
The Only Player in Naruto

“Lu Han”, a pro gamer, came to the world of Naruto, but found several inconstancies. Why is there a name hovering on top of each person? Why is the hostile Jonin a level 30 bronze boss, and why do ninjutsu scrolls and ninja tools drop after killing ninjas? Are you sure, killing an Uchiha will drop a Sharingan Bloodline Scroll? Okay, that’s good…but what am I supposed to do with these gold Ingots that keep dropping? Gamification of Naruto World! Multiple critical strikes! The most important thing is to kill! A story seeped in blood and massacre! Lu Han transmigrated, and as the only player in this “Game”, Lu Han can’t tell whether this is reality or an illusion. He only knows that the NPC Tsunade is very gentle at night… #Naruto #Game #Player

Enri007 · Komik
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15 Chs

First Fight!

Han entered the mission hall, browsed for ten minutes, and walked out amidst ridiculous laughter.

"Idiot, you haven't graduated yet, go back to the academy!" as Han was walking away, he could vaguely hear the ridicule of another one of his bullies who was also in the mission hall. That guy was a classmate of Han the year before and after graduating from the academy, he was now a Genin.

Han could not receive any tasks from the mission hall. Because he was not even a Genin! Without the guidance of a Sensei, he can't go out to perform any missions for Konoha, even the suicide ones!

"Killing pests, looking for missing dogs, delivering letters inside the village... There are no such tasks available." Han smiled bitterly. He realized that his thought process was a little wrong, he was still thinking about this world like he was playing a game. If this was really a game, in the beginning, there definitely would be some tasks set aside for beginners that were arranged to waste some time but did not have any difficulty.

But this was not a game world, it just had some game elements incorporated into it.

Han was now walking through a lively street with people crowding over every little shop. This was Konoha's most prosperous street. In Han's eyes, everyone had a name floating on top of their head, and some shops also had text suspended above them, such as "Weapon Store", "Clothing Store", "Ramen restaurant" and so on...

After a quick sweep, almost every name was orange. Konoha has a very large population and the streets were very crowded. Most of these people don't know Han personally, so naturally, they were neutral NPCs.

Han was walking down the crowded street, looking left and right at Konoha's shops and architecture, this gave him both familiar and unfamiliar feelings which felt a little strange.

"Elf, how is my talent in the Shinobi arts?" Han asked in his mind.

"Excellent." The elf replied.

"If I practice by myself first, learn all the basic ninjutsu, and then practice some C-level ninjutsu, how long will it take? How long will it take for me to pass the Genin exam?"

"Unable to answer, it depends on your level of effort and hard work, but it is not recommended for you to grow by this method."

"Well, I understand, I am a player, I can take some shortcuts surely..." Han nodded.

An alluring fragrance tempted Han to stop, he turned to look and see the name of the shop, three words, Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, were suspended above it.

Han suddenly felt a little hungry, he rubbed his stomach, and touched his pockets, he still had some money left over. Since he was an orphan and was enrolled in the academy. He received a stipend every month from Konoha. Although the money was not a lot, it was still enough to eat and drink...

Entering the famous ramen stall from the show, Han ordered a large bowl of ramen and found a seat in the corner.

The ramen restaurant was open. There were only five-six seats at the main table and some tables in front of the stall. There are not more than a dozen customers, and most of them sat in twos and threes. Only Han came alone. Soon, at the ramen table, Han was eating a bowl of noodles and observing everyone in the noodle shop.

There were both young and old people here, almost everyone was dressed in rich fabrics, Han looked like the poorest soul here.

The Ninja world has been at peace for more than ten years since the last shinobi world war, and the villagers of Konohagakure have also enjoyed peace and prosperity for more than ten years. Although the war is now approaching, it hasn't broken out yet, so there was no extra tax. From just looking at the scene in this restaurant, you can feel that the atmosphere in Konoha was very relaxed. The people are used to living and working in peace and contentment.

"I'm really a nobody, no one here knows me," Han muttered while chewing his ramen when suddenly his pupils shrank as he slowly put down his chopsticks.

Another guest casually walked in.

This young man was thin and had a long sword attached to a sheath on his back, a hat on his head covering the top half of his face. He looked to be in his late 20s but Han could be wrong because of the shadow from the hat hid some of his facial features. He sat down on the table nearest to the entrance, called out to order a bowl of vegetarian ramen, then poured himself a cup of tea and quietly sipped in his corner.

Even if you look at his dress or behavior closely, this person was not very eye-catching, but Han stared at him because the letters floating on top of this young man's head were red! Blood red!

[Rain Shinobi Scout - Level 20 Bronze BOSS- Jì wù]

It was a Rain Shinobi Village's Scout who had entered Konoha to spy on some information, and looking at his level he was definitely stronger than some average Chūnin.

According to the Elf, Level 10 belonged to Genin level Shinobi, Level 20 corresponds to Chunin Level. Similarly, an elite Level 10 means a normal Genin, a Level 10 Bronze BOSS means an above average genin, Silver BOSS means High Genin, and Gold BOSS means Peak Genin.

Han didn't know what to do at the moment, should he report this to a nearby shinobi or directly yell so that everyone knows that this person is a spy? Because Lu Han gained Late Han's memory, he still had a sense of belonging towards Konoha, so even when looking at the red font, Han was naturally not going to let a spy walk around freely.

But Han resisted his urge to report this matter because this presented an opportunity for Han and opened another door for him to gain strength quickly!

"Konohagakure, for a village claiming to be the best in the world, it's surprisingly easy to get in. The people here are not prepared at all." Jì wù sat at the table near the doorway, he was relaxed and feeling contempt towards Konoha.

Soon, his order arrived on the table. He then started eating noodles while observing the people passing by on the street outside.

Han also turned his attention back to his ramen. He only used his peripheral vision to pay attention to the spy named 'Jì wù (Thistle Fog)'.This guy was obviously trained professionally, his attention toward the street seemed like random curiosity, but actually, he was gathering intelligence.

The number of people coming and going on the streets are used to judge the level of Konoha residents' alertness towards danger, and also the corresponding number of Konoha guards' patrolling Konoha's streets.

"Can I kill him?" Han asked suddenly in his mind.

"Can't answer." The Elf replied.

"What's the reward for killing him?"

"The first kill of the 20th-level bronze BOSS will give you a 100% drop rate. The actual drops are unknown."

"Will he be the first shortcut to my growth?" Han wondered.

"Unable to answer."

Han didn't get the answer he wanted from the Elf. He had by now finished the ramen and put the money on the table to pay for it but instead of getting up immediately, he picked up the teapot nearby and poured himself a cup of tea.

About five minutes later, Jì wù finished his ramen, he finished his cup of tea quickly, dropped the money on the table, got up, and walked out.

Han immediately got up and followed him out.

After leaving the noodle restaurant, Han followed Jì wù rather inconspicuously.


In the lush groves far away from the center of Konoha, this area was very remote, no one could be seen nearby.

Han stopped and squinted slightly. He had followed the spy here for more than ten minutes, but suddenly he was lost, and he could no longer see the figure of Jì wù anymore.

"Come on, come on, come and kill me," Han muttered in his heart.


A figure suddenly appeared behind Han. The cold blade tore the air and pierced Han's body in an instant. With a "~Pllkkkcchhhh~", the tip of the blade came out of Han's chest after piercing through his heart, the tip was bright red, gleaming with blood.

"Brat, you followed me all the way here, how did you find me?" Jì wù gloomy voice broke through Han's haze of pain, he spoke with a playful smile, "Your tracking skills are really clumsy, Is there someone like you really qualified to be a ninja?"

"If I said I let you spot me on purpose would you believe it?" Han spoke without looking back, his attention at the moment was focused on his HP. Even though his heart has suffered technically 'irreparable' damage, Han only lost 9% of his HP. His HP bar was still 91% full.