
Chapter 1: "Don't cut-!!!"

It's funny how first person stories start with the main character talking to the reader about what they're about to read. How it's all about their journey, there's always some kind of conflict and some change that the main character goes through. Sometimes there's a happy ending, othertimes, not so much. But there's always a common ground that you can find between each story.

Despite whatever tension you may read during their story, if you think about it, since it's a first person narrative, the main character has to survive. How else would they be able to tell their tale. Well, from this, you might be thinking that this will be another first person story. If you did, then you thought wrong, you won't be learning about my story, though if I feel so inclined, I may bring it up now and again. But you'll be learning about the story of an interesting individual. Under ordinary circumstances, he wouldn't be what you'd consider main character material. But this wouldn't be a good story if it were under ordinary circumstances.

At the start of our tale, he's a young boy at the age of 6. He lives alone with his poor mother in the mountains, his father was a hunter, but died when he had turned 5. The nearest village is about 10 kilometers down the mountain right beside the ocean. The villagers get by on fishing and mining, and trading with the occasional merchants that passes through their humble town on their way to the next big city.

The world in which this story takes place is quite different from the one you are familiar with dear reader. For example, while you may be very familiar with the concept, magic exists in this world. But that's a discussion for another time, the world still has much to explore, and humanity has only settled a small fraction. Wild beasts and monsters thought to be nothing but myths and legends still occupy most of the land, seas and skies. But, humans don't have the strength to battle against these creatures, so they stick to their small settled lands, and fight amongst themselves.

Kings forge nations and raise armies in order to battle one another, all for the purpose of becoming emperor, and reigning supreme over all nations and unifying all of humanity under one banner. Lofty goals from one perspective, but at the same time, from another, quite small and insignificant. Afterall, no matter how powerful a nation becomes, in the end, they'll still crumble under the slow decay of time, and soon be another forgotten relic of history.

But none of this matters to our hero, he lives his days largely oblivious to the schemes and machinations of these mighty rulers. His thoughts consumed with only finding enough food to get through the day, and what he'll do the day after. As for aspirations and goals, he would be hard pressed to say he had any. But if he really thought about it, he'd say it's to make life easier for his mother.

His mother, alone and responsible for another life, despite losing her husband, still continues to struggle against the cruelties of the wilderness and life. Even at an early age, our hero was worried about his mother, and even he could see how burdened and stressed she was. That's why he always tried his hardest to never complain about anything. When he had to skip meals, he would smile and not ask when they would eat again.

Once our hero turned 6, he began helping out with the chores, such as chopping up firewood, gathering water from the nearby stream and collecting herbs and vegetables from the garden. His mother would sell whatever produce they could down at the village, and bring back whatever meat she could in return. When the father was still around, he would go out into the woods to hunt wild beasts. But an accident happened, and he lost his life, never returning home.

Our hero often saw his mother in tears at nights when she thought he was asleep. This only strengthened his resolve to give his mother a happy life as soon as he could. But often times, fate can be a cruel thing... Ah! I'm getting ahead of myself... Ahem! Cough! Cough! Excuse me. Where was I? Right, I was describing the life of our hero. Let's see, I haven't even given a name to our hero, that's quite thoughtless of me. His name is Alick. Quite an amusing name to be honest. Eh? You don't think so? Well, in one of your languages on earth, it means stupid. Why would a parent name their child stupid? Hmmm, it could be his parents were illiterate, and didn't know any better. Or maybe the language is different in their world.

But alas, our poor hero is named stup- Ahem, Alick. His name is Alick. His mother's name is Sylvie and she has done her best to raise poor stu- Alick the best she can. Don't give me that look, I know you're giving me a look dear reader. Ahem! Let's move on, you've distracted me enough.

Alick is our hero, and he's 6 years old, though at this time, he will be turning 7 in a month. Let's see what he's up to now, shall we?

Alick was sitting by the stream near his house. He was deep in thought as he looked at his reflection in the water. His cheeks were pudgy and his figure was round. Despite the fact that he starved on several occasions, one wouldn't be able to tell if they just looked at him. How can you be starving if you're fat?! Even he wanted to know!! He clenched his fists tightly as bitter tears fell from his eyes. Hello god, me again, why are you so cruel?!

Well maybe if you weren't named stup- Ahem, Alick, I wouldn't be so cruel hmm? Why can't you be more of a main character!? You have no presence or lofty aspirations!! You're the side character that the main character takes pity on!!

Alick quickly wiped the tears from his eyes as he shook his head, getting rid of such thoughts. It doesn't matter if I'm fat now!! Alick thought, when I hit puberty, I'll lose all this fat and turn into a handsome hunk!! I'll surely have my retribution against god for giving me this body!!

Eh?! What's this? You want to get retribution against me? Maybe I should curse you so you'll remain fat till you die! Hmmm? How do you like the sound of that? Oh wait, he can't hear me, man, I'm so bored.

Alick grabbed the nearby bucket and quickly filled it up with water, carrying it over to the small well that his father had dug up before passing. He dumped the water into the well and set the bucket beside it. Next he ran over to the ax and the pile of logs, grabbing the ax, he began chopping up firewood for tonight. It was mid winter, and the nights often became freezing without a fire to keep warm.

His mother was down at the village trading, and wouldn't be back till late this evening. So he had to make sure all the chores were done before she returned. Once he finished chopping the firewood, he picked up his pile and carried it inside, setting it down beside the fireplace. Next he grabbed a broom and began sweeping the floor, sweeping out all the dirt and mud that he had tracked inside with his boots. All this while. Alick hummed a song his mother sang every night to him before going to bed ever since he was little. He didn't know the words yet, but the tune was stuck in his head, even of he didn't want to know it.

Hmmm, this is quite boring to be honest, I wish there was some action. I mean, he's a main character afterall, where's the crisis? Where's the drama?! I want some action. Is it that the crisis won't arrive until his mother gets back? Is that it?

Then lets see what his mother is up to! Maybe she's heading back home already.

Alick's mother Sylvie was standing by a merchant's stall and bartering for meat with the few coins she had earned from selling her produce. Even after haggling for over an hour, she had only been able to bring the price of 10 pieces to 8 pieces for ½ a kilogram of meat. It wasn't much and it could just barely satisfy the two of them for a meal. But at least it was better than nothing she told herself. After finishing the exchange, she started making her preparations to head home. She was hoping to surprise Alick with a nice dinner tonight. She knew his birthday was coming up, but she didn't know when she'd have another opportunity to get meat in order to celebrate it.

Eh?! Oi!! Isn't that a flag!? You've just set off a flag! Do you want to die?! That's totally a cliche death flag!

What's up with this? Even though the main character isn't really a main character, his mother is totally the mother of a main character! Even his father performed his role of a main character's father beautifully!!

Is our young hero really a main character? Am I just blind? Hmmm, questions for later. Our hero's mother is currently traveling back up the mountain and heading home. Hopefully something- Ahem! Nothing happens to her along the way. Let's see what our hero is up to.

...He's still doing chores... Do something interesting already! Is you're life really this mundane!?!? Do you think I won't change the script!? I'll change the script!

Alick continued to busy himself with his chores, he'd already cleaned the house, all that was left was making the beds. Then he'd finally be able to relax, ah, life is really blissful sometimes... Alick thought inwardly as he wore a blissful expression on his face.

...sigh...I can't really get upset at someone for enjoying something. No matter how much I want to criticize. Maybe I really did pick the wrong guy, is it too late to switch to someone else? Let's look at the contract real quick. Hmmm, I see, yes, paragraph 12... section 4... after selecting the candidate, unable to select a different candidate.... what bullshit game is this? I can't start over?! I want my money back!!!

<Suddenly, thunder flashed across the sky.>

Eh?! Is it the author? Author-san, are you mad? Is it because of me? I'm sorry Author-san, I take back what I said, it's not a bullshit game. Tee-hee! 😋



<The chapter ends here.>

Eh!? Don't end the chapter! Nothing's happened yet, where's the action! Don't cut-!!!

<End of Chapter>

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