
The One That Got Away | Yuzuru Hanyu

When someone moves cities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. It is even worse when you are an introvert and a nerd. Sakura learned it the hard way when she moved to Sendai because of her dad. She never expected her biggest competition in school to become her best friend. The one other thing she didn't expect was falling in love with him, only for the boy to quickly vanish from her life to follow his dreams. Years later, they meet again, only for tensions to go high. Will passion arise again?

AxelEmpress · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


Yuzuru came back to Sendai completely clueless as to the state things had reached for Sakura.

As soon as he came back, all he wanted was to show her the gold medal that he had so proudly gotten overseas.

The skater just wanted to share with her all of his achievements, no matter how big or small.

They had only started speaking a few weeks ago but as she slowly started to trust him more and more, Yuzu had started to get attached to her silly smile and ideas.

Sakura was the smartest girl he knew and when he remembered the conversation where she admitted that she saw him as competition for the best student, he couldn't help but think she was out of her mind. That title belonged to her and her only.

He couldn't see her on the day he arrived home.

Not that he didn't want to, but his mother didn't allow it given how late it was.

And so, he had to wait a few more hours before seeing her at school the next day.


Yuzuru was tired and completely jetlagged by the time he woke up the next day, the excitement to see his friend a bit numbed by the lack of adjustment to the sleep schedule. It didn't matter how many times he went abroad, the first days were always hard to adjust to.

Still, he dragged himself to the school and found it weird that he didn't see Sakura before the first class but figured he must have arrived later than usual.

When he finally saw her, already seated in her usual place in their classroom, the excitement was instantly back.

She looked beautiful in her uniform, somehow looking different than all of the other girls who wore the exact same thing.

Yuzu waved at her with a smile as he passed through her desk but she didn't wave back. He was a bit sad but just figured she was sleepy. Sakura was always moody when she was sleepy.

It was only later on, during the lunch break that he noticed that she was putting some distance between them.

"Sa-chan." he called out for her, only to see her turn on her back and go to the outside gardens with her lunchbox.

Yuzuru pouted but he wasn't just going to give up. He ran after her and called once again. "Sakura!"

"Leave me alone, Yuzuru." she said with a mad look that worried him right away.

He saw her sit down in the grass and take out her things, as if she was going to eat there once again, ignoring their deal to always eat lunch together.

"What's wrong?" he asked, tears in his eyes. The boy had been so excited to show her his medal that he couldn't understand how things had gone so bad.

"Just go away."


"I don't need your pity, Yuzuru! I'm fine all alone."

"Pity?" he asked. If anything, each word that left her mouth only confused him further. The skater had no idea what she was talking about.

"Yes! I don't need you to give me attention just because I'm alone and no one wants to be friends with me!"

"What are you talking about? I want to be friends with you!"

Sakura started crying like crazy, her period had started a few days ago and her hormones were being stupid, but most of all, she didn't want his pity. If being alone was how she was supposed to be, then she preferred that than to see all of the side eyes.

"Sa-chan..., don't cry." he begged her before kneeling by her side.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Let me make it better."

She just looked at him with her teary eyes in disbelief. After telling him to leave multiple times, the boy was still there. Not only ignoring all of her words but also worried about how she was. Sakura knew she didn't deserve him or his kind heart.

"I just told you to leave and this is what you do?" she asked him with a soft voice.

"I don't know what's going on, but everything was fine before which means that whatever this is, can't be a direct result of something that I've done."

She almost wanted to laugh at how he saw the situation from the logical side.

"Smart bastard." she muttered making him chuckle.

"That's better. I like you more when you're insulting me."

"Shut up..."

"I will when you tell me what happened."

"It's stupid."

"I don't care."

"I heard some things and thought they were true."

Yuzuru merely nodded disapprovingly in reaction before saying.

"Maybe next time, confirm them with me first."

"But you were away!"

"Then wait for me to come back before getting mad at me!" he joked.

"Okay, I will think about it."

He took his lunchbox and settled by her side, not even caring where they were, and told her to start eating.

Yuzuru had never been more thankful to see her smile than at that time. It meant that he was somehow forgiven from all of the craziness that he still couldn't understand how it began.

"What did they say?" he eventually asked after a while.

"That I was too ugly and that you were only friends with me out of pity."

He stopped eating suddenly when he heard those words. Why would anyone even say something like that? He was just hanging out with a friend.

"They are wrong. On both things." he said pointedly with a serious look.

"Remember how hard I fought for you to even talk to me?" he joked "It took a lot of games of Mario Kart!" The words made her giggle immediately, almost enough to make her forget how this madness had started."And also, you're the most beautiful girl in the school. They are just jealous that you can be pretty and smart at the same time"