tension as they found themselves face to face with the enigmatic Ayakashi.

"I hate humans, and I hate doing these types of jobs, but it's just life, don't you agree?" said Ayakashi

Cory's mind raced, pondering the significance of the Ayakashi's words and the inexplicably normal Haku level. A chill ran down his spine.

Trepidation coursed through Cory as he muttered, "Why am I shaking? The Haku level isn't that high." Shivers! Shivers!

Ava, equally unnerved, voiced her concerns, "Why is an Ayakashi here, and why is it a B-class? Its Haku may be at a human level, but I have a terrible feeling about this."

Naima's confrontational stance was met with the Ayakashi's disdainful response, "Talk, talk, talk. I hate you guys already. Lets see who can I kill first."


Suddenly, a strange green pattern began spreading across the Ayakashi's body, starting from his left side. His right hand transformed into a menacing mass of spikes.


The spikes on the Ayakashi's hand glistened with Stage 2 Haku, and in an instant, they were propelled toward Naima with deadly intent FWOOSH!!! . "Get down!" Cory shouted as he lunged toward Naima, shoving her to the ground. She banged her head in the fall and lost consciousness.

Spike Ayakashi couldn't help but commend Cory, "Wow, nice save, kid. I guess you humans aren't a disappointment after all."

His amusement quickly turned to menace, "Now, let's see if you can protect her again."

Cory, fueled by his unwavering sense of duty, affirmed, "Even if she's my enemy, I still have to protect her because that's the right thing to do."

The Ayakashi unleashed an attack, "Spike Drive: 50 Spike Shot!!"

With astounding speed, Cory regained his footing. Ava's voice echoed in his mind, "Cory, the only way to defend against Haku is by using Haku."

 TOOWISH!!!! Cory coated his swords in Stage 2 Haku and chanted, "Dragon Sword Style: Valor Hunt!"

KLANG! KLANG! KLANG! KLANG! A symphony of clashing steel filled the air as Cory deftly blocked every incoming spike. He then turned to Ava with urgency in his eyes.

"Ava, look after her. I can't protect her and fight him at the same time."

 FWSH! In an instant, the Ayakashi appeared behind him, taunting, "Don't look away when you're fighting. That's bad manners, human." With a thunderous WHAM, a powerful punch sent Cory crashing through a nearby window.

Ava's alarmed cry pierced the chaos. "Cory!"

The Ayakashi, seemingly amused, mused, "Maybe I overdid it a bit."

Ava, fueled by rage, declared, "I'm going to kill you."

Cory intervened, his voice firm, "Ava, that's enough. I gave you an order, didn't I." Emerging from the shattered window, he reassumed his stance.

The Ayakashi, unfazed, remarked, "So you're still alive? Good. I was just starting to have fun."

Cory, defiant, responded, "Don't worry. I'm happy to play with you. I won't let you kill or eat anyone." A determined smile played on his lips. "Let's see what you got, human."

Cory lunged forward, the clash of blows echoing through the space. His agility allowed him to evade the Ayakashi's attacks effortlessly. The Ayakashi, acknowledging Cory's speed, exchanged rapid blows with him, but Cory's swordsmanship prevailed, leaving five distinct cuts.

Despite the seemingly fatal slashes, the Ayakashi healed rapidly. Cory, catching his breath, panted, "Huff! Huff! Huff!"

The Ayakashi taunted, "Don't tell me you're tired already."

In a swift motion, the Ayakashi leaped into the air, attempting a devastating punch. Cory dodged skillfully, leaving the Ayakashi crashing into the ground below.

Cory soared through the air, a symphony of clashing energies accompanying his ascent.

In a fluid motion, he puts both his swords in front of him, a glint of determination in his eyes. The blades, once black, now transformed, cloaked in the ethereal hues of his Haku a mesmerizing blend of light blue and black.


The air hummed with anticipation as the Spike Ayakashi, sensing the impending clash, activated his drive. ZKHREEEN! A volley of deadly spikes surged towards Cory, aiming to pierce his defenses.


Cory met the onslaught with precise swordplay, the metallic symphony resonating with every deflection. ZKHREEEN! The Ayakashi persisted, unleashing relentless waves of projectiles.

Cory, undeterred, initiated his magic drive, strange silver-purple markings dancing across his body in a unique pattern. The battlefield pulsated with an otherworldly energy as Cory prepared for his next move.1

"Shadow Magic Drive: Phoenix Sword Style Technique: Dark Phoenix King!" Cory shouted

An explosive clash erupted, resonating through the surroundings. The Ayakashi screamed in pain. "AA! AA! AA! AA!"

As Cory landed, however, the Ayakashi, seemingly unaffected, chuckled. "AA! AA! AA! Just kidding, kakakahaha." said the Spike Ayakashi 

Cory, panting heavily, realized the Ayakashi's regeneration capabilities.

"Wow, you're not just fast. You can use the second stage of Haku, have a drive, and know how to combine them. And let's not forget about that special Supreme blade. You're a special class human, aren't you." said the Spike Ayakashi with a smile on its face.

An irritated click echoed from Cory.

"Huh, come on, don't be like that. Tell me, what's your name, human?" Asked Spike Ayakashi 

Cory, shifting into his Tiger Stance, answered with unwavering resolve. "Coryeil Silva."

A special class human huh? hmm I wondering what he means (Lol) only time will tell.

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