
The Passionate Daily Life Starting from the Tachibana Family

"Mmm, Yuuka, what's the matter with the phone call?" "..." "Eh? There's no sound on Mom's side." "..." "Mhmm~" "Oh... Mom was eating some freshly cooked oden just now and accidentally burned herself, so she couldn't help but gasp~." __________________________ This is a Translation.. The short info and character list about it in the auxiliary chapter so you can check there. I'll just say, there's no NTR.. Cover's not mine.. If the original author or artist want me to remove their work, just leave a review below... _____________ To read in the original language: https://trxs.me/tongren/8687.html Original author: Don’t want to eat coriander _____________ To read 25 advanced chapters, join Patreon.com/abhi28 _________

Abhii_28 · Komik
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139 Chs

Are you jealous?

She still had that cute and beautiful twin ponytail hairstyle.

She was wearing a dark blue uniform jacket over a round, pure white shirt.

Although the jacket was loose enough, the proud curve underneath forced the jacket to fit more snugly.

A light blue necktie was tied at the collar, complementing the pale blue elastic bands holding her pink hair, indicating that the girl in front of Sasaki liked blue.

Her shapely long legs, clad in black thigh-high socks under a plaid pleated skirt, shone with a seductive gloss as if waxed.

At this moment, this beautifully dressed, delicately featured girl was holding her school bag, looking at Sasaki with a puzzled and surprised expression and a bit of nervousness.

Clearly, Sara Yasui, who had just arrived in the class, had not heard the conversation between Sasaki and Tsukimi Chifuyu earlier.

And the source of her nervousness...

Glancing at Itsuki Miwa, who was standing behind her, also looking but then turning away, Sasaki greeted her with a gentle and bright smile, and stood up.

"Good morning, I was discussing some study-related matters with Tsukimi, so I occupied your seat, Yasui. Sorry about that."

Looking at Tsukimi Chifuyu, who was nodding her head towards him, Yasui Sara, who was not very familiar with her, suspiciously turned her head to look at Sasaki.

Study-related matters?

Was he kidding her?

As his desk mate, through a few days of interaction, although she couldn't be sure about other aspects of Sasaki, but she was certain he was a poor student when it came to academics.

Afterall he was either sleeping or looking out the window during class.

And his textbooks, which were the same as when he had brought them, had not changed at all.

Not a single note was taken.

With such an attitude towards studying, yet he told her, early in the morning, that he was discussing studies with one of the top students in the class...

Did he think she was a fool?



Although somewhat dissatisfied with Sasaki's superficial treatment while he was being close to other girls, because Itsuki-kun was sitting next to her,

So Sara Yasui just frowned and didn't say much, just sat down in her own seat.

At the same time, she felt puzzled by the irritation that inexplicably rose within her.

She wasn't sure if her irritation stemmed from Sasaki talking to other girls or from him being superficial towards her.

But regardless of the reason, neither was the answer she wanted.

She only liked Itsuki-kun, and her emotions could only be stirred by him.

But thinking about how Sasaki and Tsukimi were laughing and talking when she entered the classroom, she couldn't help but feel increasingly irritable.

Thinking about the lame excuse he gave her made her even more annoyed.

Did he think she was just an ordinary classmate, so a casual brush-off would suffice?

Or was there some unspeakable secret between him and Tsukimi?

As she thought of this, her previously clear mind became chaotic due to confusion and irritation.

The girl sat listlessly in her seat, staring blankly at a textbook she didn't know when she had taken out from her bag.

She couldn't understand why she cared about Sasaki.

After all, he was just a pervert she had met a few days ago, nowhere near Itsuki-kun, with whom she had grown up; she wouldn't care about him.

Right, she wasn't concerned.

She was just irritated because he had taken her seat without her consent.

Her slightly dim rose-colored eyes gradually brightened.

Having found a reason, she felt much better, and was about to open her textbook when a familiar paper ball was thrown from the left and landed on the textbook in front of her.



Glancing at Sasaki, who was resting his head on his hand, looking towards her,

Sara Yasui let out an inaudible humph, then glanced at Miwa Itsuki, who was already asleep on the desk, and slowly unfolded the paper ball on her textbook.

[Are you feeling unwell, Yasui? You've been staring at the cover of your textbook... or are you jealous? (?????)]

Looking at the handwriting, which was not beautiful but neat and clear.

The girl, initially somewhat pleased that he noticed her distraction, had not yet shown a smile of joy when she heard the latter half of the note, causing her face to flush red like a cooked crab.

Biting her tiny silver teeth, she angrily wrote a sentence on the paper, threw the paper ball back to Sasaki, and then propped up her flushed, hot cheeks, no longer glancing at that annoying guy.

[Baka, pervert, frivolous, narcissistic, self-righteous pervert, you...]

Looking at the paper ball that contained several lines of insults, but just revolving around a few words, Sasaki chuckled softly and then threw the rewritten paper ball back.

Lowering her head to look at the paper ball that had landed in the middle of her textbook, the blushing girlintended to ignore the thing that the pervert had thrown over.

But, since the paper ball was precisely blocking the page she wanted to read, she wrestled with her thoughts for a moment before deciding to pick it up, thinking to herself, 'I haven't forgiven him, it's just that this paper ball is too annoying...'

With that thought in mind, and with her cheeks flushed, Sara Yasui slowly unfolded the paper ball.

[It's just that I noticed Yasui seemed low on energy, just a joke, don't mind it, and if Yasui is angry, I apologize. (?>?<)☆]

[By the way, when I was sitting in Yasui's seat, I was indeed discussing studying with Tsukimi, but it was about Tsukimi's boyfriend's studies.]

The handwriting stopped there, but her previous confusion and irritation slowly dissipated with Sasaki's explanation.

And she became a bit curious about the content of their discussion.

However, it wasn't appropriate for her to ask directly, so in the reply note to Sasaki, she wrote:

[Does Tsukimi have a boyfriend?"

[Yes, he's in the same grade as us. I've seen Tsukimi tutoring him in the study room because I'm a library assistant; his name is Takagi Kenta.]

[Is his studying that poor?]

[Well... he's at the bottom of the year... but it seems it's because he's been delayed by his football club activities.]

[When I entered the class, I saw Tsukimi-san writing a test paper and asked out of curiosity, then...]

Since she didn't seem as easily fooled as idiot Chifuyu, Sasaki did not reveal all he had discussed with her.

He simply chose parts that he could mention and briefly explained his method.

As he expected, Sara Yasui didn't think too much about it.

She wasn't interested in someone else's boyfriend.

Her initial query was only to know the content of their conversation and to confirm whether he was making things up to brush her off.

So, now knowing the cause and effect, she no longer focused on the matter.

The only thing that surprised her was that Sasaki had actually given advice, and although she didn't know how effective it was, it sounded quite plausible, despite him being a foot fetishist.

Learning of her misconception about him, Sasaki complained a bit dissatisfiedly before replying seriously:

[Multiple people provide multiple insights, plus, I'm also a guy, and guys understand guys best. Since my grades aren't that great, I obviously know where Takagi struggles with his studies.]

Reading the words on the paper ball, Yasui's eyes narrowed slightly, then she replied:

"Do you really understand guys?"

Faced with her skepticism, Sasaki's handwriting became somewhat sloppy and somewhat irritated as he countered:

"Do you understand what girls like?"

"Of course."

As a fairly well-known beauty in school, surrounded by many girls usually, she certainly understood what those girls liked to eat and play.

So, after understanding Sasaki's counter-question, she hesitantly moved her pen.

She was tempted to ask how she might get Itsuki-kun to express his liking for her, to confess to her, but it felt somewhat improper to let an outsider interfere in her feelings.

So, after hesitating for a while, she ultimately did not write down her request.

But she kept the idea in mind.

It's always better to solve things on your own if possible.

And if that didn't work, maybe she'd let Sasaki help her... he had helped Tsukimi... he should help her too, right?

If he felt troubled, she was willing to offer compensation.

Although that kind of felt weird if it was worth it...

Somewhat shy and flustered, the girl moved her feet, clad in small white shoes and wrapped in black stockings, and blushed, muttering 'pervert' under her breath.

After a few more exchanges of trivial chatter, the class began.

According to the schedule for the week, today's first class was English.

And their teacher was named

Hyoudou Tomoe.