

I was standing up from an elevated point of view, watching the sunset, blood dripping from my hands and my eyes glowing with its blood red reflection. Beneath my feet were what a normal person would call a mountain of corpse. After defeating the dragon, I continued my journey for a supernatural creature I wanted to get my hands on, the phoenix. To no avail my search was pointless, I was journeying back obviously annoyed by my failure when I encountered these warriors of a nearby tribe. After mere moments of the worst intimidation tactics and questioning, I lashed out. And thats how we get where we are now, with the huts burning in my dark blood fire behind me and a mountain of corpse beneath my feet.

I walked down my steps of corpses and took one of the huts water containers and went to the center of the tribe. With my hands over the container I chanted "Samle blodpunkt" the splattered blood all over started to lift slightly and draw to the container even the blood on my clothes and hands were completely removed. I strapped it to my back and zoomed off heading back home. On my journey back home I contemplated my next plans.

(' I should probably travel the rest of the region and learn the magic of the shaman. Though my grimoire has more than enough. I guess more hands on learning is better. Should I take Scarlett with me? Should she forced to live the rest of her mortal life following me? I guess it's better than living in the village with nothing to do plus I can teacher her magic, my first apprentice')

The thought of teaching Scarlett magic brought a wide warm smile to my face which some would mistake for maniacal grin, but why should I care. I reached the village and instantly went to our hut.

Entering I was greeted by the mischievous child siphoner.

"Scarlett" I said gently kneeling down infront of her.

" Hello" was all she said as she once again basically ignored my presence and did whatever she was doing.

Seeing I couldn't get her attention I used magic to lift her up and gently twirl her around which caused her to giggled. I then made water dance all about which really caught her attention.

"You really like magic don't you" I said with soft chuckle.

"Magic? Yes! Yes! do more" she said eagerly.

I patted her head " Then how about your brother take you on a magical journey with him"

"Yes! Yes!" she said practically jumping.

"Then pack your stuff " I said getting up and heading to do the same. While packing, Visar and Alae entered.

"My son!" he hugged me "You've actually returned!" he released me " And the dragon did you kill the dragon?!"

" Ahh yes yes, the dragon is dead yay for team Erik but, more importantly me and Scarlett will be leaving, the village,for good. That's not a problem right" I said mind controlling them.

It was Alae who spoke first " Of course not, why would it be?" she went off to help Scarlett pack and Visar just left the hut.

Sighing, I went back to my packing which didn't really take long their was not much in possession in these times or at least not on this side of the world.

Once we were done and the little Scarlett said her goodbyes we were standing at the edge of village. I had sack on my back and Scarlett on my shoulders.

"Where are we going brother?" she said excitingly.

" Everywhere sis, Everywhere." I then seemingly disappeared from that spot heading south to where would later be known as South america.

The time after was rather boring travelling the land going from village to village residing for no more than a month. I had encountered a few shamans living on the outskirts of the larger settlement. They were mostly afraid of me, more than likely feeling the dark magic leaking off of me. This also seemed like a waste of time, many of the shamans had little to no real magical knowledge . Though I did use their herb resources to teach Scarlett.

After a few years of travel I was actually getting annoyed, this continent just seemed primitive to the bone. I decided I might as well go to the old world and meet the Mikaelson again now that the dark magic is under control. Although, I don't want Scarlett growing around them with how they are in this time period. I looked around feeling truly lost but my attention was caught by a sight that awed with excitement. To the human eye they wouldn't be able to see it from this distance but I could and there was no mistaking what that was, it was a phoenix, it was descending in to the mountains.

('That must be where the nest is') I thought to myself practically jumping with excitement. I looked down to Scarlett "Go back to the village on your own I'll be right back." With that I zipped off to the mountains. As I grew nearer I could hear the screeching of the mythical creature and by the sounds it's probably more than one. My heart started to palpitate at an even faster rate and the wicked devil like smile was once again on my face. Reaching the summit a saw two flaming birds tussling on the ground, they didn't notice my arrival so I just waited to see what was going to happen.

By what I could gather they were fighting for dominance, but it looked more like they were trying to kill each other. The plants and trees that came in contact with their bodies went up in flames and it was looking like it would soon get out of control. Without alerting them I started the ritual by drawing the the sacrificial sigils. After moments of drawing it was complete and now I only had to wait on one to lose. Three minutes passed and the slightly smaller one had it's wing spread out and head first down it had lost but it's not like it would. The larger phoenix flew off ascending higher into the mountains. I watched as it left hoping for it to move faster, for the phoenix is an Immortal creature though injured a d tired the smaller phoenix will recover rather quickly.

Now that the phoenix was out of sight I blurred to the recovering phoenix while chanting "Jeg skifter fra hverandre til blodet og hjertet til blodet og kroppen til en av hverandre" a storm formed over head and the winds raged out of nowhere as plunged my hand threw the slightly exposed chest area of the phoenix and ripped out its heart. The flames of the phoenix had no real affect on me thanks to my doings with the dragon. I bit into the phoenix while I ripped out its heart and swallowed as much blood as I could. The phoenix with a final screech it flames swallowed the immediate area and then it lost it flames falling to ash. The phoenix wouldnt be dead for long so I need to hurry, I continued my chant "til blodet og kroppen til en av hverandre, til blodet og kroppen til en annen, til blodet og kroppen til en annen". The world seemingly went quiet as I looked around everything felt like it was going slow and dark, before I knew it I fell into my back looking at the sky. My vision was blocked by my body suddenly being engulfed in flames the excessive dark magic that once felt like it was pulling at my body was brought to the surface and was burned.

The warm flames kept my company for awhile until is was replaced by a black slime like residue covering my body. I tore out and was a bit out of it. After awhile of recovery I was able to stand. My body felt alive. Since the first time I became what I am I had felt wrong, uncomfortable in my own skin, But now I feel reborn like perfection. it felt as if a balance was given between my life and the black magic of my body. This was an undescribable feeling. I wanted to see how my appearance had changed so I raced to a river that was leading from this very mountain. It took me awhile but I found it. My appearance didn't change much besides it looking like someone hit beautify a couple times. My skin was practically glowing. I shifted into my other form and observed my appearance and nothing changed. I was really hoping I had gotten the wings of a phoenix but I wasn't really sure. What I needed was to know how it felt to stretch wings and fly. I wondered what to do for awhile until a spell came to mind but I couldn't remember the incantation since I never used it. I pondered for a moment rolling my tongue on the different spells until it finally clicked, I stood up and looked to the trees for my target. My eyes locked on to the orange and grey robin perched unto a tree limb. Focusing on the robin I chanted "ta fugl ta meg en" and suddenly I was on a limb watching my body drop to the floor. I probably should have sat first. Now in temporary possession of the bird I could feel what it felt like to have wings, it felt natural. I leaped of the limb to have a first hand experience of how it felt to spread them. As if it was instinct I moved the wings in an up and down motion. I flew, nothing more to it, it felt like I had done this all my life. Flying from one side of the river to the next I grew tired of the little wings so I severed the connection to the robin and went back to my body.

Learning from that experience I stood up and remembered the feeling of leaping , the feeling of spreading wings and did just that. From my back blazing red and black blood flames shot out. Ohh was I excited and that was evident by the big smile on my face. Without hesitation I flapped my wings and took to the skies, the feeling was surreal looking on the land from above, everything under my feet. I flew around the mountains a couple times just for the enjoyment of it, like honestly who wouldn't want to be able to fly. After fooling around a bit I flew back to the village and made a blazing entry. The villagers bowed when I ascended, which just made me laugh and ignore them.

A few more years passed, honestly I stopped keeping track of time. Scarlett was now an adolescent and one day she finally asked "What are you brother? How do you do what you do? I've tried to figure it out but there's no record of it in your grimoire?" We were standing by the lake having a nice lunch when she asked, I responded with a laugh " Well I'm an Immortal a very unique one at that." I looked at her to see if she was following before I continued "And it is in my grimoire it's just that I've spelled the grimoire too keep the more dangerous spells hidden, you know from little witches that might get interested and look for stuff like that" I say nudging her on her shoulder.

She was lost in thought, honestly this girl thinks way too deep for her age. Coming out of her thoughts she asked "So can I also be Immortal?"

I looked at her for a moment before I spoke" Why do you want to be Immortal?" she jumped excitingly "Well for the obvious, I'd be able to live forever and it's not like I'd have to worry about being alone since your also Immortal." I smiled as I watched her think up more reasons "Second, I'd be as fast and strong as you, Third I could practice magic forever." She said giving me a toothy smile.

Looking at her optimism I chuckled "Hate to burst your bubble but Immortality isn't that easy" I turned to her fully "To be Immortal is to be reliant on the source of life force, blood, would you really be alright with drinking blood for the rest of your life craving it." she looked down for awhile, the longest she had stayed quiet in this conversation until she finally spoke up "Well that's fine I guess, would it taste bad?" she asked a bit hesitantly. "No, you'd love it, might even get addicted." I said with a small chuckle. She just smiled and looked off into the distance. " When your a bit older I'll perform the spell on you ,but for now just enjoy a normal life. Well as normal as it can get with me around". I said nudging her on the shoulder. We laughed and looked off in the distance enjoying the quiet of the view if only just for now.

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